Engei shashin

Volume 3, 1924

Selected Pages from Engei shashin Volume 3, Number 1, January 1924

IHL Cat. #2740

click on image to enlarge

Engei shashin Volume 3, Number 1

演藝冩眞 第三年一第号

cover art (lithograph):

Sanbasō dancer

artist: Koshō Nobukata 古荘信方 (active 1896-1926)

signed: no signature; sealed: 信方 Nobukata within white outlined rectangular cartouche

published: January 1, Taishō 13 (1924)

publisher: Kansai bungeisha, managed by Engei shashinsha

大正十年一月一日 發行

發賣所 關西文藝社經營 演藝寫眞社

overall size: approx. 8 9/16 x 11 7/8 in. (21.8 x 30.1 cm)

Preface Translation

A Happy New Year!

The golden fukujusō flowers [Adonis flowers] begin to bloom and the warblers are captivated by the color and fragrance of the red plum blossoms, their chirping sounds are delightful. On New Year's Day, kadomatsu decorations line up, the shichi-go-san ornaments are displayed, and the sounds of hanetsuki [shuttlecock] and tori-oi [female street musician], with the low voices of manzai [a comedic form] performers, rise to laughter in the background. Truly, the joy of early spring is celebrated across Japan, in every corner of the land. Everyone shares toso wine [rice wine steeped with herbs] in celebration, unchanged in this era of peace, as we watch the Hinomaru flag, shining in the morning sun, waving in the wind, symbolizing the prosperity of the reign.

The Engei Shashin magazine, which has received your continued patronage, has swiftly passed its second year and entered its third. We are delighted to see that our esteemed readers remain loyal, and we have received many New Year subscriptions as in previous years. The joy we feel when receiving these subscriptions is like the long-handled choshi pouring sake in a traditional san-san-kudo ceremony, bringing immense happiness. The editor's desk is piled high with greeting cards, resembling the peaks of Mount Fuji.

Looking forward to the New Year, we are proud to present a special feature on the timeless tale of Chūshingura, deeply rooted in the spirit of bushidō, which continues to bloom in our beloved Japan. From the grand opening act to the dramatic climax every scene has been faithfully reproduced with unparalleled precision using vivid offset printing. We will include these scenes, one print each month, inserted into our magazine. Beyond that, the colorful world of kabuki theater awaits, bridging east and west. Not only the famous eighteen acts [jūhachiban] performed by actors from both sides of the country but also films that captivate young men, ladies, and children, from the producers Shōchiku and Teikine to Western stars like "fatty" [Roscoe Fatty Arbuckle], Charlie Chaplin, Ruth Rolandd and Mary Pickford. With Anna Pavlova’s glamorous dance routines and the humorous Soga Monogatari by the Soganoya troupe we have something to offer everyone.

We deeply appreciate the tireless efforts of our staff, who have worked like a well-oiled machine to bring these to you, our valued members, and we extend our heartfelt thanks to all of you for your continued support.

And now, we conclude with New Year’s greetings.

Preface wishing readers a Happy New Year, thanking them for their loyalty, summarizing the content of the coming year including the monthly insertion of one of the twelve scenes making up Chūshingura, printed "using vivid offset printing."

(See above for a loose translation of the entire preface.)

Lithographic reproduction (a foldout), an offset press printing. Records of the Valiant and Loyal Retainers, Act I, 忠雄義臣録 第壱, 1847-1848 by Utagawa Kunisada (Toyokuni III) (1786-1865)

sheet: approx. 10 1/4 x 14 5/8 in. (26 x 37.1 cm)

image: approx. 9 x 13 3/4 in. (22.9 x 34.9 cm)

Lithographic reproduction of the 1853 woodblock print Yasuhide 康秀 from Six Immortal Poets, by Utagawa Hirosada (1810-1864)

京都南座顏見世興行 『安宅關』 

Kyoto Minami-za face-showing (kaomise) performance of Ataka no seki (The Ataka barrier)


