Picture Card

(紙芝居 kamishibai):

When Money Moves,

February 1944

When Money Moves

(A National Policy Kamishibai)

Summary of the Story

The story emphasizes the critical role of small sacrifices, honest living, and saving money in supporting Japan's war effort against the Allies during the Greater East Asian War. Through dramatic and moralistic vignettes, it explores how individuals' actions, even seemingly small ones, contribute to the larger national cause.

The narrative follows several characters, including Toshie, a young factory worker, her protective and spendthrift mother, and a principled man named Ōno. Toshie's mother prioritizes material goods and lavish preparations for her daughter's future, but Ōno, a returned soldier and a moral guide, teaches the value of sacrifice and the danger of indulgence. He explains that every yen saved translates into planes, ships, and bullets for the war effort, and excessive consumption directly weakens Japan's ability to fight.

Ōno also confronts wayward young men, urging them to abandon gambling and idle pursuits to join the workforce, where their labor can contribute to victory. Through persuasion and heartfelt appeals, he convinces them that honest, disciplined living is essential for Japan's survival and success.

The story concludes with a passionate call to action, urging listeners to understand that the path of money is the path to the battlefield, and that each person's savings can become a weapon in the Greater East Asian War.

The Context

By January 1944, Japan was fighting a losing battle on multiple fronts. Struggling to replace lost ships, aircraft, and trained personnel, while U.S. military power continued to grow exponentially, its forces were retreating under relentless Allied advances. At home, civilians faced shortages, hardships, and declining morale. Despite propaganda efforts to inspire unity and resolve, the strain of war was becoming increasingly evident, signaling a grim future for Japan’s war effort. Some battlefield losses were now being made public to stiffen the people's resolve and prepare them for a prolonged war.

click on an image to enlarge

Card facing audience


貯金局推奨 高田保 原作『五本の指』より

大日本書劇株式會社  製作

When Money Moves

Recommended by the Savings Bureau

Based on "The Five Fingers"* an original work by Takada Tamotsu

Produced by Dai Nippon gageki kabushiki gaisha

*a script for a traveling play (idō engeki - a form of theater that uses simple stage setups, performed by a small troupe traveling to regions without theaters) promoting personal savings. 



When money moves [Okane ga arukeba]

 Total Scenes: 20 (including the cover)
Price: 3 yen, 90 sen
(Special Transaction Tax: 36 sen)
Shipping Fees: Domestic: 20 sen,

Overseas: 40 sen

Printed: February 1, Showa 19 (1944)

Published: February 10, Showa 19 (1944)

Second Edition: May 1, Showa 19 (1944)

Address: 8-1652 Mikawashima-cho, Arakawa-ku, Tokyo

Publisher and Author: Sawanobori Chiaki


Address: 8-1652 Mikawashima-cho, Arakawa-ku, Tokyo

Dai Nippon gageki kabushiki gaisha

Printer: Sawanobori Chiaki

Address: 8-1652 Mikawashima-cho, Arakawa-ku, Tokyo

Publishing Office: Dai Nippon gageki kabushiki gaisha

Telephone: Shitaya (83) 9538

Bank Transfer Account: Tokyo 81695


(Reproduction prohibited) (To-To 106) 

Credits and instructions to narrator and colophon



繪書・ 田口久作於 



Based on the original work Five Fingers by Takada Tamotsu [1895–1952]

When money moves [Okane ga arukeba]

Illustrations by Taguchi Hisaku?

Adaptation by Kobayashi Yoshio

1 (cover)


注意 (表紙の説明が済んだら最後の二 十場面の位置に戻して置くこと)

note to narrator:
(Once the explanation of the cover is completed, return it to the position of the final 20th scene.)





