Engei shashinchō

Volume 4, 1924

Selected Pages from Engei shashinch Volume 4, Number 1, January 1, 1925

IHL Cat. #2774

click on image to enlarge

Engei shashinchō* Volume 4, Number 1

演藝寫真帖 第四卷 第一

cover art (lithograph):

Nakamura Ganjirō [I] as Kumagai Naozane


artist: Natori Shunsen 名取春仙 (1886-1960)

signed: 春仙画 Shunsen ga; sealed: no seal


published: January 1, Taishō 14 (1925)

publishing company: Engei shunjūsha, Osaka branch**

大正十年一月一日 發行

發賣所 演藝春秋社大阪支

* Note revised name

** Note new publisher

overall size: approx. 8 9/16 x 11 7/8 in. (21.8 x 30.1 cm)



演藝春秋社 同人

編輯部 一同

印刷部 一同

支局 一同

New Year's Greetings

New Year's Day, Taishō 14 (1925)

From all of us at Engei shunjūsha 

Editorial department

Printing department

Branch Offices

口繪 三十六家選 (その一)


Frontispiece (color lithograph)

Thirty-Six Selected Actors (No. 1)

Onoe Kikugorō [VI] as Soga Gorō Tokimune 

artist: Natori Shunsen 名取春仙 (1886-1960), signed 春仙 Shunsen with 名 na seal




Hōgakuzā [Asakusa, Tokyo] December performance

(Oshichi and Kichiza)
Scene at the main hall of Kichijō-ji Temple


A new play by Hideo Nagata [1885-1949]


Onoe Eizaburō [VII] as Oshichi, the greengrocer’s daughter

市川男女藏  — 寺小姓吉三
Ichikawa Omezō [IV] as Kichiza, the temple page

當世人氣俳優 (そ の 八)


Contemporary Popular Actors (No. 8) - 

Mr. Nakamura Kaisha [1876-1945]

The brief biography below the photo tells us that he made his stage debut at the age of six and that as he matured he performed a wide range of roles, from elderly characters to prominent female roles, demonstrating his versatility and skill.

[Kaisha was to meet a tragic death during the Osaka air raids on March 13-14, 1945, perishing in the air raid shelter at his home while holding his grandson.]


December performance at the Naniwa-za


(Kuruwa bunshō - Love letters from the pleasure quarters)




Tokiwazu Company*, Nagauta Company*, Takemoto Company*

*musical ensembles that accompany the performance

片岡我童 藤屋伊左衛門

Kataoka Gadō [IV] as Fujiya Izaemon

中村扇雀 扇屋夕霧

Nakamura Senjaku [I] as Ogiya Yūgiri

Left margin commentary: Kuruwa bunshō

At the Naniwa-za, the Yoshidaya [Osaka geisha house] takes the spotlight. This piece features the . . . traditional year-end mochi-pounding festivities. In it, Izaemon, dressed in a paper coat, meets [the famed courtesan] Yūgiri, who is suffering due to the affection of Yoshidaya’s proprietor, Kizaemon (Mitsugorō). Their flirtations set the stage for a joyous celebration of the coming spring.


(賢き馬鹿 [かしこきばか])

December performance at the Imperial Theater (Kashikoki baka - The wise fool)


A work by Tarōkaja

[Masuda Tarōkaja 益田太郎冠 1875-1953]

from left to right:

友右衛門 春野文雄

Tomoemon as Haruno Fumio?

[Ōtani Tomoemon VI 大谷友右衛門]

律子 夫人喜美代  

Ritsuko as Mrs. Kimiyo

[Mori Ritsuko 森律子 (1890-1961)]

幸四郎 實業家加藤

Kōshirō as  the industrialist Katō

[Matsumoto Kōshirō VII 松本幸四郎]

升藏 伯〓中井

Masuzō as Count ? Nakai 

[Ichikawa Masuzō IV 市川升蔵 (1897-1985)]

Right margin summary: Kashikoki baka

(edited partial translation)

A typical lighthearted Tarō Kaja-style skit billed as "farcical comedy," [ァーシカル・コメディー] originally scheduled to debut on the night of the Great Earthquake but instead revived a year after the reconstruction as a kind of commemorative performance. They spared no expense on Western music to make it as lively and vibrant as possible, with one highlight being a parody of Madame Pavlova’s Dying Swan, featuring a comically clumsy domesticated duck.


(棒しばり) (文七元結)

 Hōgaku-za December performance
([right] shibari) ([left] Bunshichi mottoi)

岡村柿紅氏作 所作事 長唄囃子連中

Dance play (choreography) by

Mr. Okamura Shikō [1881-1925]

Accompanied by Nagauta Hayashi musicians

菊五郎 次郎冠者

[right] Kikugorō as Jirō Kaja

[Onoe Kikugorō VI 尾上菊五郎]

菊五郎 左官長五郎

[left] Kikugorō as Sakan Chōgorō

[Onoe Kikugorō VI 尾上菊五郎]



Kyoto Minami-za December East-West Combined Grand Performance

(Iromoyō chotto karimame - Sensual colors, going to cut beans)


[Music] performed by the Kiyomoto renjū 

與右衛門 — 市村羽左衛門

Ichimura Uzaemon [XV] as Yoemon

Left margin commentary: Iromoyō chotto karimame

(edited partial translation)

Ichimura Uzaemon [XV] is playing Yoemon opposite Onoe Baikō [in the role of Kasane], in the dance scene Kesa Kakematsu Narita no Riken (A surplice-hanging pine and the sharp sword of narita) in the play Iro Moyō Chotto Karimame (Sensual colors, going to cut beans)]. Since this performance is frequently staged in Tokyo, it has often been featured in Engei Shashinchō. When performed in Osaka, it must have stirred great excitement among the people of the region.

演技座の新國劇澤田と其一黨 (荒神山)

The New National Theater [Shinkokugeki] at the Engi-za [Asakusa, Tokyo]: Sawada and His Troupe (Kōjinyama)

神田伯山師口演 瀨英一氏脚色

Narration by Master Kanda Hakuzan

Adaptation by Seto Eiichi

吉良の仁吉 — 澤田正二郎 [right]

Kira no nikichi — played by Sawada Shōjirō

[Sawada Shōjirō 澤田正二郎 — founder and leader of Shinkokugeki]

門井門之助 — 鳥居正 [left]

Kadoi Kadonosuke (Monnosuke) — Played by Tadashi Torii

[Tadashi Torii 鳥居正 (1899-?)]

Right margin commentary: Kōjinyama

(edited partial translation)

The raid at Kōjinyama from Shimizu jirōchō no uchi was presented with the usual exhilarating flair characteristic of the Shinkokugeki style. Additionally, the works Kaeriuchi by Oka Eiichirō 岡榮一郎 (1890-1966) and Ren'aibyō kanja by Kikuchi Kan 菊池寛 (1888-1948) were performed. 



Tokiwa-za December performance, Dōshi-za Theater Troupe*

(Kōya no gijin – The virtuous man of Kōya) 

中里介山氏原作  清見陸郎氏脚色

Original Work by Nakazato Kaizan (1885-1944)

Adapted by Kiyomi Rokurō (1896-?)

娘雪野** [芳野] — 岡田嘉子

Okada Yoshiko [1918-1986] as Yoshino

〓良春** [良道] — 山田隆彌

Yamada Takaya [1890-1978] as Ryōshun [Ryōdō]

* Dōshi-za was a short-lived theater (and film) troupe established in September 1924 and dissolved in late 1926. Founders included Yamada Takaya 山田隆弥, Sasaki Tsumoru 佐々木積 (1885-1945), Okada Yoshiko 岡田嘉子 and Tanaka Keiji 田中介二 [1886-1962]

[source: https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E5%90%8C%E5%BF%97%E5%BA%A7]

** The characters being played by the actors are incorrect, likely a misprint. The character being played by Okada Yoshiko is 芳野 Yoshino, the fiancée of Shinemon’s son Shinkurō, and the character being played by Yamada Takaya is the monk in training Ryōdō as is written in the commentary in the left margin. (See Commentary following)

Left margin commentary: Kōya no Gijin

Written by Nakazato Kaizan, this long novel, like The Daibosatsu Pass, was once serialized in the Miyako Shimbun. The late Takada Minoru [1871-1916] performed the role of [the monk in training] Ryōdō, alongside Kawai [Kawai Takeo 河合武雄 (1877-1942)]  as Yoshino and Ii [Ii Yōhō 1871-1932] as [the depraved monk] Ryōshun, achieving great success at the Hongō-za theatre with a full house. This play, with a historical reputation, is now being performed by the Dōshi-za with tremendous effort, drawing packed audiences daily—a truly celebratory sight. 

 The illustration depicts [the monk in training] Ryōdō, captivated by the pure-hearted Yoshino, whom he sees bound by villains. Despite her purity, he is on the verge of falling into the depths of despair.

Synopsis of the novel

Kōya no Gijin

source: 近代日本における自己探求と国家意識 : 北村透谷・石川啄木・中里介山 by Kodera Masatoshi, Osaka University, 2013 https://hdl.handle.net/11094/24952 [accessed 11-19-24]

In The virtuous man of Kōya, the story interweaves the actions of Totani Shin’emon, a headman of temple lands who petitions against the oppressive governance of Mount Kōya during the Kyōhō era, and the support he receives from the wandering samurai Yokokawa Sanae. Alongside this are the romantic elements involving the corrupt monk Ryōshun, the love between Shin’emon’s son Shinkurō and his betrothed Yoshino, and the eventual union of Sanae with Okane from Sakura chaya. Shin’emon petitions directly to Shogun Tokugawa Yoshimune, but he is ultimately sent back to Mount Kōya, where he is executed by being crushed under stones. However, the shogunate’s secret investigation progresses quietly, and the villainous monk Gakudō, who believed he had won, eventually falls from grace. The story concludes with Shinkurō succeeding his late father as the headman, bringing about a satisfying resolution.



Tokiwa-za December performance, Dōshi-za Theater Troupe

(Kōya no gijin – The virtuous man of Kōya)

中里介山氏原作  清見陸郎氏脚色

Original Work by Nakazato Kaizan (1885-1944)

Adapted by Kiyomi Rokurō (1896-?)

Right to left:

櫻茶屋のお兼 — 六條浪子

Rokujō Namiko [1902-1982] as Okane of Sakura Chaya

鄉士戶谷新右衛門 金井謹之助

Kanai Kin'nosuke [?-?] as Country Samurai [the village headman] Toya Shinemon

伜新九郎 — 田中介二

Tanaka Keiji [1886-1962] as [Shinemon’s] Son Shinkurō

浪人橫川早苗 — 森英次郎 [森英治郎]

Mori Eijirō [1887-1945] as Rōnin Yokokawa Sanae


Collection of Star Actors

1 傳二郎の次郎吉 - Denjirō [Okōchi Denjirō 大河内傳次郎 1898-1962] as Jirokichi 

2 芝鶴のおせん - Shikaku [Nakamura Shikaku II 中村芝鶴 (1900-1981)] as Osen 

3 扇雀の新三耶 - Senjaku [Nakamura Senjaku I 中村扇雀  (1902-1983)] as Shinmiya  

4 福太郎の初花姫 - Fukutarō [Nakamura Fukutarō 中村福太郎 (1898-1970)] as Hatsuhana-hime  

5 千代之助の大助 - Chiyonosuke [Kataoka Chiyonosuke 片岡千代之助 (1904-1994)]as Daisuke  [Kataoka Chiyonosuke 片岡千代之助 1904-1994]

6 長三郎の新三郎 - Chōzaburō‏ as Shinzaburō [Sawamura Chōzaburō VII 澤村長三郎  (1889-?)]

7 延太郎のおまき - Entarō [Jitsukawa Entarô III 實川延太郎 (1906-1941)] as Omaki 

8 玨蔵の八十之進 - Kakuzō [Arashi Kakuzō V 嵐玨藏 (嵐珏蔵) (1900-1980)] as Yajinoshin  

9 英のお花 -Hanabusa [Hanabusa Tarō I 英太郎 (ハナブサ タウ) (1885-1972)] as Ohana

10 友三郎の直侍 - Tomosaburō [Ōtani Tomosaburō 大谷友三郎 (1899-1971)] as Naosuke  

11 自來也の舞臺[舞台]、梅島、松本 等 - Performance of Jiraiya with Umejima [Umejima Noboru 梅島昇 1887-1943], Matsumoto [Taisuke Matsumoto 松本泰輔 (1885-1940s)] , et. al.

12 荒神山の舞臺[舞台]、澤田の仁吉、上田の大政、南の小政 等 - Performance of Kōjinyama with Sawada [Sawada Shōjirō 澤田正二郎 (1892-1929)] as Nikichi, Ueda [Ueda Kichijirō 上田吉二郎 (1904-1972)] as Omasa, Minami? as Komasa, et. al.

13 戀愛病患者の舞臺、澤田の父、鈴木の兄、山路の姉 等 -Performance of Ren'aibyō kanja (Love is a sickness), with Sawada [Sawada Shōjirō 澤田正二郎 (1892-1929)]  as the father, Suzuki? as the brother, and Yamaji [Yamaji Chieko 山路千枝子(1897-1942)] as the sister, et. al.

Colophon and Notes to Readers

Colophon Details

Engei Shashinchō (Performing arts photographic album), Volume 4, Issue 1

Set price: 60 sen
(Member price: 50 sen)

New territories (shin ryōdo*): 70 sen

Postage: 1 sen

* the Japanese colonies of Korea, Taiwan, Southern Sakhalin Island, Kuril Islands, South Pacific Mandate


Approved as Third-Class Mail on April 1, 1924

Printed and bound on December 25, 1924

Issued on January 1, 1925

(Issued once a month on the first day) 


Editor and Publisher: Nakajima Ya?

83 Ichioka-chō, Nishi-ku, Osaka City


Printer: Iijima Shōichi 

3-27 Midori-machi, Honjo-ku, Tokyo City

Printing office: Kanaya Printing Office

3-27 Midori-machi, Honjo-ku, Tokyo City


Head office: Engei shunjūsha

179 Komagome Hayashi-machi, Hongō-ku, Tokyo City

Publishing Office: Engei shunjūsha, Osaka Branch

83 Ichoka-machi, Nishi-ku, Osaka City

Branch Office: Engei shunjūsha, Osaka Branch

Nawaida, Tennoji, Osaka

Colophon Transcription

演藝寫 第四卷第一號

















印刷人 飯島省


印刷所 金谷印刷所



社 演藝春秋社


發行所 演藝春秋大阪支社



Back cover

The flower-hat dance from Musume Dojoji

Hanako, a shirabyōshi, wears a large circular hat and in each hand she holds a furidashigasha, a slightly smaller replica of the circular hat she wears, but each furidashigasha turns out to be three linked hats which she flings out while dancing a kasaodori (flower hat dance). 

Selected Pages from Engei shashinch Volume 4, Number 2, February 1, 1925

IHL Cat. #2775

click on image to enlarge

Engei shashinchō Volume 4, Number 2

演藝寫真帖 第四卷 第

cover art (lithograph):

Onoe Baikō [VI] as Togashi Saemon

[in the play Kanjinchō (The Subscription List)] 



artist: Natori Shunsen 名取春仙 (1886-1960)

signed: 春仙 Shunsen ga; sealed: no seal


published: February 1, Taishō 14 (1925)

publishing company: Engei Shunjūsha, Osaka Branch

大正十年一月二日 發行

發賣所 大正通信社大阪支社

overall size: approx. 8 9/16 x 11 7/8 in. (21.8 x 30.1 cm)

Notes to Readers

The festive mood of early spring, with sake-induced cheer and merriment from mochi celebrations, seems to have everyone, drinkers and non-drinkers alike, in high spirits. Perhaps for this reason, theaters—whether spacious or small—have been packed to capacity, and filming activities have been busier than ever. Amidst the editorial team's struggles with deadlines, this issue's publication has been slightly delayed compared to usual. However, we believe the rich content more than compensates for it.