Ichikawa Chūsha [VII] as Musashibō Benkei




Shinmachi-kai 15th Anniversary Commemorative Performance of San'nin katawa* (The three oddities -or- The handicapped three) at Osaka's Shinbashi Enbujō


Hayashi Chōsaburō [1893-1966] as Tarokichi the cripple


Nakamura Kaisha [1875-1945] as Okiku the mute


Ichikawa Udanji [II (1881-1936)] as blind Hanzōji

*see "Summary of the Play: San'nin katawa"

*Summary of the Play: San'nin katawa

Source: Bulletin of the National Institute of Multimedia Education, No. 12, 1995, "View of Deafness: On the Socially Constructed Meanings of Deafness in Japan, Shigeyuki Tsuzuki and Angela Miyuki Nonaka, p. 234-235.

A kindly rich man decides to open his home and employ disabled persons. He hangs a sign outside his door announcing his intentions, and three men (one at a time) promptly appear to take advantage of his offer. These three men, who appear to be blind/mo, crippled (in the leg)/izari, and deaf/oshi, are really con men who, having lost their homes, savings, etc. at gambling, are looking for a way to make ends meet.

After an extended series of comical questions and answers, in which the three con men demonstrate the nature of their handicaps, the rich man eventually agrees to allow all three to work for him, and he assigns each of them a job to do right away, for the rich man is about to depart on a trip. The deaf man, supposedly skillful with a spear, is assigned the task of guarding the master's money. The crippled man is assigned the job guarding the sake warehouse, and the blind man is given no specific task.

The rich man takes his leave, but as soon as he exits, the three men stop pretending and begin drinking, laughing, singing, and dancing about. The master unexpectedly returns home, however, and in their hurry to resume their roles, the three con men forget which disability they originally claimed to have. Having exposed their fraud, the game is up.

中座 曾我酒家劇 師走狂言


Osaka Naka-za Theater: Soganoya* year-end performance of Yōkyū no zengo? - Before and after the demands?

社長夫人菊子 (大磯)

Company President's Wife Kikuko (Ōiso)

[Soganoya Ōiso 曾我廼家大磯]

 社長積川清 (小次郎)

Company President Sekikawa Kiyoshi (Kojirō)

[Soganoya Kojirō 曾我廼家小次郎 )

職長本田秀吉 (五郎)

Foreman Honda Hideyoshi (Gorō)

[Soganoya Gorō 曾我廼家五郎 (1877-1948)]

職工山本 (蝶六)

Worker Yamamoto (Chōroku)

[Soganoya Chōroku 曽我廼家五郎劇]

*see "Soganoya Comedy Troupe"

Summary of the play (right margin):

Before and After the Demands

At a certain zinc company factory, due to the losses incurred, the workers' night shift allowance was not paid. As a result, dozens of workers demanded payment and caused an uproar. The company, lacking funds, was unable to easily meet the workers' demands, which only made the commotion grow larger. However, the situation took an unexpected turn when the sister of foreman Hideyoshi was seduced by President Sekikawa and given a gold watch. Hideyoshi went to the president's residence and convinced the president's wife, Kikuko, to buy the watch from him. The money from this sale was then used to pay the night shift allowances for many of the workers. . . This is a satirical comedy depicting a contemporary situation where the pure silence of an innocent young woman resolves the uproar caused by dozens of men.

帝劇第七期生女優の兒童劇 メンバーサン

Members of the Teigeki (Imperial Theater)

7th Class Honorary Children's Theater

Left margin commentary

The children's theater, organized by the actresses of the Imperial Theater's seventh class, was strongly encouraged under the guidance of Dr. Tsubouchi. However, since the Great Earthquake, prospects for performances in Tokyo diminished, so they finally took their efforts to Kansai to promote it there. Their first performance was held on November 1 at the Osaka Central Public Hall.