定價 金參圓九拾錢

(特別行爲稅 參拾六錢)

送料 (内地20外地40)





發行兼著作者 澤登千明



印刷者 澤登千明


發行所 大日本畫劇株式會社

電話下谷 (83) 九五三八番



東京・金羊社印行 (不許複製) (東東106)

Card facing audience

(spoken clearly and forcefully)
"The Greater East Asia War grows fiercer with each passing year, each passing day. We now face a true fight for survival or destruction. Factories across the nation are working tirelessly to ensure that our production never falls behind the enemy in either quantity or quality. Everyone is working desperately, and the production battle is truly fierce."

(while pulling the card)
"But is that alone enough?"

Narrator script and instructions





Card facing audience

[Narrator] (in a somewhat dejected tone):
Nishikawa from the labor department looks alternately at the savings passbook on his desk and the face of the factory worker, Takemura Senichi.

Nishikawa: "Takemura-kun, I've been waiting for you to come. Actually..."

Takemura (speaking quickly):
"I'm in a hurry, so please just give me my passbook."

Nishikawa (speaking slowly):
""We're both busy, but what's going on with your savings passbook? Everyone else's deposits are neatly lined up in the upper section, but yours is all uneven, like missing teeth. Is your life this irregular too?"

(while pulling the card)

Takemura: "I can't help it. Just give me my passbook."

[Narrator]: Takemura snatches his passbook from Nishikawa and leaves the room abruptly.

Narrator script and instructions


勞務課の西川さんは、机の上の貯金帳と、工員武村專一の顔を等分に見比べてから、 西川「武村君、君の来るのを待つてゐたんだが、實はねえ……」


武村 「僕は急いでゐるんですから、――通帳を下さい」




武村 は自分の貯金帳を引つたくるやうにして部屋から出て行きました。

Card facing audience

Nishikawa (with a perplexed expression):
"What a troublesome kid. Ueda-san, we’ll need to investigate that boy’s behavior at some point."

Ueda: "He used to be such a well-behaved, good young man. But lately, he's started to seem a bit delinquent—somehow not quite the same."

Nishikawa: "Delinquent? Well, we can't say that so easily. But we do need to keep an eye on him, or this could become a big problem. At another factory, when they investigated the savings passbooks of a group of delinquents, they found they were all constantly making withdrawals—just like Takemura-kun."

(while pulling the card)

Just then, the telephone rang with a loud riiiiing, riiiiing, riiiiing.

Narrator script and instructions


西川「困った子だ、上田さん、あの子の素行は、やつば り一度調べて見ないと、いかんてすねえ」

上田 以前はとても素直な、いゝ青年でしたがなあ、近頃は何となく不良じみて来たやうで――」

四川「不良? いや、さう簡單に云へまいが、兎に角氣をつけないと大變だ。或る工場て不良仲間の貯金帳を調べて見ると、皆な揃ひも揃つて拂ひ戻しをやつてゐたさうですよ、武村君のやうにね」



Card facing audience

Nishikawa: "Hello, hello, this is the labor department. Takemura-san? Oh, yes, he was here. And you are? Oh, his mother? Takemura-san has already left. No, he hasn't been working overtime recently. What? He's been telling you he's working overtime every night? That's concerning. Yes, we'll look into this—I'll come to you to discuss the situation directly. I’ll handle it. Who am I?

(shifting tone to a brighter, more cheerful demeanor)

 "Oh, this is Nishikawa speaking. I'm the supervisor in charge of his section, and I'm known for being a bit of a stickler. If you forget my name, just remember it's like scissors at the barber shop - chokkin-chokkin*. Yes, yes, understood."

(As the phone call ends)
"Making his poor mother worry—what an outrageous thing to do!"

* sound of scissors cutting, also a play on words with 貯金/chokin meaning 'savings'

Narrator script and instructions

西川「はい〱、こちらは勞務課ですが、武村さん? あゝ居ります。あなたは? あゝお母さんですか、武村さんはもう歸りました。いえ殘業はこのところ、武村さんやつて居りませんが、ほう毎晩殘業してゐるやうに云つてるんですか、そりや御心配ですーはい〱いづれこつちからお伺ひして事情を聞きませう。私で





Card facing audience


Female Worker Matsui (with a slight laugh): "Well, 'barber’s scissors'—what a funny nickname!"