Thanks to your support, the New Year's issue has been a great success, following the December special edition's expanded print run and robust sales. In particular, the novel and striking new feature on actors' costume-themed games received tremendous acclaim, bringing great pride and joy to everyone involved in this publication.

口繪 三十六家選 (その)


Frontispiece (color lithograph)

Thirty-Six Selected Actors (No. 2)

Jitsukawa Enjaku [II]  as Ume no Yoshibei

artist: Natori Shunsen 名取春仙 (1886-1960), signed 春仙画 Shunsen ga with paulownia seal

歌舞伎座一月狂言 (連獅子)


Kabuki-za January performance (Renjishi)
Written by Kawatake Mokuami

親獅子 — 市村羽左衛門

Parent Lion — Ichimura Uzaemon [XV]

子獅子 —  市村家橘

Child Lion — Ichimura Kakitsu [VII]

當世人氣俳優 (その )


Contemporary Popular Actors (No. 9) - 

Mr. Ichikawa Sumizō [VI (1886-1971]

Translation of artist's biography in bottom margin

His real name was Ōta Teruzō. He was born in July of 1886 (Meiji 19) in Nihonbashi Kakigara-chō. In 1892 (Meiji 25), he became a disciple of the late Kodanji [Ichikawa Kodanji V] and performed under the name [Ichikawa] Takamaru. The following year, he made his stage debut at the Meiji-za theater, portraying Omitsu, the daughter in Hakone shika fue, in the company led by the previous Sadanji [Ichikawa Sadanji I] and Shūchō [Bandō Shūchō II].

Later, he changed his name to [Ichikawa] Komanosuke. In 1910 (Meiji 43), he was adopted by the previous Sumizō [Ichikawa Sumizō V] and took the name Ichikawa Tōshō. In 1912 (Meiji 45), he succeeded Sumizō [becoming Ichikawa Sumizō VI] at the Meiji-za, performing Sumi nuri onna as the commemorative play for his name succession.

From then on, he became an indispensable member of the current Sadanji’s troupe. In November 1922 (Taishō 11), he organized the children's theater Kosuzume-za while also becoming the leader of the Shōchiku Boys' Group.

His repertoire was vast, excelling not only as a female-role actor (onnagata) but also in romantic leads and central roles. Among his standout performances were the role of Genza in Toribeyama and the samurai lord Zakōji in Gozonji Gonin Otoko.* His execution of dances and movements was notably skilled, with Musume Dōjōji being a particularly favored specialty.

*according to the Showakan Digital Archive 昭和館デジタルアーカイブについて the name of the play was "Gozonji Azuma Otoko" 御存知東男. https://search.showakan.go.jp/search/magazine/detail.php?material_cord=100016163 [accessed 11-23-24]


(戀飛脚大和往來 [恋飛脚大和往来]) 

Osaka Naka-za January performance (Koibikyaku Yamato orai [Koi no tayori Yamato orai] - The courier of love on the Yamato highway*) 


Scene: Izutsuya garden entrance

遊女梅川 魁車

Courtesan Umegawa — Kaisha

[Nakamura Kaisha 中村魁車]

龜屋忠兵衛 雁治郎

Kameya Chūbei — Ganjirō

[Nakamura Ganjirô I 中村鴈治郎]

*also seen translated as The money courier from hell



Exterior of the newly constructed Kabuki-za and Kabuki-za January performance

(Ieyasu no nyūkoku - Ieyasu's arrival) 


Scene: Odawara Tokugawa encampment


Stage Direction by: Matsui Shōō [1870-1933]


Written by: Kido Okamoto [1872-1939]


Tokugawa Ieyasu — Nakamura Utaemon [V]


Sakakibara Koheita Yasumasa — Ichikawa Sumizō [VI]

Left margin commentary on the reconstruction of the Kabuki-za

During its renovation, the Kabuki-za was struck by the Great Earthquake. Fortunately, the framework remained intact, allowing reconstruction to proceed smoothly. The completion ceremony was held on January 4, 1925 (Taishō 14). The building was designed by Okada Shinichirō of the Tokyo School of Fine Arts, blending Nara and Momoyama styles with Western influences to create a new national architectural style. This magnificent edifice was crafted to uphold the prestige of being Japan's premier theater.

帝國劇場一月狂言 (桂川連理柵) (奴凧廓春風)

Imperial Theatre January performance
(Katsuragawa renri no shigarami - The Katsura River and the eternal bonds of love / Yakko dako sato no Harukaze – A kite shaped like a footman

虎石町帶屋の場 / 空中の場

Scene at the obi shop in Toraishi town / Scene in the air

帶屋長右衛門 — 幸四郎

Obiya Chōemon — Kōshirō

[Matsumoto Kōshirō VII 松本幸四郎]

信濃屋お半 宗十郎

Shinanoya Ohan — Sōjūrō

[Sawamura Sōjūrō VII 澤村宗十郎]

奴凧 勘彌

Yakko dako (footman) — Kan'ya

[Morita Kan’ya 森田勘彌 XIII]

大阪中座一月狂言 (寺子屋) (戀飛脚)

Osaka Naka-za January performance
(Terakoya) (Koibikyaku)

松王女房千代 — 福助

Matsuō's Wife Chiyō — Fukusuke

[Nakamura Fukusuke IV 中村福助]

遊女梅川 — 魁車

Courtesan Umekawa — Kaisha

[Nakamura Kaisha 中村魁車]

井筒屋おえん ― 福助

Izutsuya Oen — Fukusuke

[Nakamura Fukusuke IV 中村福助]

Left margin commentary

(translation and transcription)

[Nakamura] Ganjirō played Matsuō, while Fukusuke portrayed Chiyō. As always, Fukusuke delivered a polished performance, embodying both grace and charm, making him an excellent Chiyō. Kaisha’s portrayal of Umekawa was also stunning, with beauty and exceptional skill in his acting, leaving nothing to be desired. Fukusuke’s performance as Oen was effortless, capturing the character’s good-natured personality with ease, leaving the audience deeply moved.



(保名) (太功記) (鈴ヶ森)

Shōchiku-za January performance
(Yasuna) (Taikōki) (Suzugamori)


Hisayoshi — Sanshō

[Ichikawa Sanshō V 市川三升]


Yasuna — Enshō

[Ichikawa Enshō III (1894-1947) 市川莚升]


Mitsuhide — Chūsha

[Ichikawa Chūsha VII 市川中車]


Chōbei — Sadanji

[Ichikawa Sadanji II 市川左團次]

Right margin commentary: Yasuna kyōran

(translation and transcription)

“Yasuna kyōran” has been frequently performed by Kikugorō in Tokyo and Chōzaburō in the Kansai region, often making headlines in this publication. It is a piece performed with Kiyomoto-style narrative [kiyomoto-bushi] and choreography.

The "Amagasaki" act from "Ehon Taikōki" represents the tenth act. Chūsha's portrayal of Mitsuhide is considered unparalleled in contemporary times.

In "Suzugamori," [Ichikawa] Sumizō [VI] donned the classic costume: a black outfit with the family crest of a circle enclosing the kanji "", a pale blue collar, and red leggings. With his dignified forelock hairstyle, he embodied the refined yet resolute appearance of a young samurai. Opposite him, Takashimaya [stage name of Ichikawa Sadanji II] delivered a performance of remarkable presence, fully embodying the commanding role of the okotodate, Banzuin Chōbei of Hanakawado, with an impressive display of authority and style.


浪花座新聲劇一月狂言 (國定忠次)

Naniwa-za Shinsei Theater Group [Shinsei geki] January performance
(Kunisada Chūji)

角座一月狂言 (小ゆき)

Kado-za January program


Kunisada Chūji — Nakata

[Nakata Shōzō 中田正造 (1893-1945) - leader of the Shinsei Theater Group]


Otoku — Fujino

[Fujino Tsutae 富士野蔦枝 (?-?)]

日光圓蔵[] — 山口

Nikkō Enzō — Yamaguchi

[Yamaguchi Toshio 山口俊雄 (1897-1945)]


Yamada Jinsaku — Umejima

[Umejima Noboru (1887-1943) 梅島昇]


Koyuki — Hanayagi

[Hanayagi Shōtarō 花柳章太郎 (1894-1965)]

新春各座順禮 (その )

New Year's Pilgrimage to Theaters (Part one)


1. Kichiemon [Nakamura Kichiemon I 中村吉右衛門]

as Kumagai at the Ichimura-za


2. Uzaemon [Ichimura Uzaemon XV 市村羽左衛門]

as Kazama Hachirō at the Kabuki-za


3. Kōshirō [Matsumoto Kōshirō VII 松本幸四郎]

as Hashiba Hideyoshi at the Imperial Theater (Teigeki)


4. Kan'ya  [Morita Kanya XIII 守田勘彌]

as Fukushima Masanori at the Imperial Theater (Teigeki)


5. Kikugorō  [Onoe Kikugorō VI 尾上菊五郎]

as Yashū no Tomizō at the Ichimura-za


6. Ii [Yōhō Ii 伊井蓉峰] as Umezu Nagato at the Hongō-za


7. Mitsugorō [Bando Mitsugorō VII 坂東三津五郎]

as Jūjirō and Shikaku [Nakamura Shikaku II 中村芝鶴] as Hatsukiku at the Shōchiku-za


8. Shikō’s [Nakamura Shikō’s 中村紫香] renaming to Kasen [Nakamura Kasen II 中村霞仙] and Ganjirō’s [Nakamura Ganjirō I 中村雁治郎]  announcement at the Naka-za

九、浦里 我童、時次耶右團次(辨天)

9. Gadō [Kataoka Gadō IV 片岡我童] as Urasato and Udanji [Ichikawa Udanji II 市川右團次]

as Tokijirō at the Benten-za


10. Nakata [Nakata Shōzō 中田正造 - leader of the Shinsei Theater Group] as Akagōshi and Yamaguchi [Yamaguchi Toshio 山口俊雄] as Kazuma at the Naniwa-za


(四海波 [しかいなみ]) (片破れ月[かたやれづき])

Hōgakuza January Soganoya* production
(Shikai nami) (Katayabure tsuki)


Takasago Raimo? — [Soganoya] Gorō


Daughter Nami-ji — [Soganoya] Ōiso


Driver Nishiyama — [Soganoya] Gorō


Assistant Yamada — [Soganoya] Chōroku

Right margin commentary

This classic-style play, written by Gorō himself and previously performed to great acclaim, tells the story of Raimo, a man who discovers that Nami-ji, the woman he intends to marry, far surpasses him in martial arts. Determined to improve, he sets out for training, returns to challenge her, loses, and departs again. Over ten or twenty years, as the couple repeatedly competes, they grow older with each match. The play skillfully portrays their changing strength and emotions in an elegant storyline. Eventually, like the old couple in the Noh play Takasago, the husband finally wins, leading to a joyous conclusion in "Shikai nami."

"Katayabure tsuki" serves as the opening play of this program. Based on a script by Hanai Rojin of Kyoto and further adapted by Gorō, the story unfolds as a late-night incident by the seaside. It features an automobile driver, Imai (Ichirō), and his assistant, Sawa (Chōshichi), with Gorō and Chōroku excelling in these roles. The cast also includes the businessman Kojirō Andō and the geisha Shuya (Ōiso), whose sincere performances brought humor and entertainment, as is customary for the troupe.

*Go to "Soganoya Comedy Troupe" for more information on the Soganoya Troupe

Colophon and Notes to Readers

Colophon Details

Engei Shashinchō (Performing arts photographic album), Volume 4, Issue 2

Set price: 60 sen
(Member price: 50 sen)

New territories (shin ryōdo*): 70 sen

Postage: 1 sen

* the Japanese colonies of Korea, Taiwan, Southern Sakhalin Island, Kuril Islands, South Pacific Mandate


Approved as Third-Class Mail on November 1, 1924

Printed and bound on January 25, 1925

Issued on February 1, 1925

(Issued once a month on the first day) 


Editor and Publisher: Nakajima Ya?

83 Ichioka-chō, Nishi-ku, Osaka City


Printer: Iijima Shōichi 

3-27 Midori-machi, Honjo-ku, Tokyo City

Printing office: Kanaya Printing Office

3-27 Midori-machi, Honjo-ku, Tokyo City


Head office: Engei shunjsha

179 Komagome Hayashi-machi, Hongō-ku, Tokyo City

Publishing Office: Engei shunjūsha, Osaka Branch

83 Ichioka-machi, Nishi-ku, Osaka City 

Colophon Transcription

演藝寫 第四卷第

















印刷人 飯島省一


印刷所 金谷印刷所



本社 演藝春秋社


發行所 演藝春秋社大阪支社

Back cover

The flower-hat dance from Musume Dojoji 

Hanako, a shirabyōshi, wears a large circular hat and in each hand she holds a furidashigasha, a slightly smaller replica of the circular hat she wears, but each furidashigasha turns out to be three linked hats which she flings out while dancing a kasaodori (flower hat dance). 

Selected Pages from Engei shashinch Volume 4, Number 3, March 1, 1925

IHL Cat. #2776

click on image to enlarge

Engei shashinchō Volume 4, Number 3

演藝寫真帖 第四卷 第

cover art (lithograph):

Nakamura Fukusuke [IV] as Aishō Ohide no kata

[Ohide the beloved concubine]


artist: Natori Shunsen 名取春仙 (1886-1960)

signed: not signed; sealed: 春仙 Shunsen


published: March 1, Taishō 14 (1925)

publishing company: Taishō Tsūshinsha, Osaka Branch*

大正十年一月日 發行

發賣所 大正通信社大阪支社

*Note new publisher

overall size: approx. 8 9/16 x 11 7/8 in. (21.8 x 30.1 cm)

From Colophon and Remarks to Readers page

Contrary to the so-called economic recession, both in the East and West, the New Year season performances are thriving, and with the support of our valued members, our magazine's sales and circulation have steadily increased. We sincerely thank you.

口繪 三十六家選 (その三)


Frontispiece (color lithograph)

Thirty-Six Selected Actors (No. 3)

Ichimura Uzaemon [XV]  as Hanakawado Sukeroku

artist: Natori Shunsen 名取春仙 (1886-1960), signed 春仙画 Shunsen ga with paulownia seal



The Imperial Theater February performance

(Fuse Taishi no nyūzan - Prince Fuse enters the monastery)


Written by Kurata Hyakuzō

布施太子 守田勘彌

Prince Fuse — Morita Kan'ya [XIII]

—  河村菊江

Princess: Kawamura Kikue [1890-1972]

當世人氣俳優 (その)


Contemporary Popular Actors (No. 10) - 

Mr. Matsumoto Kōshirō [VII (1870-1949)]

中座二月狂言 (栗山大膳)

Naka-za February performance

(Kuriyama Daizen)

 愛妾お秀の方 — 中村魁車

Aishō Ohide no kata — Nakamura Kaisha

毛谷主水 — 中村福助

Keya Mondo — Nakamura Fukusuke [IV]

Left margin commentary:

 A dramatization of the famous Kuroda Disturbance from storytelling tradition. With [Nakamura] Ganjirō as Daizen, Fukusuke as Mondo, and Kaisha as Aishō Ohide no kata, the production is strikingly elegant and refined. It’s a splendid and beautifully composed piece, sweet and relaxed, making it a top-notch performance that's hard to replicate in Tokyo.