大阪樂天地十二月興行 『想夫憐』 高尾山橋の塲

Osaka Rakutenchi, December performance: The scene at Mount Takao bridge from the popular shinpa [shimpa] play Sōfuren (Sympathy of mutual love)

木下の雅子 Kinoshita as Masako

[Kinoshita Kichinosuke 木下吉之助]

河原のお玉 Kawara as Otama

[Kawara Ichimatsu 河原市松 ]

藤山の岩崎一蒼  Fujiyama as Iwasaki Ichisō 

[possibly Fujiyama Sōnosuke 藤山総之介] 

大山の中野清助 Ōyama as Nakano Kiyosuke

高橋の小泉修藤 Takahashi as Koizumi Shūzō

[Takahashi Yoshinobu 高橋義信]

*see "Summary of the Play: Sōfuren" The text in the left margin tells us the play is so popular that a play summary is not being provided.

*Summary of the Play: Sōfuren

Source: "Chronology of Japanese Cinema" http://eiga9.altervista.org/chronology.html [accessed 8-16-24]

A popular shinpa [shimpa] theater play based on a novel of the same title by Watanabe Katei (1884-1926), first serialized in 1903. Sofuren tells the story of Masako, a young woman from the burakumin outcast community who is adopted by Koizumi Shuzo, a relative and navy officer. Hiding her origins, Masako gets engaged to Iwasaki Kazuhiko, the head of a wealthy Kyoto family, but Shuzo requests money from her and her father to keep her burakumin background secret.

Colophon and announcement of prize winners

(see Colophon Details for publishing information in left margin)

Right side within border: announcement of prize winners for free subscriptions.

Left side within border: Listing of branch offices of Engei shashin

Colophon Details

Engei shashin (Performing arts photographic), issue 12 of the third year, published once a month on the 1st day

Approved as a third-class mail item on July 5, Taishō 11 (1922)

Printed and submitted on December 28, Taishō 12 (1923)

Published on January 1, Taishō 13 (1924)


all rights reserved


Price per copy: 50 sen

New Territory (shin ryōdo*): 70 sen

Postage: 1 sen 5 rin

* the Japanese colonies of Korea, Taiwan, Southern Sakhalin Island, Kuril Islands, South Pacific Mandate


Editor and publisher: Takashima Komanosuke

Printing house: Ando Photography and Printing Works

Printer: Ando Kanenori

Publishing house: Kansai bungeisha managed by Engei shashinsha

Colophon Transcription








定價壹部 金五拾錢

新領土 金七拾錢



編輯兼發行人 高島駒之助

印刷所 安藤寫製版所

印刷人 安藤兼則

發行所 合資會社

關西文藝社經營 演藝寫

Back cover

Advertisement for the Shashin Shinbun 寫真新聞 launched by the publisher in December 1923

Selected Pages from Engei shashin Volume 3, Number 2, February 1924

IHL Cat. #2741

click on image to enlarge

Engei shashin Volume 3, Number 2

演藝冩眞 第三年 第

cover art (lithograph):

Matsumoto Kōshirō [VII] as Benkei

[七代目] 松本幸四郎 辦慶

artist: Koshō Nobukata 古荘信方 (active 1896-1926)

signed: no signature; sealed: 信方 Nobukata within brown outlined oval cartouche

published: February 1, Taishō 13 (1924)

publisher: Kansai bungeisha, managed by Engei shashinsha

大正十月一日 發行

發賣所 關西文藝社經營 演藝寫眞社

overall size: approx. 8 9/16 x 11 7/8 in. (21.8 x 30.1 cm)

Table of Contents

Note: In this issue, Volume 3, Number 2, a table of contents makes its first appearance

Lithographic reproduction (a foldout), an offset press printing. Records of the Valiant and Loyal Retainers, Act II, 忠雄義臣録 二, 1847-1848 by Utagawa Kunisada (Toyokuni III) (1786-1865)

sheet: approx. 10 1/4 x 14 5/8 in. (26 x 37.1 cm)

image: approx. 9 x 13 3/4 in. (22.9 x 34.9 cm)