 Nishikawa: "Oh, Matsui-san, were you here?"

 Female Worker Matsui: "I came to collect my savings passbook."

 Nishikawa (cheerfully): "But, Matsui-san, you’ve got me worried—not because you’re bad, but because you’re too good. I mean, I know what your salary is. Knowing that, your savings seem a bit... over the top. Forgive me for saying so, but think about it—there are some things you can cut back on in life, like makeup, movies, sweets, red bean soup, coffee and such. But then there are things you can’t really avoid. Like, say, what you eat every day, or the transportation costs to the factory."

 Female Worker Matsui: "Oh, I walk to work."

 Nishikawa (surprised tone): "You walk? From the address written in this passbook. That’s a lot! Four kilometers, maybe five? Saving on transport is one thing, but doing that every day must be exhausting!"

 Female Worker Matsui: "Well, my older brother is serving on the front lines. When I think of him…"

 Nishikawa: "Ah, I see. You’re thinking of your brother on the front lines and doing all you can to save. That’s admirable. Quite different from your friend Ishida-san*, I’d say."

*Toshie Ishida, female co-worker of Matsui

Narrator script and instructions






西川「然し、松井さん、あんたにも困りましたねえ、い や〱悪くて困るんぢやない、よすぎるから心配ですよ。失禮だが、あんたの給料は私にも判つてゐます。それだけに私はどうも無理な貯金だと思ふんですよ。つまり、お化粧だとか、映畵の見物、蜜豆、おしるこ、コーヒーとか人間の生活には、いろ〱節約できるものもあるが、然しどうしても、できんものもありますからねえ、毎日胃袋へ入れるものは勿論として、この工場へ通ふ交通費とか」



西川「歩いて? この通帳に書いてある住所から、―そりや大變だ、四キロ、いや五キロかな、交通費節約もいゝが、毎日ぢや大變てせう」

松井工女「私、兄が出征してゐるもんですから、それを思 ふと……」


Card facing audience

Nishikawa (cheerfully): "Ah, Ōno-kun, you’ve come at just the right time. You’re a veteran who returned from the front, aren’t you? We were just talking about remembering those on the front lines."

 Ōno: "Remembering? No, it’s not just about remembering—you have to follow their example."

Nishikawa: "Oh my, that's putting it the other way around! By the way, I’ve been meaning to ask you about something. You haven’t deposited your special allowance yet. What did you do with it?"

 Ōno: "Oh, that? I put it into a fixed savings account. I see the Greater East Asia War as a long-term battle, possibly lasting ten years. I decided to commit that allowance to fixed savings, thinking of it as my duty during that time. When I fulfill that duty, the savings will return to my hands with glorious war results."

 Nishikawa: "Ah, so it’s like a no-interest, long-term savings plan?"

Ōno: "It's petty to think about interest. They used to say money breeds money, but today, I believe savings give birth to Greater East Asia."

 Nishikawa (speaking a bit theatrically and with a higher tone): "Impressive, very impressive. As expected from a returned veteran. I’m deeply moved."

Ōno: "Please don’t praise me too much in front of the lady—I’m still single, you know."

 Nishikawa: "Lady? Oh, I still haven’t handed Matsui-san her passbook, have I? By the way, Ōno-san, are you really single?"

(While pulling the card)

"Oh my, no need to turn so red and run away!"

Narrator script and instructions



大野「偲ぶ? いや偲ぶだけでなく、それに倣つてくれなくちゃ」


大野「あゝ、あれですか。あれは定額貯金にしました。 大東亞戰爭を今後十年の長期戦と見て、その間自分の任務として思ひ切つて定額貯金にして置いたのです。さうすれば、その任務遂行の曉には貯金は赫々たる戰果を擧げて、私の手許に戻つて来るのです」

西川「ほゝう、そりやつまり利子のない据置貯金みたい なものですね」

大野「利子なんか考へてはケチですよ。そりや昔は、金 が金を産むと云はれましたが、今日の貯金は、大東亞を産むと自分は考へてゐるんです」



大野「女の人の前で餘り褒めないで下さい、これでまだ 獨り者ですからね」

西川「女の人? おゝ松井さんにはまだ通帳を渡してるませんでしたねえ。ところで大野さん、あんたは本當に濁り者ですか?