(尼將軍 [尼将軍])

Kabuki-za February performance

(Ama shōgun - The nun shogun)


Written by Ōmori Chisetsu [1877-1936]

持蘭尼 — 秀調

Jōran-ni [The nun Jōran] — Shūchō

[Bandō Shūchō III 坂東秀調 (1880-1935)]

政子 [平政子] —  歌右衛門

Masako [Taira no Masako, the nun shogun] Utaemon

[Nakamura Utaemon V 中村歌右衛門 (1865-1940)]

妙子 —  福助

Myōko? Fukusuke

[Nakamura Fukusuki V 中村福助 (1900-1933)]

泰時 — 市藏

Yasutoki [Hōjō Yasutoki]   Ichizō

[Ichikawa Ichizō 市川市蔵 IV (1868-1944) or, possibly, Kataoka Ichizō IV 片岡市蔵 (1880-1926)]

Left margin commentary - Ama shōgun

In the play "The Nun Shogun," when Masako (played by Utaemon), learns that Shogun Minamoto no Sanetomo (played by [Onoe] Baikō) has been killed at the shrine of Hachiman by Bettō Kugyō, she laments:

"Oh, of all people and all events, how could it be that my one and only son was killed by my one and only grandchild?"

However, Masako suppresses her grief, adhering to the principles of governance over personal emotion. She recalls the legacy of her late husband, the esteemed Yoritomo, who had decreed that personal ties must yield to the needs of Kamakura's rule. She reflects on his strict command:

"Although the Hōjō clan is my own family, they are descended from the Taira lineage and lack the authority to lead as sovereign rulers. The role of regent must not exceed its station as a hereditary position. Should they overreach, even if it be my own grandchild, strike them down without hesitation."

In accordance with these principles, Masako commands the enforcers to execute her grandchild if necessary, prioritizing justice and the stability of Kamakura above all else.



Kabuki-za February performance

(Sukeroku yukari no Edo zakura - Sukeroku: The flower of Edo)

歌舞伎十八番の内 河東節十寸見會連中

One of the Eighteen Best Kabuki Plays (Kabuki jūhachiban), performed in collaboration with the Katōbushi* Masumikai Troupe.


Hanakawado no Sukeroku, who is actually Soga Gorō Tokimune — Ichimura Uzaemon

[Ichimura Uzaemon XV 市村羽左衛門]

*An elegant style of narrative shamisen music, developed in the early 18th century by Masumi Katō, the son of an Edo fishmonger. In contrast to more popular styles like Tokiwazu or Shinnai, Katōbushi was appreciated largely by the intelligentsia. Today, the music survives in just one play - Sukeroku, the Flower of Edo (Sukeroku Yukari no Edo Zakura). Whenever the play is acted by a member of the Ichikawa family, amateur Katōbushi musicians are invited to perform. Since it was the hobby of the old elite, the actor playing Sukeroku will always address the musicians respectfully.

[source: http://www.naritaya.jp/english/compendium/dictionary_04.html#05 - accessed 12/14/2024]

鄉座二月狂言 (鎌倉三代記)

Hongō-za February performance (Kamakura sandaiki - Three generations of Kamakura)


Scene: Miura's Secluded Cottage*


Princess Toki — Shōchō

[Ichikawa Shōchō II 市川松蔦 (1886-1940)]


Miuranosuke — Sōjūrō

[Sawamura Sōjūrō VII 澤村宗十郎 (1875-1949)]


Okuru — Shikaku

[Nakamura Shikaku II 中村芝鶴 (1900-1981)] 


Sasaki Takatsuna — Enjaku

[Jitsukawa Enjaku II (1877-1951) 実川延若]

* This scene is commonly referred to as Kinugawa-mura Kankyo - Living in seclusion in Kinugawa Village, the only scene in this ten act play still performed.

Right margin commentary:

Kamakura sandaiki

(edited and annotated)

First and foremost, Sōjūrō's portrayal, in the current era, of Miuranosuke [a Kyoto warrior fighting the forces from Kamakura] is a quintessential performance, serving as a model for the role. Shōchō's portrayal of Toki-hime [the daughter of the Kamakura general Hojo Tokimasa] also fully demonstrates his full range of skill, delivering an exceptional performance. Enjaku's choice to use a brocade robe as Tōzaburō [a poor peasant look-alike to Sasaki Takatsuna, a high-ranking Kyoto official, who agrees, in exchange for money, to die in his place], was an innovative approach, adding a unique touch to the role. Once transitioning to the part of [Sasaki] Takatsuna, the performance became grand and splendid beyond comparison. Shikaku's portrayal of Okuru [Tōzaburō’s wife] was also commendable and graceful.


(乘合船惠方萬) (三人片輪)

Naka-za February performance
(Noriaibune ehō manzai - Manzai entertainers on a ferry boat) (Sannin katawa - The three disabled persons)


Grand finale performance: Tokiwazu dance drama


Middle act performance: Comedic drama


Manzai Tsurutayū — Fukusuke

[Nakamura Fukusuke IV 中村福助]


Saizō Kamekichi — Chōzaburō

[Sawamura Chōzaburō 澤村長三郎]


Mute Girl Omaki — Senjaku

[Nakamura Senjaku I 中村扇雀]

帝國劇場二月狂言 (布施太子の入山)

Imperial Theater February performance
Fuse Taishi no nyūzan - Prince Fuse enters the monastery)


Written by Kurata Hyakuzō [1891-1943]

婆羅門丁 — 鶴藏

Brahman Tei — Tsuruzō

[likely Nakamura Tsuruzō III 中村鶴蔵 (1884-1932)]

同乙 [婆羅門乙]彌五郎

Brahman Otsu  — Yagorō

[likely Bandō Yagorō 坂東彌五郎 (1909-1999)]

布施太子 勘彌

Prince Fuse — Kan'ya

[Morita Kan'ya XIII 守田勘彌 (1885-1932)]


Crown Princess — Kikue

[Kawamura Kikue 河村菊江 (1890-1972)]

市村座二月興行 中幕 (鏡獅子)

Ichimura-za February program
Middle act performance (Kagami jishi – The mirror lion [the lion dance])


Scene: The Imperial Palace's Grand Hall

お子姓彌生 尾上菊五郎
Okosho Yayoi — Onoe Kikugorō [VI]

Left margin commentary (in part)

From the New Kabuki Eighteen Famous Plays, this is a celebrated piece of choreography accompanied by Nagauta Hayashi music ensembles. Originally passed down by the ninth generation Danjūrō, it has been further polished by the sixth generation [Kikugorō], making it an unparalleled masterpiece of dance.

觀音劇場二月春秋座 (村井長庵)

Asakusa Kannon Theater February performance by the Shunjūza Troupe

(Murai Chōan)


Written by Kawatake Mokuami


Murai Chōan — Ennosuke

[Ichikawa Ennosuke 市川猿之助 II (1888-1963); leader of the Shunjūza Troupe]


Sayogoromo — Usaburō

[Bandō Usaburo 坂東羽三郎 (1896-?)


Sentarō — Kingo

[Matsumoto Kingo II 松本錦吾(1895-1956)]

Right margin commentary: Murai Chōan

The titled play, Murai Chōan: Takumi no yaregasa, is a five-act sewamono drama. The storyline progresses much like a kōdan narrative, featuring the matters of Sayogoromo and Sentarō, Hayanori Sanji (played by Kodayū [Ichikawa Kodayū II]), the astute judgment of Ōoka Echizen-no-Kami (played by Murata Masao II), and the loyalty of the head clerk Kyūhachi (a dual role by Ennosuke), who becomes a scrap peddler. It unfolds as an extended narrative with intricate developments.


A variety of flowers


A variety of flowers

1 歌舞伎座「助六」の髭の意休幸四郎

Kabuki-za: "Sukeroku" – The role of Hige no Ikyū played by Kōshirō

[Matsumoto Kōshirō VII 松本幸四郎]

2 本郷座「白藤源太」の權助左團次

Hongō-za: "Shirafuji Genta" – The role of Gonsuke played by Sadanji

[Ichikawa Sadanji II 市川左團次]

3 帝劇「バリアッチ」のトニオ勘彌

Teikoku gekijō: "Pagliacci" – The role of Tonio played by Kan'ya

[Morita Kan’ya 森田勘彌 XIII]

4 觀音劇場「村井長庵」の長庵猿之助

Kannon Theater: "Murai Chōan" – The role of Chōan played by Ennosuke

[Ichikawa Ennosuke II 市川猿之助 (1888-1963)]

5 同上早乗り三次小太夫  久八猿之助

Kannon Theater: "Murai Chōan" – the role of Hayanori Sanji played by Kodayū

[Ichikawa Kodayū II 市川小太夫]; the role of Kyūhachi played by Ennosuke

[Ichikawa Ennosuke II 市川猿之助 (1888-1963)]

6 市村座の「鼠小紋」新助男女藏 おもと榮三郎

Ichimura-za: "Nezumi Komon" – The role of Shinsuke played by Omezō

[Ichikawa Omezō IV 市川男女蔵]; the role of Omoto played by Eizaburō

[Onoe Eizaburō VII 尾上榮三郎]

7 末廣座同志座「生命の冠」欽次郎山田 恒太郎佐々木

Suehiro-za Dōshi-za performance: "Seimei no kanmuri" – The role of Kinjirō played by Yamada [Yamada Takaya 山田隆弥]; the role of Kōtarō played by played by Sasaki [Sasaki Tsumoru 佐々木積 (1885-1945)]


お富 ―  二〓昌子 小次郎小川

Tokiwa-za, Ogawa Takashi Company:  "Koganei Kojirō" – The role of Otomi played by Shōko?; the role of Kojirō played by Ogawa [Ogawa Takashi 小川隆一]

Colophon and Notes to Readers

March theatrical scene 

Colophon Details

Engei Shashinchō (Performing arts photographic album), Volume 4, Issue 3

Set price: 60 sen
(Member price: 50 sen)

New territories (shin ryōdo*): 70 sen

Postage: 1 sen

* the Japanese colonies of Korea, Taiwan, Southern Sakhalin Island, Kuril Islands, South Pacific Mandate


Approved as Third-Class Mail on November 1, 1924

Printed and bound on February 25, 1925

Issued on March 1, 1925

(Issued once a month on the first day) 


Editor and Publisher: Nakajima Ya?

83 Ichioka-chō, Nishi-ku, Osaka City


Printer: Iijima Shōichi 

3-27 Midori-machi, Honjo-ku, Tokyo City

Printing office: Kanaya Printing Office

3-27 Midori-machi, Honjo-ku, Tokyo City


Head office: Engei shunjūsha

179 Komagome Hayashi-machi, Hongō-ku, Tokyo City

Publishing Office: Engei shunjūsha, Osaka Branch

83 Ichioka-machi, Nishi-ku, Osaka City 

Colophon Transcription

演藝寫 第四卷第

















印刷人 飯島省一


印刷所 金谷印刷所



本社 演藝春秋社


發行所 演藝春秋社大阪支社

Back cover

The flower-hat dance from Musume Dojoji

Hanako, a shirabyōshi, wears a large circular hat and in each hand she holds a furidashigasha, a slightly smaller replica of the circular hat she wears, but each furidashigasha turns out to be three linked hats which she flings out while dancing a kasaodori (flower hat dance). 

Selected Pages from Engei shashinch Volume 4, Number 5, May 1, 1925

IHL Cat. #2778

click on image to enlarge

Engei shashinchō Volume 4, Number 5

演藝寫真帖 第四卷 第

cover art (lithograph):

Nakamura Kaisha [IV] as Sanemori Saitō


artist: likely Natori Shunsen 名取春仙 (1886-1960) 

signed: not signed; sealed: 春せん Shunsen* 

published: May 1, Taishō 14 (1925)

publishing company: Taishō Tsūshinsha, Osaka Branch

[as listed in the colophon]

大正十年一月日 發行

發賣所 大正通信社大阪支社

[as listed on the cover]

東京大阪 大正通信社内


Tokyo and Osaka, Engei Shunjūsha 

within Taishō Tsūshinsha

*seal has also been read as 春世 Haruyo

overall size: approx. 8 9/16 x 11 7/8 in. (21.8 x 30.1 cm)


Company announcement

口繪 三十六家選 (その)

尾上梅幸 おとみ 

Frontispiece (color lithograph)

Thirty-Six Selected Actors (No. 5)

Onoe Baikō [VI] as Otomi

artist: Natori Shunsen 名取春仙 (1886-1960), signed 春仙 Shunsen with paulownia seal

當世人氣俳優 (その十二)


Contemporary Popular Actors (No. 12) - 

Mr. Ichikawa Udanji [II} (1881-1936)]

Lithographic reproduction of an original woodblock print by Utagawa Toyokuni I 歌川豊国 (1769–1825), The Actor Nakamura Nakazo II as Kudo Suketsune in the play "Furiwakegami aoyagi Soga,” 1796 


(歌舞伎十八番 )

Kabuki-za April performance
(Kabuki jūhachiban: Shibaraku)

新鹿島社頭の場  大薩摩連中

Scene at the front of Shin Kashima Shrine - Ōsatsuma Troupe

上ハ舞台面 下ハ市村羽左衛門の金剛丸

The upper section features the stage setting, while the lower section showcases Ichimura Uzaemon as Kongōmaru


(義經千本櫻 [義経千本桜])

Benten-za April performance

(Yoshitsune senbon zakura - Yoshitsune and the thousand cherry trees)


Scene: The Yoshino village Tsurube sushi shop

いがみの權太 ― 尾上卯三郎

Igami no Gonta — Onoe Usaburō [II (1860-1928)]

南座四月興行 ([梶原平三]試名劔)

Minami-za April performance (Kajiwara heizō tameshi no wazamono)


Scene: Kamakura Hoshiai Temple


Kajiwara Heizō Kagetoki — Nakamura Senjaku [1902-1983]

Left margin commentary:

On page 25 of this magazine, there is also a summary of "Ishikiri Kajiwara," which is being performed at the Kyoto Minami-za by Nakamura Senjaku. It is commendable to see how he is gradually moving from the framework modeled after his father, [Nakamura] Ganjirō, to developing an art form that is distinctly his own. Let us hope for even greater efforts from him in the future. 



Shochiku-za April performance

(Sasaki Takatsuna)

岡本綺堂作 松莚戯曲十種の内

From Shoen gikyoku jisshu no uchi -  

Ten shoen plays by Okamoto Kido [1872-1939]

佐々木高綱 — 市川左團次
Sasaki Takatsuna — Ichikawa Sadanji [II]



Kabuki-za April first performance


高安月郊氏作 松居松翁氏 舞臺監督

Written by: Takayasu Gekkō [1868-1944]
Stage Director: Matsui Shōō [1870-1933]


Yodogimi — Utaemon

[Nakamura Utaemon V 中村歌右衛門]


Ishida Mitsunari — Sadanji

[Ichikawa Sadanji II 市川左團次]

歌舞伎座四月興行 (歌舞伎十八番 暫)

Kabuki-za April performance
(Kabuki Jūhachiban: Shibaraku)


Scene: At the New Kashima Shrine


Kongōmaru — Uzaemon

 [Ichimura Uzaemon XV 市村羽左衛門]


Onna Namazu - Sūchō

[Bandō Sūchō III 坂東秀調]

帝劇四月二段目 (與話情浮名横櫛)

Imperial Theatre April performance, act two (Yowa nasake ukina no yokogushi - Assignations of Otomi and Yosaburō)


Scene: At Genyadana

切られ與三 — 羽左衛門

Kirare Yosaburo — Utaemon

[Nakamura Utaemon V 中村歌右衛門]


Bantō [clerk] Tōhachi — Kōzō

[Onoe Kōzō II 尾上幸蔵]

おとみ 梅幸

Otomi — Baikō

[Onoe Baikō VI 尾上梅幸

蝙蝠安 松助

Kōmori Yasu — Matsusuke

[Onoe Matsusuke IV 尾上松助]

辨天座四月狂言 (義經千本櫻)

Benten-za April performance (Yoshitsune senbon zakura - Yoshitsune and the thousand cherry trees)



Scene [right]: At the sushi shop in Yoshino village
Scene [left]: Mount Yoshino michiyuki

源義經 — 荒太郎

Minamoto no Yoshitsune — Aratarō

[Ichikawa Aratarō II 市川荒太郎 (1892- December 1925)]

彌助實は維盛 — 霞仙

Yasuke [adopted son of Yazaemon], actually Koremori [the Taira general] — Kasen

[Nakamura Kasen I 中村霞仙 (1868-1903)]

お里 — 福太郎

Osato — Fukutarō

[Nakamura Fukutarō 中村福太郎 (1898-1970)] 

靜御前 — 粂三郎

Shizuka Gozen — Kumesabuō

[Iwai Kumesabuō V 岩井粂三郎 (1882-1945)

right margin commentary:

How adorable Fukutarō's Osato is, one might mistake her for the younger sister of Kumesaburō’s Shizuka Gozen.

