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Artist Signatures - Common Prefixes and Suffixes
Bijin Kuchi-e Color Offset Lithographs and Taishō-Era Popular Magazines (Updated)
Bijutsu Sekai (World of Art),
Brief History of toba-e
(comic prints for the everyman)
Brocade Pictures for Moral Education, 1882-1884
Bunraku-za Playbill, 1932
Dai Nippon Bussan Zue
Products of Greater Japan, 1877
Educational Color Woodblock Prints (issued by the Ministry of Education),
Engei Shashin / Engei Shashinchō
(Performing Arts Photographic / Performing Arts Photographic Album)
Ephemera and Miscellaneous
Fan Design Samples,
c. 1912-1940
[The] Gold Demon by Ozaki Kōyō, Woodblock Prints 1915
Illustrated Collection of Famous Japanese Puppets of the Osaka Bunrakuza, 1926-1927
Illustrations from
Beknopte Levensgeschiedenis van Robinson Crusoe
(Japanese translation of Dutch version of Daniel Defoe's original work),
c. 1857
Instructive Models of Lofty Ambition,
Interview with Ichikawa Danjūrō IX (1838-1903)
[The] Kabuki Actor
Kabuki Playbills [Shibai Ehon Banzuki]
Kabuki Postcards
Keisuke Serizawa - The Katazome Calendar Prints
Kiba Meisho Zue
(Famous Scenes of Kiba), 1927
(Bean Books)
Post-War miniature art books
Nakazawa Hiromitsu - Picture Album of the Thirty-Three Pilgrimage Places of the Western Provinces, 1925 and 1946
Nihon no hana (Flowers of Japan) - Conceived and Designed by Onchi Kōshirō, 1946
Nishiki-e shinbun and Newspaper in Meiji Japan
One Hundred Beauties in Takasago Dyed Yukata, designed by Itō Shinsui, 1931
Patriotic Sample Design Fan Prints
of the Second Sino-Japanese War
Righteous Samurai Collection
(Gishi Taikan), 1920
(Eighty prints illustrating the
story of the Forty-Seven Loyal Rōnin)
Shin Nigao Magazine, 1915
Shosō (Window on Books) - Conceived and Designed by Onchi Kōshirō, 1935-1944
Small Format Prints: Ukiyo-e Reproductions and Shin Hanga
Takeuchi Seihō: Seihō's Masterpieces, 1937-1942
Takeuchi Seihō: Seihō tabi suzuri (Seihō's Traveling Inkstone Pictures),
1947 and 1983
Thirty Great Loyalists of Early Modern Times, 1942
(historical propaganda in a time of war)
Tsukuhae (Moonglow), 1914-1915
Uchida Publishing
Unsōdō Publishing
Very Brief Introduction to Ukiyo-e, Shin Hanga and Sōsaku Hanga
Watanabe Shōzaburō (Publisher) (1885-1962)
Woodblock Print Supplements to the Complete Works of Chikamatsu,
Yamashiro Tea
(tea of the shoguns)