Card facing audience

Nishikawa (cheerfully): "Ueda-san, isn’t it great? Hearing he’s single and then turning red and running off like that!"

 Ueda: "It’s absolutely amusing. Looks like our delinquency investigation is turning into a marriage investigation!"

 Nishikawa: "Those two would make a perfect couple, don’t you think? Ueda-san, if this works out, they’ll be Japan’s top ‘savings couple.’ What a celebration that would be!"

 Ueda: "Exactly! It makes me want to raise a toast. How about a drink on the way home to celebrate in advance?"

 Nishikawa: "That sounds great!"

 Ueda: "Let’s do it, then!"

 Nishikawa: "Ah, wait a minute, no, no! Instead of drinking, let’s put the money into savings. That’s the point, isn’t it?"

Narrator script and instructions




西川「あの二人なら、全く似合の夫婦ですねえ。上田さ ん、これが纒つたら日本一の貯金夫婦で目出度いですよ」

上田「さうですとも、祝盃でもあげたくなりましたな。 前祝にどうです、今日歸りに一杯と行きますか」




Card facing audience

(shifting tone)
Ishida Toshie’s mother listens to her daughter recounting what happened at the factory, growing increasingly angry.

 Mother (in a slightly angry voice): "So, Toshie, you’re saying it’s wrong to withdraw your own savings to buy the things you’ll need for your marriage? What kind of nonsense is that? Isn’t that why we’ve been saving in the first place? Right, Jūkichi-san, wouldn’t you agree?"

Jūkichi [a matchmaker]: "Well, Otami-san, I heard on the radio the other day that savings turn into airplanes, warships, cannons, and bullets. They said withdrawing money was discouraged."

Mother: "But is it really wrong to buy the things a daughter needs when she gets married?"

Jūkichi: "Stockpiling isn’t good, you know. By the way, Toshie-chan, have you made up your mind?"

Mother: "If it’s settled, I’ll have her quit the factory!"

Jūkichi: "Now, now, that kind of thinking is the real problem here!"

Narrator script and instructions






母 「だつて、娘が嫁入りする時のいろな道具を買 つとくのがいけないのか知ら」




Card facing audience

Daughter [Ishida Toshie] (speaking in a somewhat surprised voice): "Oh, Ōno-san, are you heading somewhere?"

 Ōno: "Ah, who’s this? Oh, it’s Ishida-san. Do you live around here?"

 Daughter: "Yes, right here. Is your house nearby too?"

 Ōno: "No, actually, I came to visit a friend, but unfortunately he's playing mahjong right now - it's Takemura-kun, you know him, right?"

 Daughter: "Yes, I do. I saw him the other day walking around the night stalls with some unsavory characters. Did you go to visit Mr. Takemura?"

 Ōno: "It's actually his friend's house. Seems Takemura-kun has been staying there occasionally."

 Daughter: "A friend? You mean the delinquent who lives in that apartment down the road? I often see Takemura-san hanging out with those people."

Narrator script and instructions




娘 「えこよ。大野さんの家もこのお近く?」


 娘 「え知つてるわ。この前いやな奴らと夜店を歩いてゐたわ。武村さんとこへ来たの」


娘 「友達つて、この先のアバートにゐる不良でせう。 武村さん、よくその人たちと歩いてゐるわ」

Card facing audience


Jūkichi (speaking cheerfully and lightly): "Well, well, is this someone from the same factory as Toshie-chan? Please, have a seat and join me for a smoke. It’s Kinshi tobacco."

Ōno: "Ah, thank you, but I don’t smoke. I quit as soon as I was called up for service."