鄉座四月興行 (天竺物語)

Hongō-za April performance (Tenjiku monogatari - The tale of Tenjiku)


Written by: Adachi Kin'ichi [1893-1953]


Directed by: Kunieda Kanji [1892-1956]


Stage Design: Ōta Masamitsu [woodblock print artist, 1892-1975]


Grand Hall of the Magadha Kingdom Palace

韋提希夫人 石川

Kosala Devi [Queen consort of Magadha]: Ishikawa

[Ishikawa Aramizu 石川 新水 (1885?-?)]

頻婆娑羅王 伊井

King [of Magadha] Bimbisara: Ii

[Yōhō Ii 伊井蓉峰 (1871-1932)]  

優陀耶 小堀計作

[Ajatashatru's son] Udaya: Keisaku Kobori [(?-?)]

Right margin commentary: Tenjiku monogatari

In the kingdom of Magadha, Prince Ajatashatru (played by Makoto Kobori [1885-1957]) is swayed by the temptations of Devadatta, leading him to imprison his father, King Bimbisara, and ascend to the throne. Overwhelmed with guilt, the prince drowns his remorse in alcohol. However, when his son, Udaya, develops an infected sore on his finger, the Buddha teaches that only a family member’s act of drawing out the pus can heal the wound. At the moment when Ajatashatru himself sucks out the poison, he recalls, through his queen's words, his father’s similar acts of compassion during his own childhood. Stricken with remorse, he commands his father’s release.

But by the time he realizes the truth, it is too late. Mistaking the cries of an approaching mob of citizens—who had come to demand the king’s release—for the sounds of an attack, King Bimbisara is frightened to death in his cell. The play reaches its climax with the prince’s agonizing cries of grief and regret. The Tale of Tenjiku concludes with the enduring light of the Buddha’s teachings casting an eternal radiance.

Young Prince Udaya was portrayed by Keisaku Kobori, the real-life son of Makoto Kobori, making his stage debut in this production.


(惡太郎) (白浪五人男)

[Asakusa] Koen Theater April performance
(Akutarō - Bad boy/ Shiranami gonin otoko - The five thieves)

河竹默阿彌翁作 岡村柿紅氏作

Written by Kawatake Mokuami [1816-1893] and Okamura Shikō [1881-1925]


Akutarō: played by Ennosuke

[Ichikawa Ennosuke II 市川猿之助]


Benten Kozō: played by Denjirō

[Sawmura Denjirō 澤村傳次郎]


April performances at Kanda Theater and Suehiro-za [Nagoya]


(Yasuna kyōran - The madness of Yasuna)


(Chūsetsu meōto no matsu - The faithful man and wife pines)


(Jirōkichi no koi - The romance of Jirōkichi - performed by Ogawa Takashi’s Troupe)


Yasuna: played by Chōjurō

[Sawamura Chōjurō VII]


Asaoka: played by Hyakunosuke

[Sawamura Hyakunosuke III 澤村百之助]


Chiyomatsu: played by Kinyo?

[possibly Matsumo Kinyo? (?-?)]


Date Tsunamune: played by Tomosaburo

[Otani Tomosaburo 大谷友三郎 (1899? - ?)


Beloved concubine Otaka no Kata: played by Shinsha

[Bandō Shinsha II 坂東薪車]


Jirōkichi: played by Ogawa Takashi

[Ogawa Takashi (1891-?)]


Oren: played by Nijō Akiko?

[actress associated with Shōchiku Kyoto Shimogamo studio]



A Chronicle of the Theater World

Newly published books by the entertainment department of Taishō tsūsinsha

Colophon Details

Engei Shashinchō (Performing arts photographic album), Volume 4, Issue 5

Set price: 60 sen
(Member price: 50 sen)

New territories (shin ryōdo*): 70 sen

Postage: 1 sen 5 rin

* the Japanese colonies of Korea, Taiwan, Southern Sakhalin Island, Kuril Islands, South Pacific Mandate


Approved as Third-Class Mail on November 1, 1924

Printed and bound on April 25, 1925

Issued on May 1, 1925

(Issued once a month on the first day) 


Editor and Publisher: Nakajima Ya?

Nakanoshima, 37 Sōze-chō, Kita-ku, Osaka City


Printer: Gotō Tōichi  

Printing company: Asahi Printing Company

87, Sarueura-chō, Fukagawa-ku, Tokyo City


Inside Taishō tsūsinsha

Engei shunjsha

29 Dote-Sanban-chō, Kojimachi-ku, Tokyo City

Publishing Office: Engei shunjūsha, Osaka Branch

Nakanoshima, 37 Sōze-chō, Kita-ku, Osaka City 

Colophon Transcription

演藝寫 第四卷

















印刷人 後藤登一


印刷所 朝日印刷所






發行所 演藝春秋社大阪支社

Back cover

Advertisements for publications by the  Taiheiyo [Pacific] News Agency (Taiheiyō tsūshinsha 太平洋通信社) and the Taishō News Agency (Taishō tsūshinsha 大正通信社)

Selected Pages from Engei shashinch Volume 4, Number 6, June 1, 1925

IHL Cat. #2779

click on image to enlarge

Engei shashinchō Volume 4, Number 6

演藝寫真帖 第四卷 第

cover art (lithograph):

Ichikawa Sumizō [VI] as Shirai Gonpachi

[in the play Ukiyozuka hiyoku no inazuma]



artist: Natori Shunsen 名取春仙 (1886-1960)

signed: not signed; sealed: Shunsen 春仙


published: June 1, Taishō 14 (1925)

publishing company: Taishō Tsūshinsha, Osaka Branch

大正十年一月日 發行

發賣所 大正通信社大阪支社

overall size: approx. 8 9/16 x 11 7/8 in. (21.8 x 30.1 cm)

Respectful Notice (appearing on colophon and announcement page):

As announced in the May issue of this publication, the three companies — Taishō tsushinsha, Engei shunjūsha, and Kansai bungeisha — have merged. As a result, starting with this June issue, this publication will be released under the name Taishō tsushinsha.

We sincerely request your continued patronage as always.

口繪 三十六家選 (六)

中村鴈治郎  曾我十郎祐成

Frontispiece (color lithograph)

Thirty-Six Selected Actors (No. 6)

Nakamura Ganjirō [I] as Soga no Juro Sukenari

artist: Natori Shunsen 名取春仙 (1886-1960), signed 春仙 Shunsen with paulownia seal

當世人氣俳優 (その十)


Contemporary Popular Actors (No. 13) - 

Mr. Ichikawa Omezō [IV


Lithographic reproduction of an original woodblock print by Katsukawa Shun'ei  勝川春英 (1762–1819), Actor Ichikawa Komazo III as Ono Sadakuro in the play Chuko ryogoku ori 

大阪中座五月狂言 (積戀雪關扉)

Osaka Naka-za May performance (Tsumoru koi yuki no seki no to -  The snowbound barrier)


Scene: Ōsaka yama shinseki no ba - The new barrier at Mount Ōsaka

櫻の精黑染 [墨染櫻の精] — 福助

Spirit of the black cherry blossom — Fukusuke

[Nakamura Fukusuke IV 中村福助]

關守關兵衛實は大伴の黑主 ― 幸四郎

Barrier guard Sekibei (in reality, Ōtomo no Kuronushi) — Kōshirō

[Matsumoto Kōshirō VII 松本幸四郎]

大阪浪花座五月興行 (新撰組)

Osaka Naniwa-za May performance (Shinsengumi)




Published in the Sunday Mainichi [serialized from 1924 to 1925]
Written by Kyoji Shirai [1889-1980]
Adapted by Rifū Yukitomo


Takarada Yoshitarō— Jusaburō

[Bandō Jusaburō (1886-1954)]


Omiya Ochō — Shinshō

[Ichikawa Shinshō IV 市川新升 (act.1885-1935)]


Musume Okayo [Takurada’s daughter] — Kasen

[Nakamura Kasen II 中村霞仙 (1893-1969)]

Tajima Ryū Orinosuke — Enjaku

[Jitsukawa Enjaku II (1877-1951)

Margin commentary: Shinsengumi

The story takes place in the spring of the Ansei era. The Black Ships that had come to Uraga [harbor] to impose their presence upon the shogunate made an outrageous demand: they insisted on being given one of two women, either the geisha Ochō or Takarada's daughter Okayo, who had attended to their reception. Faced with this demand, Ōta Settsu no Kami, the foreign magistrate of the time, had no choice but to comply in order to gain the foreigners' favor. He informed Ochō of the decision.

Using the cunning of the spinning top [koma] performer Monbei, Ochō accepted the terms but proposed that whether she or Okayo would go should be decided through a spinning top contest. In the end, Monbei was chosen to represent Ochō, and Orinosuke to represent Okayo.

Learning of this, the loyalist ronin Takarada Yoshitarō and his allies were enraged at the shogunate's actions. They stormed the venue of the spinning top contest, held at the villa of the wealthy Tsunoda? in Koume, Mukōjima, and rescued both women. Monbei, whose ambition was to use the contest to win Ochō for himself, later found her and tried to take her away after the violent clash between the ronin and the shogunate’s Shinchōgumi in the fields of Koume. However, Orinosuke arrived, searching for Okayo, and cut Monbei down in a single stroke.

As Orinosuke prepared to end his own life in remorse, Ochō blamed herself for causing the tragedy and stabbed herself instead. Yoshitarō, arriving at the scene, tearfully declared that Ochō's severed head should be shown to the foreigners as a testament to the chastity and honor of Japanese women.

歌舞伎座五月狂言 (ーツ家)

Kabuki-za May performance (Hitotsuya - The lonely house)


From the "collection of ten new and old plays"


Scene: Asajigahara hitotsuya no ba -The Lonely House in Asajigahara

娘淺茅 — 中村福助

Daughter Asaji — Nakamura Fukusuke [V] 

新橋演舞場五月興行 (宮古路豊後縁)

Shimbashi Enbujo Theater May performance (Miyakoji bungo no jō)



Written by Kiyomi Rikurō [1896-?]

Stage Design by Komura Settai [(1887-1949) shin hanga artist and set designer]

弟子市四郎 — 男女藏

Disciple Ichiro — Omezō [Ichikawa Omezō IV 市川男女蔵 (1898-1969)]

水茶屋娘おそよ ― 福之亟
Water Teahouse Daughter Osoyo — Fukunojō [Ichikawa Fukunojō 市川福之亟 II?]



Kabuki-za May performance

(Ikioi Heike monogatari)


Written by Yamazaki Shikō [1875-1939]

成親卿 — 歌右衛門

Narichika — Utaemon

[Nakamura Utaemon V 中村歌右衛門]

俊寬僧都 — 鶴蔵

Shunkan — Tsuruzō

[Nakamura Tsuruzō 中村鶴蔵 (1884-1932)]

成經 — 龜蔵

Naritsune — Kamezō

[Ichimura Kamezō III 市村龜蔵 (1890-1935)]

康賴 — 九蔵

Yasuyori — Kūzō

[Ichikawa Kuzō IV 市川九蔵 (1882-1966)]

西光法師 — 左團次

Saikō the Monk — Sadanji

[Ichikawa Sadanji II 市川左團次 (1880-1940)

平清盛 — 中車

[inset] Taira no Kiyomori — Chūsha

[Ichikawa Chūsha VII 市川中車 (1860-1936)]

西光法師 — 左團次

[inset] Saikō the Monk — Sadanji

[Ichikawa Sadanji II 市川左團次 (1880-1940)]


(ーツ家) (文ひろげ)

Kabuki-za May performance

(Hitotsuya – The lonely house) (Fumi Hiroge - Lunacy, unrolling letters)

淺茅ヶ原一ッ家の場 五條橋狂亂の場

Scenes: The lonely house in Asajigahara, Madness at Gojō Bridge


Old Woman Ibara — Baikō

[Onoe Baikō VI 尾上梅幸]


Daughter Asaji — Fukusuke

[Nakamura Fukusuke V 中村福助]

花若丸 實は 觀世音の化身龜蔵

Hanawakamaru, revealed as the Incarnation of Kannon — Kamezō

[Ichimura Kamezō III 市村龜蔵 (1890-1935)]


Madwoman Chiyo — Baikō

[Onoe Baikō VI 尾上梅幸]

Right margin notes: Narration and dialogue - The lonely house in Asajigahara

(translation in part)

"Until now, the Tsukuba warriors I saw have disappeared amidst the rain. The shadows of the mountains have faded, and the sky has suddenly grown dark. The eaves are dim in this twilight hour."

"Unfamiliar with the difficulties of travel, I struggle along. The sun quickly sets in the west. The distant temple bell reminds me once again of the sorrow weighing upon my heart."

"This lonely house, detached from the world, is seldom visited. Yet, as if knowing the hour, a visitor appears. Like the cry of geese descending to the riverbank…"

"Alas, the rustling reeds evoke such melancholy. Following this uncertain path, I wonder where the village lies beneath the evening moon."

"The evening star has already announced nightfall. Even those who went to pray at Sensō-ji Temple have returned by now."

"That grass-thatched house visible ahead—I shall ask for shelter and rely on their kindness for one night's stay."

The sequence concludes with Baikō’s performance, where the desolate house transforms dramatically into a vibrant and lively stage, culminating in a spectacular dance. 



Kabuki-za May performances

(Honchō nijūshikō - The twenty-four examples of filial piety)


Scene: Jūshu - Ten types of incense (the incense burning)

白須賀六郎 — 家橘

Shirasuka Rokurō — Kakitsu

[Ichimura Kakitsu VII 市村家橘]

八重垣姫 — 歌右衛門

Princess Yaegaki — Utaemon

[Nakamura Utaemon 中村歌右衛門]

武田勝賴 — 羽左衛門

Takeda Katsuyori — Uzaemon

[Ichimura Uzaemon 市村羽左衛門]

濡衣 — 梅幸

Nureginu — Baikō

[Onoe Baikō VI 尾上梅幸]

大阪中座五月興行 『大阪陣』

Osaka Naka-za May performance
(Ōsaka no jin - The Siege of Ōsaka)


Written by Takayasu Gekkō [1869-1944]


Scene: Ashida-kuruwa no ba - The Ashida fortified enclosure

淀君 — 中村魁車

Yodo-dono (Yodogimi) — Nakamura Kaisha [1875-1945]

豐臣秀賴 — 片岡千代之助

Toyotomi Hideyori — Kataoka Chiyonosuke [1903-1994]



Hongō-za second program
Chikagoro kawara no tatehiki - The tragic love of Oshun and Denbei


Scene: Sarumawashi Yojirō uchi no ba - The monkey trainer Yojirō’s home


[right] Oshun of the Tambaya — Fukusuke [Nakamura Fukusuke V 中村福助 (1900-1933)]


[2nd from left] [Sarumawashi] Yojirō, the Monkey Trainer — Kichiemon

[Nakamura Kichiemon I 中村吉右衛門 (1886-1954)]


[left] Otsuru, the Apprentice Girl — Matagorō [Nakamura Matagorō II 中村又五郎 (1914-2009)]

井筒屋傳兵衛 [井筒屋伝兵衛] ― 時蔵

[2nd from right] Izutsuya Denbei — Tokizō

[Nakamura Tokizō III 中村時蔵(1895-1959)]


『己ヶ罪 [己が罪]

Osaka Kado-za May performance

Ono ga tsumi - My sin

菊地幽芳氏原作 中井苔杭氏脚色

Based on the original work by Kikuchi Yūhō [1870-1947], dramatized by Nakai Ōkei? [?-?]