神戶松竹劇場新築披露興行 『湊川』兵庫燈籠堂の塲

Kobe Shōchiku Theater Grand Opening Performance: Minatogawa - Scene at the Hyōgo Lantern Hall


Ichikawa Ennosuke [II] as Hikoshichi Morinaga


Ichikawa Danko [II] as Takeakimaru


Nakamura Utaemon and his sons arrive in Osaka [at Umeda Station]

村中歌右衛門 村中兒太郎 村中福助

right to left: Nakamura Utaemon [V], [seven year old] Nakamura Kōtarō [III], Nakamura Fukusuke [V]

Left margin edited commentary on Utaemon's Osaka visit: At the New Year's performance at Osaka Nakaza Theater, Nakamura Utaemon [V], a leading figure in the Tokyo theater world from the Narikomaya family [yagō], appeared in the grand kabuki performance uniting eastern and western troupes. He traveled to Osaka with his sons, Fukusuke [Nakamura Fukusuke V] and Kotarō [Nakamura Kotarō III]. This was Utaemon's first appearance in Osaka in eight years where he performed three of his renowned roles. . . After a long absence, he made a strong return to the Kansai theater scene.

神戶松竹劇場 新築落成披露興行 『一谷嫩軍記』


Kobe Shōchiku Theater newly constructed and completed opening performance: Ichinotani futaba gunki (Kumagai's camp)

中村雀右衛門の妻相模 阪東壽三郎の源義經 市川中車の熊谷直實

right to left: Nakamura Jakuemon [III] as wife Sagami, Bandō Jusaburō [III] as Minamoto no Yoshitsune, Ichikawa Chūsha [VII] as Kumagai Naozane


The three leading actors from the Imperial Theater reporting for the spring opening performance at the Naniwa-za (the Osaka Naniwa Theater)*

東日出子 村田美禰子 白井松竹社長 音羽かね子 後は二宮行雄氏

Azuma Hideko (1911-1943), Murata Kakuko (1893-1969), Matsujirō Shirai (1877-1951) the President of Shōchiku, Otowa Kaneko, and, in the back, Mr. Ninomiya Yukio (Imperial Theater, head of literary department)

*Translation of commentary in right margin (Spring Opening Performance at the Naniwa-za) The January performance at the Osaka Naniwa-za theater featured the three leading actors from the Imperial Theater and stage director Yukio, who came to Osaka. They performed the comedy "Shūshin no Oni," written by Tarokaja Masuda (1875-1953), impressing the audience with their lively energy. Otowa Kaneko played the wife Kiyoko, Murata Kakuko played the servant Chiyo, and Azuma Hideko played Shingo the dog-man, all excelling in their roles with dynamic performances. It's no wonder the Osaka audience was captivated.


曾我迺家劇 八重垣物語

Tokyo Azabu Minami-za New Year's performance

Soganoya* play: Yaegaki monogatari

奴可內 (蝶六)

Yakko Kanai (Chōroku)

[Soganoya Chōroku 曾我廼家蝶六 (1878-1937)]

雪姫 (大磯)

Yukihime (Ōiso)

[Soganoya Ōiso 曾我廼家大磯 (?-?)]

浪人白石武之進 (五郎)

Rōnin Shiraishi Takenoshin? (Gorō)

[Soganoya Gorō 曾我廼家五郎 (1877-1948)]

*Soganoya Comedy Troupe

Source: Soganoya, Gorō (1877–1948) by Fukushima Yoshiko, Routledge Encyclopedia of Modernism, Taylor and Francis, https://www.rem.routledge.com/articles/soganoya-goro-1877-1948

Soganoya, Gorō (1877-1948) was a Japanese actor, director and playwright who created a new genre of modern comedy called kigeki (also shinkigeki.) He wrote around 1,000 short comedies under the pen name Ikkai Gyojin. His comedy style was inspired by humor as well as the satirical and ironical laughter of Western comedy such as that of Moliére. Many of his works are still performed by the comedy troupe, Shōchiku Shinkigeki. His signature pieces include The Flower of the Luffa (1917) and Cherry Trees in Leaf (1933).