Jūkichi: "Oh, a returned soldier, I see. That’s quite rare. So, do you specialize in drinking then?"

Ōno: "No, I gave that up completely on December 8th* as well. War has a way of teaching you discipline."

Jūkichi: "But just a little wouldn’t hurt, would it?"

Ōno: "No, that’s exactly the problem. A little here, a little there—it all adds up. Let me put it simply: take this electric light, for example. Even though it’s a low-wattage bulb, if everyone in the country went to bed an hour earlier or made sure to turn off lights when leaving a room, the saved electricity would be enough to produce fifty-five airplanes."

Jūkichi (speaking in a surprised voice): "What? Just one hour could do that?"

*The day the United States declared war on Japan.

Narrator script and instructions


重吉「これは、おトシちやんと同じ工場の方ですか。 さあ、おかけになつて、一本どうです。金鵄ですが」









Card facing audience

Ōno: "That’s why, on December 8th, I drew a crude picture of Churchill and Roosevelt offering sake and tobacco. Honestly, the fact that Japanese people are guzzling alcohol and puffing away on cigarettes is exactly what the enemy would want.

"People say, 'It’s just a cigarette,' but it’s no trivial matter. One cigarette becomes one hundred million cigarettes across 100 million people. Even if only one in ten people smoke, that's 10 million cigarettes. In Kinshi brand terms, that's 230,000 yen. For Hikari brand, it's 450,000 yen. Think what would happen if we directed those resources and labor toward production instead.”

 Jūkichi (sounding impressed): "Ah, I see - this is good information to hear. So even those of us with no connection to factories can contribute to increased production."

Ōno: "Exactly! Very much so!"

The card picturing Churchill and Roosevelt serving up sake and cigarettes reads: 

1.000万本 23万聞 1.000万本 45万圓

10,000,000 units [Kinshi brand cigarettes], 230,000 yen

10,000,000 units [Hikari brand cigarettes], 450,000 yen

Narrator script and instructions




重吉 「なあるほど、こりやいことを聞きました。する。と工場に何の關係もない我々でも、増産には關係があるわけですねえ」


Card facing audience


Mother (speaking rapidly in an exaggerated tone): "Toshie, look here. The winter kimono I ordered from Iseya has arrived. The pattern isn’t bad, is it?"

Daughter (as if trying to avoid the topic – looking bothered): "Mother, I really don’t need a new kimono. Ōno-san is watching, you know."

Mother (as if upset): "Goodness, what’s gotten into you? I went through the trouble of ordering it to make you happy, and now you’re worried about what others think? You’re getting married, and you’re using your own money for the preparations—what’s there to feel awkward about?"

Jūkichi: "Oh, Ōno-san, is this another example of Roosevelt’s influence? No, wait, since we’re talking about a woman, perhaps it’s more like Song Meiling*."

 [Narrator (while pulling the card)]: At that moment, Takemura arrived, accompanied by his delinquent friends.

* Song Meiling [Madame Chiang](1897–2003) wife of China's Chiang Kai-shek.

Narrator script and instructions




娘 「お母さん、私着物の新調なんて結構よ。大野さんが見てゐるぢやないの」


母 「まあ、この子つたら、お母さんが折角喜ばさうと思つて頼んでおいたのに、誰に遠慮がいるもんかね。お嫁に行くお前さんが、自分のお金で仕度をするんぢやないかね」

重吉 「おや、大野さん、これもルーズヴエルトですかな、いや、これは女だから宋美齢かも知れませんなあ」



Card facing audience

Misawa (as if ready to pounce): "You’ve got some business here, huh? Let’s hear it. I’m this guy’s big brother, so to speak."

Ōno: "I’ve got no business with you. — Takemura-kun, your mother came by my boarding house, worried about you."

 Misawa (spitting the words out): "Mind your own business!"

Ōno: "It’s not meddling. Think about it — while you guys are busy playing mahjong…"

 Misawa (quickly interrupting): "Yeah, yeah, I get it. You’re gonna say the soldiers are out there fighting on the front lines, right?"