Scene: The inner parlor of Viscount Sakurado’s residence

櫻戸子爵 — 小織桂一郎

Viscount Sakurado [Tamaki's husband] — Saori Keiichirō [1870-1943]

箕輪傳蔵 — 福井茂兵衛

Minowa Denzō [Tamaki’s father] — Fukui Mohei [1860-1930]

娘環 — 喜多村綠郎

Daughter [Minowa] Tamaki — Kitamura Rokurō [1871-1961]

Right margin commentary: Ono ga tsumi

Ono ga tsumi, is a play that has been so well-known,  alongside works like Hototogisu [The Cuckoo] and Konjiki Yasha [The Gold Demon], that there is no need to elaborate on the plot here.

In this production, Kitamura’s portrayal of Tamaki was undoubtedly the standout performance. Additionally, Saori delivered a solid and reliable performance as Viscount Sakurado, while the veteran Fukui Mohei skillfully played the role of Minowa Denzō.

Brief summary of the plot: Ono ga tsumi 

Serialized in the Osaka mainichi in two parts in 1899 and 1900, Ono ga tsumi focuses on a female protagonist and the problems she faces and surmounts. 

The story follows the tragic life of Minowa Tamaki, a young woman born to a prosperous farmer, Minowa Denzō, in Osaka. After her mother’s death, Tamaki is raised by her father and moves to Tokyo at 14 to attend a girls’ school. Her beauty attracts the attention of Kenzō, a medical student with a reputation for exploiting women. 

Becoming pregnant and in despair, she attempts suicide but is saved. Giving birth to a son, she gives him up and returns to her family home.

Later, Tamaki marries Viscount Sakurato without telling him about her first son. She gives birth to a second son. Tragedy strikes when both her sons drown, one trying to save the other, and she confesses her past to the viscount. Her father, Denzō, takes responsibility for the shame and commits suicide.

Moved by her honesty, the viscount forgives Tamaki, while Kenzō, now desperate, tries to manipulate her and rekindle their relationship. However, Tamaki finds strength and rejects him, ultimately overcoming her past.


『己ヶ罪 [己ヶ罪]

Osaka Kado-za May performance

Ono ga tsumi - My sin


Scene: Café Ise

牧師モリソン ― 小織桂一郎

Pastor/Teacher? Morrison — Saori Keiichirō [1870-1943]

虔三の妻お島 ― 高田亘

Oshima, Kenzō's Fiancée — Takada Wataru

塚口虔三 — 都築文男

Tsukaguchi Kenzō — Tsuzuki Fumio (1883-1946)

新橋演舞場五月狂言 息子〕

Shinbashi Enbujō May performance
(Musuko - The son)

小山内薰氏作 田中良氏舞臺裝置

Written by Osanai Kaoru (1881-1928)
Stage design by Tanaka Ryō (1886-1974)


The Son, Kinjirō — Onoe Kikugorō VI


The Old Fire Watchman — Onoe Matsusuke V



Nagoya Suehiro-za May performance
Daichi wa hohoemu - The earth smiles


A prize-winning film script, awarded first place by the Asahi Shimbun

村田慶一 — 梅島昇

Murata Keiichi — Umejima Noboru [1887-1943] 

秋蓮 — 花柳章太郎

[Daughter] Shūren — Hanayagi Shōtarō [1894-1965]

Right margin commentary: The earth smiles

This play is an adaptation of a screenplay that won first prize in a competition organized by the Asahi Shimbun. It has already been filmed, with Shōchiku [film studio] featuring Masao Inoue [1881-1950] and Hideo Fujino [1878-1956], and Nikkatsu [film studio] casting Okada Yoshiko [1902-1992]and Umemura Yōko [1903-1944], generating significant buzz in the cinema world.

The story follows Murata Keiichi, the son of Dr. Murata. A clash between so-called modern and traditional values leads him to move to Korea, where he lives as a laborer. There, he gains the sympathy of Shūren, the daughter of a wealthy landowner. Their connection deepens into love, and after various twists and turns, Keiichi returns to Japan to begin a new chapter in his life.

The photo captures one of the poignant love scenes. Umejima Noboru as Keiichi and Hanayagi Shōtarō as Shūren delivered passionate performances on stage.

A witty phrase sums it up:
"The Earth smiles; the audience weeps."

Idle talk (むだごと): The arrival of early summer is marked by the goldfish sellers making their rounds, and the cheerful sight of signs like “Summer Hats Special Offers” appearing in hat shops. Yet, curiously enough, this month’s theater productions seem to have unanimously decided to feature snow.

To begin with, at the Kabuki-za, they boast of using a whopping 24 kan (approximately 90 kilograms) of snow per day for "Yuki Kureyo Iriya no Azemichi" (Snowy Evening Path in Iriya). Meanwhile, over at the Shinbashi Enbujō, the middle act...

Respectful Notice (謹告): Announcement of merger of Taishō tsūsinsha, Engei shunjūsha, and Kansai bungeisha.

Colophon Details

Engei Shashinchō (Performing arts photographic album), Volume 4, Issue 6

Set price: 60 sen
(Member price: 50 sen)

New territories (shin ryōdo*): 70 sen

Postage: 1 sen 5 rin

* the Japanese colonies of Korea, Taiwan, Southern Sakhalin Island, Kuril Islands, South Pacific Mandate


Approved as Third-Class Mail on November 1, 1924

Printed and bound on May 25, 1925

Issued on June 1, 1925

(Issued once a month on the first day) 


Editor and Publisher: Nakajima Ya?

Nakanoshima, 37 Sōze-chō, Kita-ku, Osaka City


Printer: Gotō Tōichi  

Printing company: Asahi Printing Company

87, Sarueura-chō, Fukagawa-ku, Tokyo City


Taishō tsūsinsha

29 Dote-Sanban-chō, Kojimachi-ku, Tokyo City

Publishing Office: Taishō tsūsinsha, Osaka Branch

Nakanoshima, 37 Sōze-chō, Kita-ku, Osaka City 

Colophon Transcription

演藝寫 第四卷第六號

















印刷人 後藤登一


印刷所 朝日印刷所





發行所 大正通信社


Back cover

Advertisements for publications by the  Taiheiyo [Pacific] News Agency (Taiheiyō tsūshinsha 太平洋通信社) and the Taishō News Agency (Taishō tsūshinsha 大正通信社)

Selected Pages from Engei shashinch Volume 4, Number 7, July 1, 1925

IHL Cat. #2751

click on image to enlarge

Engei shashinchō Volume 4, Number 7

演藝寫真帖 第四卷 第

cover art (lithograph):

Nakamura Jakuemon [III] as Tokubei's wife Nyōbō

[代目] 中村雀右衛門の徳兵衛女房お辰

artist: Natori Shunsen 名取春仙 (1886-1960)

signed: no signatue; sealed 春仙 Shunsen within red outlined rectangular cartouche


published: July 1, Taishō 14 (1925)

publishing company: Taishō Tsūshinsha, Osaka Branch

大正十月一日 發行

發賣所 大正通信社大阪支社

overall size: approx. 8 9/16 x 11 7/8 in. (21.8 x 30.1 cm)

First section of the preface

"As the state of the world's economy declined, the theater has grown increasingly successful with each passing month. The performances in June saw full houses at both the Eastern and Western theaters. In response, we have made continuous efforts to improve and renew this magazine. This month's issue has reached an unprecedented level of excellence, and we are deeply grateful for the longstanding patronage of our members, which we believe we have repaid in part. We are truly filled with joy." 

月號 目次

Table of Contents and Preface*

*See above for a translation of the first section of the preface.

Frontispiece foldout: Offset press printing of a lithographic reproduction of an Utagawa Kunisada (Toyokuni III) 1860 woodblock print depicting the scene "Hatsu yagura uwasa no takashima" in the play "Sannin Kichisa kuruwa no Hatsugai" 三人吉三廓初買   (The Three Kichisas and the New Year's First Visit to the Pleasure Quarters) with Iwai Kumesaburō III in the role of the thief Ojō Kichisa disguised as a woman.

This print is the top print of an ōban tate-e diptych, the bottom print of which was reproduced in the next month's issue Volume 4, Number 8 shown below.

當世人氣俳優 (その十四)


Contemporary Popular Actors (No. 14) - 

Mr. Umejima Noboru [1887-1943]

[Best known as an actor in "new theater" shingeki]

口繪 三十六家撰 (その七)



Frontispiece (color lithograph)

Thirty-Six Selected Actors (No. 7)

Ichikawa Sadanji [II] as Oshō Kichisa in the play Sannin Kichisa kuruwa no hatsugai

artist: Natori Shunsen 名取春仙 (1886-1960), signed 春仙筆 Shunsen hitsu with paulownia pattern seal

帝國劇場六月狂言 (戾橋 [もどりばし])

Imperial Theater, June performance (Modori bashi – The bridge of return)

黙阿彌翁作 新古演劇十種の内

Written by the venerable Mokuami [1816-1893]

One of [Onoe Kikugorō V's] collection of ten new old-style plays [shin koengeki jisshu]


Scene: On the rooftop of the corridor of the Kitano Shrine

扇折小百合實は愛宕山鬼女 — 梅幸

Ōgiuri Sayuri, revealed to be the demoness of Atago Mountain — Baikō

[Onoe Baikō VI 尾上梅幸 (1870-1934)]

渡邊網 — 幸四郎

Watanabe no Tsuna — Kōshirō

[Matsumoto Kōshirō VII 松本幸四郎 (1870-1949)]

中座六月狂言 (安宅の關)

Naka-za June performance (Ataka no seki - The Ataka barrier)

近松翁原作 榎本虎氏脚色

Original Work by the venerable Chikamatsu [1653-1724]
Adaptation by Enomoto Torahiko [1866-1916]


Scene: The new barrier

富樫左衛門 — 福助

Togashi Saemon — Fukusuke

[Nakamura Fukusuke IV 中村福助 (1875-1948)]

武藏坊辨慶 — 中車

Musashibō Benkei — Chūsha

[Ichikawa Chūsha 市川中車 VII (1860-1936)



Naka-za June performance

(Shinjū Kamiya Jihei)

大阪都新聞當選狂言 近松半二作

Osaka Miyako Shimbun selected play*

 Written by Chikamatsu Hanji [1725-1783]


Scene: Kawashō no ba - At Kawashō

紀伊國屋小春 [紀ノ伊国屋小春] — 魁車

Kinokuniya Koharu — Kaisha

[Nakamura Kaisha 中村魁車 (1876-1945)]


Kamiya Jihei — Ganjirō

[Nakamura Ganjirō I 中村雁治郎 (1860-1935)]


Koya Magoemon — Chūsha

[Ichikawa Chūsha 市川中車 VII (1860-1936)

*this is likely a reference to one of the popularity contests run by the paper

Left margin summary of the play:

Jihei, a paper merchant, had lent a large sum of money to his father-in-law, Gozaemon. However, feeling sorry for his wife, Osan, he decided to hide this fact from her, making it seem as though he had squandered the money on his own debauchery. To maintain this pretense, he spent day and night indulging in tea houses and drinking at the Sonezaki pleasure district. During this time, he became infatuated with Koharu, a courtesan, who treated him with sincere affection and hospitality, causing him to visit her repeatedly.

Osan, worried to the point of despair, secretly sent a letter to Koharu, asking her to sever ties with Jihei. Meanwhile, Jihei's brother, Magoemon, disguised himself as a samurai and secretly tested Koharu’s true feelings. Moved by her deep and genuine affection for Jihei, Magoemon ultimately discarded his swords and pleaded with her to turn Jihei away for his own good. Pressured by both Osan's and Magoemon's requests, Koharu resolved to do so. However, unaware of these events, Jihei arrived unsuspectingly and peered through the latticed door, becoming jealous upon observing Koharu's interactions. Consumed by jealousy, he brandished his sword.

Moved by Magoemon's heartfelt reasoning and Koharu's agonizing decision to turn him away as a duty-bound act of love, Jihei finally accepted the situation. Consoled by his brother, Jihei set out, burdened by the emotional weight of the separation.



Imperial Theater June performance

(Meikō Kakiemon - Master craftsman Kakiemon)


Written by Enomoto Torahiko [1866-1916]

酒井田柿右衛門 — 仁左衛門

Sakaida Kakiemon — Nizaemon

[Kataoka Nizaemon XI (1857-1934)] 



Kabuki-za June performance

(San'nin Kichisa tomoe no shiranami – Three thieves named Kichisa)


Written by Kawatake Mokuami [1816-1893]


Scene: At Ōkawabata near the Kōshin Shrine

お坊吉三 — 吉右衛門

Obō Kichisa — Kichiemon

[Nakamura Kichiemon (1886-1954)]

吉三 — 左團次

Oshō Kichisa — Sadanji

[Ichikawa Sadanji II 市川左團次 (1880-1940)]

お孃吉三 — 羽左衛門

Ojō Kichisa — Uzaemon

[Ichimura Uzaemon XV 市村羽左衛門 (1874-1945)]

浪花座六月狂言 (雁のたより)

Naniwa-za June performance

(Kari no tayori - Letter)


Scene: At the hairdresser’s shop


Hairdresser [kamiyui] Sanni Goroshichi (revealed to be Asaka Yoichirō) — Enjaku

[Jitsukawa Enjaku II 實川延若 (1877-1951)]

角座六月狂言 (蘇生)

Kado-za June Performance (Sosei - Resurrection)

德田秋聲氏原作 戶英[]氏脚色

Original Work by Tokuda Shūsei [1872-1943]
Adaptation by Seto Eiichi [1892-1934]


Mistress [concubine] Tokiko — Hanabusa Tarō [1885-1972]


Sunaga Eizō — Yōhō Ii [1871-1932]

Left margin commentary on Resurrection

This play is an adaptation by Seto Eiichi, painstakingly transformed into six acts and ten scenes from the popular novel by Tokuda Shūsei, which was serialized to great acclaim in both the Osaka Mainichi and Tokyo Nichinichi newspapers.

In Dōtonbori, Ii Yōhō made a much-anticipated return to the stage after nearly a year, accompanied by Kobori Makoto (小堀誠), marking his second appearance after a period of obscurity. The addition of Mizutani Yaeko (水谷八重子) to the cast further elevated the production, which was a major undertaking with day and night dual performances. This ambitious effort led to an unusually large audience turnout for the Shinpa genre in recent times.

Ii's portrayal of Sunaga, Hanabusa's Tokiko, Yaeko's Yōko, and Kobori's Arai all delivered commendable performances, showcasing exceptional artistry. 

新橋演舞場六月狂言 (保名)

Shinbashi Enbujō June performance (Yasuna)



Written by Tsuruya Nanboku IV [1755-1829]

Featuring Enjudayū [jōruri] 


Scene: Kosode monogurui – Short sleeved madness

安倍保名 — 尾上菊五郎

Abe no Yasuna — Onoe Kikugorō [VI]

Left margin commentary: 

Separated by death from his beloved Sakaki no mae, unable to obtain the Kinu Gyokuto [secrets of spell casting] manuscript, and overwhelmed by grief, Abe no Yasuna loses his sanity. Clutching the keepsake kosode of his lover, longing for its lingering fragrance, he chases butterflies fluttering over fields of rapeseed, trampling the young grass amidst the shimmering mirage of the spring plains, wandering aimlessly. This performance was, as always, a masterpiece, showcasing the artistry of Kikugorō, the foremost figure in contemporary dance, paired with the vocal brilliance of Enjudayū.