 Ōno (calmly but firmly): "It’s more than that. American industrial workers are desperately building airplanes. If we stop to think about what war really means, there’s no way we could justify this kind of foolish behavior."

 Misawa (roughly): "What did you say? Foolish behavior, huh?"

Ōno: "That’s right. What part of your insect-like lifestyle contributes to the war effort? If anything, it’s hindering it."

Misawa: "You’ve got some nerve saying that, you bastard!"

Ōno: "What? You gonna hit me? Go ahead, do it. Don’t you understand whose body this is? Our bodies belong to the Emperor — they’ve been offered up to him. Well? You’re not gonna do it? Then fine. But remember, you’re Japanese too. Japan — the land of Yamato, the land of great harmony. There’s no room for fights among fellow Japanese. Now, if you get it, reach out your hand. Let’s shake on it, shall we?"

Narrator script and instructions















大野「毆る氣か。うん、やるならやれ。我々日本人の體が、どなたのものであるかといふことが判󠄁らんのか。我々の體は、お上に捧げてあるんだぞ。おい、やらないのか、やれなけりやそれでい。君たちも日本人だ。 日本――つまり大和の國、大なる和の國に、日本人同志の喧嘩なぞあつてはならない。さあ、判󠄁つたら手を出したまへ、握り合はうちやないか」

Card facing audience

Misawa (after a brief pause): "I see. I get it now. We were wrong,"
and he firmly grasped Ōno’s hand.

Ōno: "Thank you for understanding. Oh, what a solid, impressive hand. Letting such strong hands sit idle is a waste. Every factory out there would want hands like these. Hands like these are the ones truly fighting the Greater East Asia War."

(After another brief pause)
Misawa (after another brief pause): "All right, I understand. From now on, we’ll entrust ourselves entirely to you."

Ōno: "Good. Then I’ll take responsibility. But there’s one condition. You must promise not to spend a single penny beyond what you need for living expenses. Can you do that?"

Misawa: "But… what’s wrong with spending the money we earned ourselves?"

Ōno: "You still don’t get it, do you? Takemura-kun, what about you? Oh, you’re crying. So you do understand, right? Using money frivolously poisons a person little by little. That’s the point. I don’t want to see your lives twisted back into idleness again."

 Misawa (after a slight pause, with clarity): "I understand. I promise."

Ōno: "Thank you. All right, let’s head to our factory manager’s house. Starting tomorrow, we’re going to work hard!"

Narrator script and instructions







三澤 「だつて、自分でとつた金位自分で使つたつて……」



三澤 「わかった、約束しよら」


Card facing audience

Jūkichi (happily): "Watching that really made my heart feel lighter."

Mother: "Truly admirable. And on top of that, he’s single. I wonder if he’d consider marrying our Toshie."

Jūkichi: "Well, who knows? But with a mother-in-law like you, Otami-san, who’s always eager to buy things, it might not work out."

Mother: "But I’m only doing it for my child..."

(while pulling the card)
Mother: "Oh my, Toshie, are you crying?"

Narrator script and instructions








Card facing audience

([Narrator] shifting tone): It was break time at the factory.

Misawa (cheerfully): "Ōno-san, ever since I started thinking of working as my duty, my heart has felt so refreshed, and every single day has become so enjoyable."

Ōno: "Is that so? That makes all the effort I’ve put into helping you worthwhile. And when you think about it, the bullet that killed Admiral Yamamoto was crafted by American industrial workers. The weapons that shattered the Yamasaki Unit and the brave men at Tarawa and Makin were also made by those same industrial workers.* Knowing that, there’s no way we can just sit idly by."

Misawa: "Exactly. I’ve realized that even the smallest tasks we do here are directly part of the fight against our enemies, the Americans and the British."

*The Yamasaki Unit refers to the unit under the command of Colonel Yasuyo Yamasaki who launched a suicide attack on US forces at Tarawa in the Aleutian Islands. Makin is in the Gilbert Islands.