Kabuki-za June performance

(Hototogisu kojō no rakugetsu - A sinking moon over the lonely castle where the cuckoo cries – or- The setting moon and the fall of Ōsaka Castle)


Scenes: The Sakura Imperial Palace and The rice storehouse

榮尼 紅若

[The nun] Shōeiin — Kōjaku

[Ichikawa Kōjaku IV 市川紅若]


Yodo-no-kata [Yodogimi] — Utaemon

[Nakamura Utaemon V (1865-1940)]


Hideyori [Toyotomi’s heir] — Uzaemon

[Ichikawa Uzaemon XV 中村歌右衛門 (1874-1945)] 


Katagiri Takatoshi — Sumizō

[Ichikawa Sumizō VI 市川壽美蔵 (1886-1971)]


Katagiri Katsumoto — Sadanji

[Ichikawa Sadanji II 市川左團次 (1880-1940)]

饗庭の局 時蔵

Aeba no Tsubone — Tokizō

[Nakamura Tokizō III 中村時蔵 (1895-1959)]

大蔵の局 左升

Ōkurakyo no Tsubone — Sashō

[Ichikawa Sashō II 市川左升 (1872-1943)]


Katagiri's Retainer Jūbei — Arajirō

[Ichikawa Arajirō II 市川荒次郎 (1889-1957)]


[Tokugawa] Ieyasu — Utaemon

[Nakamura Utaemon V (1865-1940)]

歌舞伎座六月狂言 (三人吉三巴白浪)

Kabuki-za June performance
(Sannin Kichisa tomoe no shiranami - Three thieves named Kichisa)


Scene: Kisshōin bosho koroshi - The killing at the Kisshōin graveyard


Jūzaburō [Oshō’s brother] Tokizō

[Nakamura Tokizo III 中村時蔵 (1895-1959)]

和尚吉三 左團次

Oshō Kichisa [a priest] Sadanji

[Ichikawa Sadanji II 市川佐團次 (1880-1940)]

おとせ 福助

Otose [Oshō’s sister] Fukusuke

[Nakamura Fukusuke V 中村福助 (1900-1933)]

歌舞伎座六月狂言 (三人吉三巴白浪)

Kabuki-za June performance
(Sannin Kichisa tomoe no shiranami - Three thieves named Kichisa)

お坊吉三 一 吉右衛門

Obō Kichisa 一 Kichiemon

[Nakamura Kichiemon I 中村吉右衛門 (1886-1954)]

土左衛門傳吉 — 松助

Dozaemon Denkichi — Matsusuki

[Onoe Matsusuke IV 尾上松助 (1843-1928)

お嬢吉三 — 羽左衛門

Ojō Kichisa - Uzaemon

[Ichimura Uzaemon XV 市村羽左衛門 (1874-1945)

Left margin commentary on Three Thieves Named Kichisa

Whether it’s due to the play itself being recognized or the actors being well-suited for their roles, The Three Kichisas has been performed continuously since it debuted at the Naka-za in May of the fourth year of the Meiji Era (1871). It was staged at the Kabuki-za in the fifth year, at the Ichimura-za in the ninth year, and then returned to the Kabuki-za in the tenth year.

This time marks the third performance at the Kabuki-za, and it has become the most popular play in the June program in Tokyo.

Uzaemon’s Ojō Kichisa [the cross-dressing thief], Kichiemon’s Obō Kichisa [the former samurai], and Sadanji’s [the wayward priest] are all performed skillfully, reflecting the experience and dedication of the actors. Among them, Uzaemon’s portrayal of Ojō Kichisa stands out. Her Edo-style charm and elegant, crisp demeanor—whether as a man or as a woman—are perfectly balanced, making Uzaemon’s performance arguably the best of the current generation.

浪花座六月狂言 (石川五右衛門)

Naniwa-za June performance
(Ishikawa Goemon)


Stage setting for the arrest [of Goemon] scene

五右衛門 一 延若

Goemon 一 Enjaku

[Jitsukawa Enjaku II (1877-1951) 實川延若 ]

 伜五良市 [伜五郎市]一みのる

[Goemon’s] son Gorōshi 一 Minoru

[unidentified child actor, possibly Jitsukawa Minoru (?-?) 実川みのる]

辨天座六月狂言 (四谷怪談)

Benten-za June performance
(Yotsuya kaidan - Ghost story of Yotsuya)

お岩 — 右團治

Oiwa – Udanji

[Ichikawa Udanji II  市川右團次 (1881-1936)]

民谷伊右衛門 — 巖笑

Tamiya Iemon — Ganshō

[Arashi Ganshō 嵐巌笑 (1862-1930)]

按摩宅悅 — 大吉

Anma Takuetsu — Daikichi

[Bandō Daikichi II 坂東大吉 (?-?) 



Shōchiku-za June performance
(Tsubosaka reigenki - The miracle at Tsubosaka)


Scene: The ravine of salvation

觀世音 — 又五郎

Kannon (Goddess of Mercy) — Matagorō [Nakamura Matagorō II 中村又五郎 (1914-2009)]

澤市 — 三津五郎

Sawaichi — Mitsugorō

[Bandō Mitsugorō VII 坂東三津五郎 (1882-1961)]

お里 — 松蔦

Osato Shōchō

[Ichikawa Shōchō II 市川松蔦 (1886-1940)

Colophon and announcements to readers

(see Colophon Details for publishing information in left margin)

top: A further explanation to "esteemed members" about how the coupon redemption works to receive the "Thirty-Six Actor Autograph Album."

bottom: Mourning the Death of Murata Masao 村田正雄 (1871-June 7, 1925) - stage and screen actor

Colophon Details

Engei Shashinchō (Performing arts photographic album), Volume 4, Issue 7

(Published once a month on the 1st)

Approved as Third-Class Mail on April 1, Taishō 13 (1924)

Printed and deposited on June 25, Taishō 14 (1925)

Published on July 1, Taishō 14 (1925)


Set price: 60 sen
(Member Price: 50 sen)
New territories: 70 sen
Postage: 1 sen 5 rin


Editor and publisher:

Nakajima Ya?
37 Sōze-chō, Nakanoshima, Kita-ku, Osaka City

Printer: Nakajima Ya?

Printing office:
29 Dote Sanban-chō, Kojimachi-ku, Tokyo City
Taishō tsūshinsha, Printing Department

Publishing house:
37 Sōze-chō, Nakanoshima, Kita-ku, Osaka City
Taishō tsūshinsha, Osaka Branch

Colophon Transcription















印刷人 中島彌




發行所 大阪市北區中ノ島宗是町三七


Back cover

Advertisements for publications by the  Taiheiyo [Pacific] News Agency (Taiheiyō tsūshinsha 太平洋通信社) and the Taishō News Agency (Taishō tsūshinsha 大正通信社)

Selected Pages from Engei shashinch Volume 4, Number 8, August 1, 1925

IHL Cat. #2752

click on image to enlarge

Engei shashinchō Volume 4, Number 8

演藝寫真帖 第四卷 第

cover art (lithograph):

Onoe Eizaburō [VII] as Ama Isona in Shiokumi 

[代目] 尾上栄三分の海女磯菜 汐汲み



artist: Natori Shunsen 名取春仙 (1886-1960)

signed: 春仙 Shunsen; sealed: paulownia pattern seal 

published: August 1, Taishō 14 (1925)

publishing company: Taishō Tsūshinsha, Osaka Branch

大正十月一日 發行

發賣所 大正通信社大阪支社

overall size: approx. 8 9/16 x 11 7/8 in. (21.8 x 30.1 cm)

八月號 目次 


Table of Contents

Editor's Notes:

We received an overwhelming response to the July issue of this magazine, and within a few days of its release, the first edition was sold out. The second edition also sold out on the same day, even before it could be fully bound. Consequently, a third edition had to be issued due to its immense popularity. This success is entirely thanks to the support of our readers, for which all of us on the editorial team express our deepest gratitude.

口繪 三十六家撰 (その八) 片岡我童の福岡貢Frontispiece (color lithograph): Thirty-Six Selected Actors (No. 8) Kataoka Gadō as Fukuoka Mitsugi


Designed by Natori Shunsen 名取春仙 (1886-1960)

當世人氣俳優 (その十五)


Contemporary Popular Actors (No. 15) - 

Mr. Ichimura Kakitsu [VII (1904-1952)]

"His portrait is a true representation of his refined taste and dignity." 

Frontispiece foldout: Offset press printing of a lithographic reproduction of an Utagawa Kunisada (Toyokuni III) 1860 woodblock print depicting the scene "Hatsu yagura uwasa no takashima" in the play "Sannin Kichisa kuruwa no Hatsugai" 三人吉三廓初買   (The Three Kichisas and the New Year's First Visit to the Pleasure Quarters) with Ichikawa Kodanji IV in the role of Oshō Kichisa, a priest, and Kawarazaki Gonjūrō I in the role of Obō Kichisa, a ronin.

This print is the bottom print of an oban tate-e diptych, the top print of which was reproduced in the previous month's issue Volume 4, Number 7 shown above.  

隠亡堀の場: 東海道四谷怪談

Onbōbori no ba: Tōkaidō Yotsuya kaidan (Ghost stories at Yotsuya on the Tōkaidō, the scene at the Onbō canal)


Playing at the Kabuki-za


by Torii Kiyotada (Torii VII) 鳥居清忠 (七代目) (1875-1941)


六月二十八日(日曜日)午後二時半から、雁治郎一派の巨頭連は、大阪放送局に於て、得意の「熊谷陣屋」を放送し、大太阪の市民を驚 喜せしめました。JOBKで放送の終った後、可愛いゝ嬢ちあん達から花束を贈られてゐる一同。

After the broadcast

 On Sunday, June 28th, at 2:30 PM, the leading members of the Kanjirō troupe performed their signature play "Kumagai Jin'ya" at the Osaka Broadcasting Station, delighting and surprising the citizens of Osaka. After the broadcast on JOBK, the group was presented with bouquets from the lovely young ladies.

歌舞伎座 (江戸育お祭佐七)

Kabuki-za (Edo-sodachi Omatsuri Sashichi -

Edo-raised Omatsuri Sashichi) 


Written by Kawatake Shinshichi III [1842-1901]


Scene: Yanagihara dote koroshi -The Yanagihara dike murder

お祭佐七 ― 市村羽左衛門

[The fireman] Omatsuri Sashichi ― Ichimura Uzaemon [XV] 

藝者小糸 — 尾上梅幸

Courtesan Koito: Played by Onoe Baikō [VI]

市村座 (夜討曽我狩場曙)

Ichimura-za (Youchi Soga kariba no akebono – Dawn at the hunting field after the Soga brothers night attack)


Written by Kawatake Mokuami [1816-1893]

五郎時致 — 菊五郎

Gorō Tokimune — Kikugorō

[Onoe Kikugorō VI 尾上菊五郎 (1885-1949)

五郎丸 — 伊三郎

Gorōmaru — Izaburō

[Onoe Izaburō 尾上伊三郎 (1887-1937)]

大阪辨天座 (四季模樣白縫譚)

Osaka Benten-za

(Shiki moyō Shiranui monogatari – The tale of Shiranui, patterns of the four seasons)


Scene: The noh stage at the Toriyama mansion


Toriyama Bungonosuke Yasutada [loyal retainer of the Kikuchi household] — Daikichi

[Bandō Daikichi II 坂東大吉 (1894-early 1930s)]


Takigawa Akishino [nanny (uba) who raised Inuchiyo]— Ganshō

[Arashi Ganshō 嵐巌笑 (1862-1930)]


Toriyama Inuchiyo [son of Bungonosuke] — Udanji [Ichikawa Udanji II 市川右團次 (1881-1936)]




(Tōkaidō Yotsuya kaidan - The ghost story at Yotsuya on the Tōkaidō)

伊右衛門 — 羽左衛門

Iemon — Uzaemon

[Ichimura Uzaemon XV 市村羽左衛門]

直助權兵衛 — 左團次

Naosuke Gonbei — Sadanji

[Ichikawa Sadanji II 市川左團次]

帝國劇場 (太平記曦鎧)

Imperial Theater (Taiheiki asahi no yoroi – Chronicle of the armor of the rising sun)


Scene: Bon odori dance in the garden of the Nagai mansion

若君一 雄之助

Wakagimi [the young lord] — Yūnosuke

[Itō Yūnosuke 伊藤雄之助 (1919-1980)]

三位の局 菊江

Sanmi no Tsubone — Kikue

[Kawamura Kikue 河村菊江(1890-1972)]

 齋藤太郎左衛門 幸四郎

Saitō Tarōzaemon — Kōshirō

[Matsumoto Kōshirō VII 松本幸四郎 (1870-1949)]

永井右馬之頭 幸蔵

Nagai Umanokami — Kōzō

[Matsumoto Kōzō 松本幸蔵(1911-1985)]

鶴千代 宗之助

Tsuruchiyo — Sōnosuke

[Sawamura Sōnosuke II澤村宗之助 (1918-1978)]

永井の奥方花園 嘉久子

Nagai's wife, Hanazono — Kakuko

[Murata Kakuko 村田嘉久子 (1893-1969)]

[歌舞伎座] 東海道四谷怪談  

Tōkaidō Yotsuya kaidan - The Ghost Story of Yotsuya on the Tōkaidō [at the Kabuki-za]


Until opening day

Text insets

For everyone to watch a play and joyfully applaud at its beautiful scenes, it takes considerable time and effort, requiring the extraordinary dedication of everyone involved. Once the structure of the play is decided, roles are assigned, but this is often quite a challenge. There are cases of so-called "miscast dissatisfaction," where someone complains, saying, "I can't accept this role…" and sulks. Balancing these disputes and harmonizing the cast is no small feat. Once that is resolved, the script reading begins. After completing it with a round of applause and handclaps, the work for the head of the production truly begins.

The head must juggle endless responsibilities—costumes, props, small accessories, everything—and ensure rehearsals are scheduled in the midst of the chaos. The hectic pace can make one dizzy, and all of this still continues through to stage rehearsals. Each department, from costumes to props, stage settings, and lighting, has a designated chief responsible for ensuring everything is prepared exactly as per the playwright's vision. They bear the immense responsibility of completing the stage sets for each act and scene within five to ten days.

This Yotsuya Kaidan production, since June 21, has finally been brought before the audience as a result of the immense efforts behind the scenes by numerous individuals. These include not only the actors—such as Baikō, Uzaemon, and Sadanji—but also stage director Kimura Kinka, production heads Suzuki and Yoshizawa, along with hundreds of department heads and staff members who worked tirelessly in their respective roles.

(1) Play planning — Stage director Mr. Kimura Kinka (center), “Greenroom manager” Mr. Yoshizawa (far right), and Mr. Suzuki (second from the right)

(2) Script reading — Stage manager Mr. Matsui Shōō (center)

(3) Wig fitting - Mr. Uzaemon

(4) Wigs — Iemon's wig

(5) Costume check — Mr. Sadanji

(6) Stage props — The double-sided door panel for the "toitagaeshi"*

(7) Blocking rehearsal — From right: Mr. Sumizō, Mr. Sadanji, Mr. Baikō, and Mr. Uzaemon

(8) Set design — Manager, Mr. Hasegawa Genjirō?

(9) Lighting — Manager, Mr. Ikeda Seisaku?

(10) Stage rehearsal — Mr. Baikō as Omon of the Toothpick Shop

*A wooden door floats down in front of Iemon who is fishing in the Ombobori moat. The corpse of Kohei, whom Iemon murdered, and the corpse of Oiwa, are nailed onto the front and back sides of the door. The mechanism allows a single actor to portray both corpses. The costumes for the two characters are attached to the front and back of the door, and a hole is made in the door so that only the actor's face shows. Therefore, an instantaneous change of roles can be done when the door is flipped back. [source: Japan Arts Council https://www2.ntj.jac.go.jp/unesco/kabuki/en/play/play17.html]

皆様がお芝居を見て、美しり 場面に手を拍つてお喜びになるまでには、可成りの日數 さ、各係りの人々の非常なる苦心さを要するものでござい ます。狂言の立て方がきまるさ、愈々役割にか、りますが これが却々大變なので、所謂役不足こが申しまして「俺は 此役では…………」さ冠を枉げる人も中には出ます。それを 旨く調和を取り、サブこれで 納ったさなろさ、すぐに本讀み、「お手を拝借」シャン〱〱さ手打をして仕舞うと、 今度は頭取さんの幅が十や二十あつても間に合はない。衣 裳、愛、小道具、何から何までの注文、その間に立稽古の順番なんぞさ、目の廻るやうな 忙しさ、その上まだ舞臺稽古までついて廻るのでございま す。衣裳、愛、小道具、大道具、電氣こそれぞれ各 部に主任がなりまして 作者の注文通りの作業をし、何幕何場かの大道具を五日か十日のうちに作り上げなければならぬ重大な責任を背 負ってなります。この「四谷怪談」も六月二十一日以來、梅幸、羽左衛門、左團次 以下多數の俳優諸君は勿論、幕内主任木村錦花、頭取鈴木、吉澤の諸氏、並に各部主任以下數百名の人々が裡面に於て大活動の結果、ヤット皆様の前に出たのでございます。

(1)狂言きまり ― 幕內主任木村錦花氏(正面) 頭取吉澤氏(右端)鈴木氏(右二番目)

(2)本讀み ― 舞臺監督松居松翁氏(正面)

(3)鬘合せ ― 羽左衛門氏

(4)鬘 ― 伊右衛門の愛

(5)衣裳調ベ ― 左團次氏

(6)小道具 ― 戸板返しの戸板

(7)立稽古 ― 右より壽美藏、左團次、梅幸、羽左衛門諸氏

(8)大道具 ― 主任長谷川源二郎氏

(9)電氣 —— 主任池田誠作氏

(10) 舞臺稽古 —— 梅幸氏の楊枝屋お紋

松竹座 (戾駕 [戻駕])

Shōchiku-za (Modori kago – Returning palanquin [A kiyomoto* dance play])


Scene: Suzakuno? outside the capital [Kyoto]


Naniwa no Jirōsaku [Palanquin bearer from Osaka]— Yasosuke

[Bandō Yasosuki III 坂東八十助 (1906-1975)


Azuma no Yoshirō [palanquin bearer from Edo] — Yonekichi

[Nakamura Yonekichi III 中村米吉 (1909-1988)]


Kamuro Tayori [courtesan’s handmaiden Tayori] — Matagorō

[Nakamura Matagorō II 中村又五郎 (1914-2009)]

* Kiyomoto-bushi is one type of joruri, narrative music, accompanied by shamisen, and is also known as kiyomoto. It is an accompaniment to Kabuki dance, and it is also performed on stage for concerts and for training.

The performers consist of a narrator known as a tayu, and shamisen players who use chuzao, the same type of shamisen as in tokiwazu. The music is characterized by emotional poetry and prose narrated in a technically accomplished manner in a very high register.[source: Japan Arts Council Introduction to Kabuki] 

Left margin commentary: Modori kago

(partial and edited)

Accompanied by Tokiwazu music, the three characters—Kamuro [Tayori] (the young attendant), Yoshirō, and Jirōsaku—each share stories of the pleasure districts of Shimabara, Shinmachi, and Yoshiwara, respectively.

This Modori kago is a brilliantly vibrant dance drama unique to kabuki. It was originally written by Sakurada Jisuke [1734-1806] and first performed at the Nakamura-za in November of Tenmei 8 (1788). Since then, it has been staged numerous times up to the present day.

In this performance, the young prodigy Matagorō takes on the role of the kamuro with extraordinary brilliance, holding his own against the preeminent sixth-generation master of the craft. His performance was executed with remarkable freshness and flair.

映畫支那劇 (祖國)

Eiga Shinageki (Sokoku - Fatherland)

Right margin commentary: Sokoku

With a budget of 200,000 yen and over 3,000 people involved, Inoue Masao's [1881-1950] second post-return production [likely a reference to his return from a 1923 European tour], "Fatherland" (祖國), is an unprecedented large-scale film in Japan.

Inspired by a famous French work, Kitamura Komatsu [1901-1964] crafted the story with China as the setting. The cinematography showcases Inoue as Zheng Shiwen?, the prime minister of the Southern Army; Hanabusa Yuriko [1900-1970] as Princess Qingqing?; and Kawada Yoshiko [1895-1970] as Tōsen?, the sister of Zhu Yangzhi?, the commander-in-chief of the Northern Army.

One of the standout scenes depicts the triumphant return after the Southern Army's great victory, featuring an elaborate celebration. Among the crowd, only those riding in carriages or on horseback are actual actors, while the rest are extras—passionate fans compensated with boxed lunches and a single frame of film. (If "extras" sounds too harsh, let's call them enthusiastic supporters.) This note is offered with quiet gratitude.

Colophon and advertisement

(see Colophon Details for publishing information in left margin)

right: Advertisement by the Taishō Radio  Company 大正ラヂオ社 for an SK high-frequency amplifier

Colophon Details

Engei Shashinchō (Performing arts photographic album), Volume 4, Issue 8

(Published once a month on the 1st)

Approved as Third-Class Mail on April 1, Taishō 13 (1924)

Printed and deposited on July 25, Taishō 14 (1925)

Published on August 1, Taishō 14 (1925)


Set price: 60 sen
(Member price: 50 sen)
New territories: 70 sen
Postage: 1 sen 5 rin


Editor and publisher:
37 Soze-chō, Nakanoshima, Kita-ku, Osaka City
Nakajima Ya?

Printer: Nakajima Ya?

Printing house:
29 Dote-Sanban-chō, Kojimachi-ku, Tokyo City
Taishō tsūshinsha, Printing Department

Publishing house:
37 Soze-chō, Nakanoshima, Kita-ku, Osaka City
Taishō tsūshinsha, Osaka Branch

Colophon Transcription












編輯兼發行 大阪市北區中ノ島宗是町三七


印刷人 中島彌

印刷所 東京市麴町區土手三番町二九


發行所 大阪市北區中ノ島宗是町三七


Back cover

Advertisement for publications by Taishō tsūsinsha 大正通信社發行:

寫眞通信 (Shashin tsūshin)

"The Monthly Photographic Illustration"

国粹 色紙と短冊
National Culture: "Shikishi and Tanzaku"

Selected Pages from Engei shashinch Volume 4, Number 9, September 1, 1925

IHL Cat. #2753

click on image to enlarge

Engei shashinchō Volume 4, Number 9

演藝寫真帖 第四卷 第

cover art (lithograph):

Onoe Kikugorō [VI] as Adachi Motoemon

[代目] 尾上菊五郎の安達元右衛門


artist: likely Itō Shinsui, no signature or seal*

published: September 1, Taishō 14 (1925)

publishing company: Taishō Tsūshinsha, Osaka Branch

大正十月一日 發行

發賣所 大正通信社大阪支社

overall size: approx. 8 9/16 x 11 7/8 in. (21.8 x 30.1 cm)

* While the title of this print is given in the table of contents, no artist is identified as the designer. However the preface does state that starting with this issue Mr. Itō Shinsui will be designing the frontispiece and, thought not explicitly stated, we can assume he also designed the cover.

From the Preface - Introducing Master Itō Shinsui

◇Since the New Year's issue of this year, the ongoing feature series "Thirty-Six Selected Actors" has been published monthly.[1] As you are aware, up until the August issue, we had the honor of having Mr. Natori Shunsen contribute his illustrations. However, in response to requests from various readers, we have specially invited Mr. Itō Shinsui to take over from this issue onward, and his work will continue to adorn the opening pages of each issue. 

There is no need to reiterate the prominent position and renowned works of Master Shinsui in the current Japanese art world, as many of you are already well acquainted with them. However, I would like to note that while Master Shinsui’s work has appeared in various newspapers and magazines, it is rare to see such a large-scale, full-color print as featured this time. Furthermore, with the special care of the artist, our company has gone to great lengths to preserve the essence of the original artwork. We employed our company's highest-grade printing techniques to ensure that even the finest details, down to the strokes of the pencil, are faithfully reproduced. 

This new collaboration adds another source of pride for our magazine. All of us at the company are delighted to be able to reciprocate your support with this enhancement, and we look forward to your continued patronage.

[1] The title of this series of thirty-six prints is "三十六家撰." While generally translated as a "selection of thirty-six actors," the character "家" can be read as "lineage" or "family" referring to an actor's acting lineage.

月號 目次


Table of Contents and Preface

A Word to Our Members◇
-Please Read Carefully-
◇Due to high demand, every issue of this magazine has been sold out, no matter how many copies we print. The August issue also sold out within the month, as is customary. All of our staff sincerely express our deep gratitude and, with renewed dedication, pledge to work even harder in the future. We humbly ask for your continued patronage.


三十六家撰 (その九)

中村福助 (成駒屋) の時姬


Frontispiece (color lithograph):

Thirty-Six Selected Actors (Number 9)

Nakamura Fukusuke [V] (Narikomaya*) as Tokihime drawn by Itō Shinsui 伊東深水 (1898-1972)

*actor's guild name (yagō)


似顏繪…中村福助 (高砂屋) の淺野内匠頭


Frontispiece (color lithograph):

Nigao-e [bust portrait]: Nakamura Fukusuke [IV] (Takasagoya*) as Asano Naganori by Natori Shunsen 名取春仙 (1886-1960)

*actor's guild name (yagō)



Ichikawa Matsuta as Oman, by 

Tanaka Shikō [signing as 紫光 Shikō; sealed たなか Tanaka]

當世人氣俳優 (その十六)


Contemporary Popular Actors (No. 16) - 

Mr. Nakamura Fukutarō [1898-1970]



Natsu Matsuri Naniwa Kagami 

Drawn by Torii Kiyotada (Torii VII) 鳥居清忠 (七代目) (1875-1941)



Imperial Theatre performance by the Shinkoku-geki company

(The Elephant Handler)

中村吉藏氏作 濱田右二郎氏 舞台裝置

Written by Nakamura Kichizō [1877-1941]
Stage design by Hamada Ujirō

ジヤンダークの花子 ― 山路千枝子

象使ひダス ― 澤田正二郎

Dark? Hanako – played by Yamaji Chieko [1897-1942]
Das the Elephant Handler – played by Sawada Shōjirō

[Founder of Shinkoku-geki, actor and playwright (1892-1929)

辨天座大歌舞伎 (馬士地獄)

Benten-za Grand Kabuki (Mago jigoku - The horseman's hell)


Final act: The scene of the great waterfall at the inner sanctuary of Jōkōji temple in Odawara

僧淨念前身箱根の六藏 ― 大吉

The Monk Jōnen in his former life as Rokuzō of Hakone ― played by the actor Daikichi

[Bandō Daikichi II 坂東大吉]

清兵衛妹おふじ ― 扇雀

Seibei's Younger Sister Ofuji ― played by Senjaku

[Nakamura Senjaku I 中村扇雀]

玉櫛笥清吉 — 右團治

Tamakushige Kiyokichi — played by Udanji

[Ichikawa Udanji II 市川右團次].

飯綱茂三郎 — 橘三郎

Iizuna Shigesaburō — played by Kitsusaburō

[Arashi Kitsusaburō V 嵐橘三郎]


Kabuki-za (Natsu matsuri Naniwa kagami - A mirror of the Osaka summer festival)


Final act: scene of the arrest on the rooftop

團七九郎兵衛 — 延若

Danshichi Kurobē — Enjaku

[Jitsukawa Enjaku II 実川延若]

一寸德兵衛 — 友右衛門

Issun Tokubē — Tomoemon

[Ōtani Tomoemon VI 大谷友右衛門]

帝國劇場新國劇 (坂崎出羽守)

Imperial Theatre, Shinkokugeki

(Sakazaki Dewanokami)

山本有三氏作 高田保氏舞台裝置

Written by Yamamoto Yūzō, stage design by Takada Tamotsu

坂崎出羽守 — 澤田正二郎

Sakazaki Dewanokami — played by Sawada Shōjirō

德川千姬 — 久松喜世子

Tokugawa Sen-hime — played by Hisamatsu Kiyoko

本田平八郎忠刻 — 中井哲
  Honda Heihachirō Tadatoki — played by Nakai Tetsu

邦樂座五九郎劇 (火あぶり)

Hōgaku-za, Gokurō theater company

(Hiaburi - The burning at the stake)


Written by Suzuki Senzaburō

畵家津村有年 —  高橋義信

Artist Tsumura Arutoshi — played by Takahashi Yoshinobu

麦おくに ― 五月信子

Mugi Okuni — played by Satsuki Nobuko

*See "Soganoya Comedy Troupe"

Colophon and advertisement

(see Colophon Details for publishing information in left margin)

right: Advertisement by the Taishō Radio  Company 大正ラヂオ社 for an SK high-frequency amplifier

Colophon Details

Engei Shashinchō (Performing arts photographic album), Volume 4, Issue 9

(Published once a month on the 1st)

Approved as Third-Class Mail on April 1, Taishō 13 (1924)

Printed and deposited on August 25, Taishō 14 (1925)

Published on September 1, Taishō 14 (1925)


Set price: 60 sen
(Member price: 50 sen)
New territories: 70 sen
Postage: 1 sen 5 rin


Editor and publisher:
37 Sōze-chō, Nakanoshima, Kita-ku, Osaka City
Nakajima Ya?

Printer: Nakajima Ya?

Printing house:
29 Dote-Sanban-chō, Kojimachi-ku, Tokyo City
Taishō tsūsinsha, Printing Department

Publishing house:
37 Sōze-chō, Nakanoshima, Kita-ku, Osaka City
Taishō tsūsinsha, Osaka Branch

Colophon Transcription












編輯兼發行 大阪市北區中ノ島宗是町三七


印刷人 中島彌

印刷所 東京市麴町區土手三番町二九 大正通信社印刷部

發行所 大阪市北區中ノ島宗是町三七  大正通信社大阪支社

Back cover

Advertisement for publications by Taishō tsūsinsha 大正通信社發行:

寫眞通信 (Shashin tsūshin)

The Monthly Photographic Illustration

国粹 色紙と短冊
National Culture: Shikishi and Tanzaku

Selected Pages from Engei shashinch Volume 4, Number 10, October 1, 1925

IHL Cat. #2754

click on image to enlarge

Engei shashinchō Volume 4, Number 10

演藝寫真帖 第四卷 第十

cover art (lithograph):

Matsumoto Kōshirō [VII] [as Gongorō] in Shibaraku

[代目] 松本幸四郎の『暫』


artist: Kawase Hasui 川瀬巴水 (1883-1957)

signed: 巴水画 Hasui ga; sealed: red Toshidama type seal


published: October 1, Taishō 14 (1925)

publishing company: Taishō Tsūshinsha, Osaka Branch

大正十年十月一日 發行

發賣所 大正通信社大阪支社

overall size: approx. 8 9/16 x 11 7/8 in. (21.8 x 30.1 cm)

十月號 目次

Table of Contents and Preface with an announcement of a new prize contest for members.



[Nakamura] Ganjirō [I] as [Ōishi] Kuranosuke

by Kiyoshi Kobayakawa*

*The Preface notes: "[I]n response to the enthusiastic requests of many members, we have included a color print by the renowned up-and-coming artist Kiyoshi Kobayakawa who has made a name for himself at the Imperial Art Exhibition (Teiten)." 