Narrator script and instructions







Card facing audience

([Narrator] changing tone, quietly): At that time, Jūkichi the matchmaker was visiting the factory on behalf of Toshie’s mother and was meeting with Nishikawa from the labor department.

Nishikawa: "So, you’re saying you want to pair Ōno-san with Ishida Toshie-san? But I doubt Ōno-san will agree to that. First of all, with a mother like hers, it’s unlikely."

Jūkichi: "No, Otami-san is a very kind-hearted person. She gets along well with the neighbors, and I’ve seen it for myself…"

Nishikawa: "It’s that ‘getting along’ of hers that’s the issue. The other day, when I visited about her daughter’s savings, she immediately went and bought some mitsu-mame [sweet beans] from somewhere. But let me tell you, it wasn’t even sweet—it should be called mizu-mame [bland beans] instead. Still, she offered it as though it were a treat. It made me think, 'Ah, this woman doesn’t understand that when money moves, goods disappear.'"

Jūkichi (surprised): "Huh? ‘When money moves, goods disappear’? What does that mean?"

Nishikawa: "Exactly that. Take fifty sen to the mitsu-mame shop. That’s fifty sen worth of agar, beans, and even a little sugar that’s now gone. That mother of hers talks about buying a chest of drawers and new clothes for her daughter, but every time money moves, goods disappear. That’s how it adds up."

Jūkichi: "Well, that may be true, but in her case, it’s all for her daughter’s bridal preparations, isn’t it?"

Nishikawa: "And that’s the issue. If money keeps moving, even the groom will disappear. Do you understand? Besides, I hear Ōno-san already has someone else he’s decided on."

Narrator script and instructions





西川 「その附合ひといふ奴ですょ。此の間あの娘の貯金のことで、出かけて行つたら、直ぐ、どこからか蜜豆を買つて来たが、いや、水豆と云つた方がい、兎に角甘くも何ともない、その蜜豆を、御愛想のつもりで出してくれたが、あこの人は金が歩けば、物がなくなるつて事を知らないなと私は思つたよ」





西川「そこですよ。金が歩けば、お婿さんもなくなるのですよ。判りますか。それに大野さんには、もう決つ だ人があるらしいですよ」

Card facing audience


Jūkichi: "Now that you mention it, that’s exactly right. When you think about it, what Otami-san did out of love for her daughter is completely backwards. Instead of supporting her, she's actually holding her back."

[Narrator:] When Jūkichi left the labor department, the bell signaling the end of the break rang out, and the workers who had been resting began returning to their stations one by one. At that moment, what caught Jūkichi’s eye was the sight of Ōno and Matsui Satoko walking side by side, shoulder to shoulder, among the others heading back to work.

 Jūkichi (with a surprised look): "Ah, it’s Ōno. So that’s how it is. Well, no matter how much of a matchmaker I am, there’s nothing I can do about this."
And so, Jūkichi could only stand there, staring blankly as he watched them disappear from view.

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Card facing audience

 ([Narrator] shifting tone, voice rising): "Now, there is only one path for money to take. That is the path of saving, which leads directly to the battlefield.

"Every individual’s savings transforms into airplanes, ships, or bullets that make their way to the battlegrounds to crush America and Britain. When we think about how these contributions echo back to us as great victories in no time at all, it becomes clear that sending even one more plane, one more ship, or one more bullet to the front lines is our great responsibility."

(raising voice even higher)
"Send them! The planes, the ships, the bullets...!"

|The End|

Narrator script and instructions


さて、お金が目ざして歩く道は一つしかない。それは貯蓄への道であり、戰場へつづく道なのです。 一人一人の貯蓄が、飛行機となり、艦となり、或は彈丸となって、米英撃滅の戰場へ、そして、それが、こだまのやうに忽ち大戰果となつて返つて来る事を思へば、一機、一艦、一彈でも餘計に戰場へ送ることこそ、私たちの大なる責務です。