當世人氣俳優 (その十)


Contemporary Popular Actors (No. 17) - 

Onoe Kikugorō [VI (1885-1949)]


三十六家選 (その十) 中村芝鶴の初菊


Frontispiece (color lithograph):

 Thirty-Six Selected Actors (No. 10), Nakamura Shichikaku [II] as Hatsukiku

Drawn by Itō Shinsui 伊東深水 (1898-1972)

歌舞伎座九月狂言一番目 (オセロウ)

Kabuki-za September performance, first play (Othello)

小山内薰氏 譯並に演出

Translated and directed by Kaoru Osanai [1881-1928]

オセロウ ― 幸四郎

Othello — Kōshirō

[Matsumoto Kōshirō VII 松本 幸四郎]

キャシャス ― 壽美藏

Cassio — Sumizō

[Ichikawa Sumizō VI 市川壽美藏]

イャゴウ ― 左團次

Iago — Sadanji

[Ichikawa Sadanji II 市川左團次]

デスデモオナ ― 松蔦

Desdemona — Shōchō

[Ichikawa Shōchō II 市川松蔦]

淺草松竹座 (戀妻)

Asakusa Shōchiku-za

(Koitsuma - Loving wife)



Serialized in Tokyo Shinbun

Original story by Isamu Yoshii [1886–1960]

女優浪路真砂子 — 河合

Actress Namimichi Masako — Kawai

[Kawai Takeo 河合武雄 (1877-1942)]

ロイドの龍吉 — 梅島

Ryojaku of Lloyd — Umejima

[Umejima Noboru 梅島昇 (1887-1943)]

帝國劇場九月狂言一番目 (吉田御殿)

Imperial Theatre September performance, first play (Yoshida goten - Yoshida palace)

弘津千代子女史作 鳥居清忠氏舞臺裝證

Written by Miss Hirotsu Chiyo [1901-1983], stage design by Torii Kiyotada (Torii VII) 鳥居清忠 (七代目) (1875-1941)

天樹院 — 律子

Tenjuin — Ritsuko

[Mori Ritsuko 森律子]

花井繁之丞 — 勘彌

Hanai Shigenojō — Kanya

[Morita Kan’ya 森田勘彌 XIII]

侍女竹尾 — 菊江

Lady’s maid Takeo — Kikue

[Kawamura Kikue 河村菊江 (1890-1972)]

歌舞伎座九月狂言 (かごや)

Kabuki-za September performance

(Kagoya -The palanquin bearer)


Tokiwazu Matsuo Tayū Troupe


Sanosuke the Palanquin Bearer — Played by Ennosuke

[Ichikawa Ennosuke II 市川猿之助]

 浪花座九月狂言 (來山)

Naniwa-za September performance (Raizan)


Original story by Enomoto Torahiko [1866-1916]

小西來山 — 卯三郎

Konishi Raizan — Usaburō

[Onoe Usaburō II 尾上卯三郎 (1860-1928)]

藝子小ふじ ― 扇雀
Geisha Kofuji — Senjaku

[Nakamura Senjaku I 中村扇雀]

Colophon and announcement of new prize for readers

(see Colophon Details for publishing information in left margin)

right and center: Announcement of the new prize being offered of two tanzaku strips by the famous actor Matsumoto Kōshirō, printed by high-quality offset and the prize rules.

left side of actor image: "(Question) Who is this actor?" 

Colophon Details

Engei Shashinchō (Performing arts photographic album), Volume 4, Issue 10

Set price: 60 sen
(Member price: 50 sen)

New territories: 70 sen
Postage: 1 sen 5 rin


Approved as Third-Class Mail on April 1, 1924

Printed and bound on September 25, 1925

Issued on October 1, 1925

(Issued once a month on the 1st) 


Editor and publisher: Nakajima Ya?

37, Sōsei-chō, Naka-no-shima, Kita-ku, Osaka City


Printer: Gotō Tōichi 

Printing company: Asahi Printing Company

87, Sarueura-chō, Fukagawa-ku, Tokyo City 


Taishō Tsūsinsha

29 Dote-Sanban-chō, Kojimachi-ku, Tokyo City

Publishing house: Taishō Tsūsinsha, Osaka branch

37, Sōsei-chō, Nakanoshima, Kita-ku, Osaka City

Colophon Transcription

















印刷人 後藤登一


印刷所 朝日印刷所





發行所 大正通信社大阪支社

Back cover

Advertisement for new publications by Taishō Tsūsinsha 大正通信社發行:

Motion Picture 映画

"The first-ever high-end magazine in Japan dedicated to motion pictures."

Scout Graph スカウトグラフ

"Filled with warmth and affection."

Selected Pages from Engei shashinch Volume 4, Number 11, November 1, 1925

IHL Cat. #2755

click on image to enlarge

Engei shashinchō Volume 4, Number 11

演藝寫真帖 第四卷 第十一

cover art (lithograph):

Jitsukawa Enjaku [II] as Chienai [in Kikubatake (The Chrysanthemum Garden)]

[代目] 實川延若の智惠内

artist: Kawase Hasui 川瀬巴水 (1883-1957)

signed: 巴水画 Hasui ga; sealed: stylized 水 "sui" seal

signature and seal with black outlined rectangular cartouche


published: November 1, Taishō 14 (1925)

publishing company: Taishō Tsūshinsha, Osaka Branch

大正十年十一月一日 發行

發賣所 大正通信社大阪支社

overall size: approx. 8 9/16 x 11 7/8 in. (21.8 x 30.1 cm)

十一月號 目次

Table of Contents for the November issue


三十六家選 (その十) 中村歌右衛門の尾上 


Frontispiece (color lithograph)

Thirty-Six Selected Actors (No. 11)

Nakamura Utaemon [V] as Onoe [in Kagamiyama Kokyō no Nishikie 鏡山旧錦絵]

Drawn by Itō Shinsui 伊東深水 (1898-1972)

 當世人氣俳優 (その十八)


Contemporary Popular Actors (No. 18) 

Morita Kan'ya [XIII]



Depiction of the Persecution of Nichiren at Tatsunokuchi, by Torii Kiyotada (Torii VII) 鳥居清忠 (七代目) (1875-1941)

歌舞伎座十月狂言 (辨天娘女男白浪)

Kabuki-za October performance

(Benten musume meo no shiranami - Benten the thief disguised as a young lady )


Scene at the Hamamatsuya

辨天小僧菊之助 — 羽左衛門

Benten Kozō Kikunosuke —  Uzaemon

[Ichimura Uzaemon XV 市村羽左衛門]

南鄉力丸 — 左團次

 Nangō Rikimaru — Sadanji

[Ichikawa Sadanji II 市川左團次]

帝國劇場十月狂言 (日蓮上人)

Imperial Theater October performance (Nichiren Shōnin)


Scene at Tatsunokuchi execution grounds

日蓮上人 — 幸四郎

Nichiren Shōnin — Kōshirō

[Matsumoto Kōshirō VII 松本幸四郎]

四條金吾賴基 — 宗十郎

Shijō Kingo Yorimoto — Sōjūrō

[Sawamura Sōjūrō VII 澤村宗十郎]



Kobe Shōchiku Theater October performance (Kuriyama Daizen)

愛妾お秀の方 — 魁車

Concubine Ohide-no-kata — Kaisha

[Nakamura Kaisha 中村魁車]

毛谷主水 — 福助

Ketani Mondo — Fukusuke

[中村福助 Nakamura Fukusuke IV]

栗山大膳 — 鴈治郎

Kuriyama Daizen — Ganjirō

[Nakamura Ganjirō I 中村鴈治郎]

善之助 — 扇寿
Yoshinosuke? (or Zennosuke?) — Senju

[possibly Nakamura Senju 中村扇寿 active in this period]

神戸松竹劇場十月狂言 (乘合船惠方萬歲)

Kobe Shōchiku Theater October performance (Noriaibune Ehō Manzai - Manzai entertainers on a ferry boat)

萬歲鶴太夫 — 福助

Manzai Tsurutayū — Fukusuke

[Nakamura Fukusuke IV 中村福助]

才造龜吉 — 長三郎
Saizō Kamekichi — Chōzaburō

[Sawamura Chōzaburō 澤村長三郎]

淺草松竹座十月狂言 (十二時會稽曾我)

Asakusa Shōchiku Theater October performance (Jūnitoki kaikei Soga - The Soga brothers at Kaikei mountain at twelve o'clock) 


Kodayū as Gorōmaru

[Ichikawa Kodayū II 市川小太夫]


Ennosuke as Gorō Tokimune

[Ichikawa Ennosuke II 市川猿之助]



Imperial Theater October dance drama

(Onatsu Kyōran - Onatsu’s madness)


Written by Dr. Tsubouchi Shōyō [1859-1935]


Stage Design by Yagi Junichirō


Baikō as Onatsu

[Onoe Baikō VI 尾上梅幸]

中座文樂人形淨瑠璃 (本朝廿四孝)

Naka-za Bunraku Puppet Jōruri (Honchō nijūshikō - Twenty-four paragons of filial piety)


Tale of Yamamoto Kansuke scene

横藏: 吉田玉藏

慈悲藏 吉田玉松

Yokozō — [puppeteer] Yoshida Tamazō [III]
Jihizō — [puppeteer] Yoshida Tamamatsu [III]

Colophon and manga

(see Colophon Details for publishing information in left margin)

狂言 小梅と由兵衛



Play: Koume and Yoshibei

manga plot outline

by Yokoyama Kei

Colophon Details

Engei Shashinchō (Performing arts photographic album), Volume 4, Issue 11

Set price: 60 sen
(Member price: 50 sen)

New territories: 70 sen
Postage: 1 sen 5 rin


Approved as Third-Class Mail on April 1, 1924

Printed and bound on October 25, 1925

Issued on November 1, 1925

(Issued once a month on the 1st) 


Editor and publisher: Nakajima Ya?

37, Sōsei-chō, Naka-no-shima, Kita-ku, Osaka City


Printer: Gotō Tōichi 

Printing company: Asahi Printing Company

87, Sarueura-chō, Fukagawa-ku, Tokyo City 


Taishō tsūsinsha

29 Dote-Sanban-chō, Kojimachi-ku, Tokyo City

Publishing house: Taishō tsūsinsha, Osaka branch

37, Sōsei-chō, Nakanoshima, Kita-ku, Osaka City

Colophon Transcription


















印刷人 後藤登一

同右 印刷所 朝日印刷所





發行所 大正通信社大阪支社

Back cover

Advertisement for new publications by Taishō Tsūsinsha 大正通信社發行:

Motion Picture 映画

"The first-ever high-end magazine in Japan dedicated to motion pictures."

Scout Graph スカウトグラフ

"Filled with warmth and affection."

Selected Pages from Engei shashinch Volume 4, Number 12, December 1, 1925

IHL Cat. #2756

click on image to enlarge

Engei shashinchō Volume 4, Number 12

演藝寫真帖 第四卷 第十

cover art (lithograph):

Nakamura Utaemon [V] as Tonase [in Kanadehon Chūshingura]

[六代目] 中村歌右衛門の戸無瀬

artist: Kawase Hasui 川瀬巴水 (1883-1957)

signed: 巴水画 Hasui ga; sealed: stylized red 水 "sui" seal


published: December 1, Taishō 14 (1925)

publishing company: Taishō Tsūshinsha,. Osaka Branch

大正十年十月一日 發行

發賣所 大正通信社大阪支社

overall size: approx. 8 9/16 x 11 7/8 in. (21.8 x 30.1 cm)

月號 目次

Table of Contents for the December issue


三十六家撰 (その十二) 尾上梅幸の十六夜


Frontispiece (color lithograph):

Thirty-Six Selected Actors (No. 12), Onoe Baikō [VI] as Izayoi [in Izayoi Seishin (The Love of Izayoi and Seishin)]

Drawn by Itō Shinsui 伊東深水 (1898-1972)

當世人氣俳優 (その十九)


Contemporary Popular Actors (No. 19) 

Kataoka Gadō [IV]

中座十一月狂言 (壺屋久兵衛)

Naka-za November performance

(Tsuboya Kyūbei)


Scene at Seibei’s House on Sannen-zaka

陶器師清兵衛— 卯三郎

Pottery Master Seibei — Usaburō

[Onoe Usaburō II 尾上卯三郎]


Tsuboya Kyūbei — Ganjirō

[Nakamura Ganjirō I 中村雁治郎]

歌舞伎座十一月狂言 (乃木將軍)

Kabuki-za November performance

(General Nogi)


Written and Directed by Mr. Matsui Shōō


General Maresuke Nogi — Sadanji

[Ichikawa Sadanji II 市川左團次]

静子夫人 — 歌右衛門

Lady Shizuko (his wife) — Utaemon

[Nakamura Utaemon V 中村歌右衛門]

神戶松竹劇場十一月狂言 (深川染)

Kobe Shochiku Theater November performance (Fukagawa some - Fukagawa dyeing)


Scene: Under the Eitai Bridge

瀧の家お瀧 — 花柳

Otaki of Taki's House — Hanayagi

[Hanayagi Shōtarō 花柳章太郎]

七之助 — 壽三郎

Shichinosuke — Jusaburō

[Bondō Jusaburō III 坂東壽三郎]

中座十一月狂言 (明鳥夢泡雪)

Naka-za November performance

(Akegarasu yume no awayuki - A crow at daybreak, A dream of light snowfall)


Scene: Yamanaya garden in the snow

浦里 一 雀右衛門

Urazato – Jakuemon

[Nakamura Jakuemon III 中村雀右衛門]

遣り手おかや 一 卯三郎

Yarite Okaya – Usaburō

[Onoe Osaburō II 尾上卯三郎]

禿みどり ー 小鷹

Kamuro Midori – Kotaka

[unknown child actor]

帝國劇場十一月狂言 (其小唄夢廓)

Imperial Theater November performance

(Sono kouta yume mo Yoshiwara)

鳥居清忠氏 舞臺裝置

Stage design by Torii Kiyotada


Scene: Harakiri on the Rokugō Riverboat

平井權八 — 市村羽左衛門

Hirai Gonpachi – Ichimura Uzaemon

淺草松竹座十一月狂言 (當利鬮千十一番)

Asakusa Shōchiku-za November performance

(Atari kuji senjūichiban)

紙屑屋幸次郎 — 延若

Kamikuzuya Kōjirō – Enjaku

[Jisukawa Enjaku 実川延若]

妹おきぬ ― 芝鶴
His younger sister Okinu – Shikaku

[Nakamura Shikaku II 中村芝鶴]


Kobe Shōchiku Theater November performance (Tanizoko - The valley deep)


Written by the late Suzuki Senzaburō [1893-1924]

年代 — 花柳

Kojima Toshiyo [Kisaburō’s wife] — Hanayagi

[Hanayagi Shōtarō 花柳章太郎 (1894-1965)]

小島紀三郎 — 藤村

Kojima Kisaburō — Fujimura

[Fujimura Hideo 藤村秀夫 (1889-1968_]

弟英四郎 — 藤山
[Kisaburō’s] younger brother Kojima Eishirō — [possibly Fujiyama Sōnosuke 藤山総之介]  



Bunraku-za November performance

Ehon Taikōki - The illustrated chronicles of the regent 


Scene: Amagasaki no dan

Colophon and manga

(see Colophon Details for publishing information in left margin)



Kawashirube? Entertainment Manga 

by Yokoyama Kei

Colophon Details

Engei Shashinchō (Performing arts photographic album), Volume 4, Issue 12

Set price: 60 sen
(Member price: 50 sen)

New territories: 70 sen
Postage: 1 sen 5 rin


Approved as Third-Class Mail on April 1, 1924

Printed and bound on November 25, 1925

Issued on December 1, 1925

(Issued once a month on the 1st) 


Editor and Publisher: Nakajima Ya?

37, Sōsei-chō, Naka-no-shima, Kita-ku, Osaka City


Printer: Tōichi Gotō 

Printing Company: Asahi Printing Company

87, Sarueura-chō, Fukagawa-ku, Tokyo City 


Taishō tsūsinsha

29 Dote-Sanban-chō, Kojimachi-ku, Tokyo City

Publishing house: Taishō tsūsinsha, Osaka branch

37, Sōsei-chō, Nakanoshima, Kita-ku, Osaka City

Colophon Transcription

演藝寫眞帖 第四卷第十二號

















印刷人 後藤登一


印刷所 朝日印刷所





發行所 大正通信社大阪支社

Back cover

Advertisement for new publications by Taishō tsūsinsha 大正通信社發行

Motion Picture 映画

The first-ever high-end magazine in Japan dedicated to motion pictures

Scout Graph スカウトグラフ

Filled with warmth and affection