Soganoya became a student of the kabuki actor Nakamura Sangorō in 1892 and made his stage debut as the utility actor Nakamura Sannosuke at Osaka’s Naniwaza in 1893. In 1902 he met Nakamura Tokizo’s student, Nakamura Jidai (1869–1925) at the traveling kabuki troupe Osaka’s Fukuiza. In 1903, using their new names, Sannosuke as Gorō and Jidai as Jūrō, they formed Soganoya Brothers Troupe in order to create new comedy to replace the old style of comedy called niwaka which had been established by Tsuruya Danjurō in Osaka. Their debut in 1904 at Yūokaza in Itami near Osaka was a failure, but their first success came with Funny Kanjinchō acted for the traveling kabuki troupe, Nakamura Fukuen Ichiza in Wakayama, in which Gorō acted the role of Benkei and Jūrō Togashi.

Colophon and announcement of prize winners

(see Colophon Details for publishing information in left margin)

Right side within border: announcement of prize winners for free subscriptions.

Left side within border: Listing of branch offices of Engei shashin

Colophon Details

Engei shashin (Performing arts photographic), issue 2 of the third year, published once a month on the 1st day

Approved as a third-class mail item on July 5, Taishō 11 (1922)

Printed and submitted on January 28, Taishō 13 (1924)

Published on February 1, Taishō 13 (1924) 


all rights reserved


Price per copy: 50 sen

New Territory (shin ryōdo*): 70 sen

Postage: 1 sen 5 rin

* the Japanese colonies of Korea, Taiwan, Southern Sakhalin Island, Kuril Islands, South Pacific Mandate


Editor and publisher: Takashima Komanosuke

Printing house: Ando Photography and Printing Works

Printer: Ando Kanenori

Publishing house: Kansai bungeisha managed by Engei shashinsha

Colophon Transcription








定價壹部 金五拾錢

新領土 金七拾錢



編輯兼發行人 高島駒之助

印刷所 安藤寫製版所

印刷人 安藤兼則

發行所 合資會社

關西文藝社經營 演藝寫

Back cover

Advertisement for the Shashin Shinbun 寫真新聞 launched by the publisher in December 1923

Selected Pages from Engei shashin Volume 3, Number 3, March 1924

IHL Cat. #2742

click on image to enlarge

Engei shashin Volume 3, Number 3

演藝冩眞 第三年 第

cover art (lithograph):

Nakamura Ganjirō [I] as Togashi

[初代目] 中村鴈治郎 富樫

artist: Koshō Nobukata 古荘信方 (active 1896-1926)

signed: no signature; sealed: 信方 Nobukata within red outlined rectangular cartouche

published: March 1, Taishō 13 (1924)

publisher: Kansai bungeisha, managed by Engei shashinsha

大正十月一日 發行

發賣所 關西文藝社經營 演藝寫眞社

overall size: approx. 8 9/16 x 11 7/8 in. (21.8 x 30.1 cm)

Preface (partial translation)

Since the beginning of this spring, the theater world has been thriving not only in the revitalized capital but also in Kyoto, Osaka, Nagoya, Kobe, Yokohama, and other locations. Both new and traditional performances have been a great success, with a harmonious blend of Eastern and Western styles. Whether it’s new productions, traditional plays, dances, or jōruri (puppet theater), the variety of entertainment has been met with enthusiastic applause and sold-out shows every day.

As a result, our entertainment photo magazine, which you have always graciously supported, has undergone a renewal starting with the New Year's issue. We are committed to meeting the expectations of our readers by offering a fresh and improved experience.

Our company has been in publication for three years now, and we are deeply grateful for the continued support from all of you. Unlike imitation magazines, we have never once relied on outdated photos or the deceptive use of color prints, even during the busy months of February and March. Our hallmark is always presenting fresh and innovative scenes. Therefore, we hope you will not be swayed by the criticisms or the flashy color prints of other publications, but rather, continue to favor us by recognizing our true quality in comparison [to our competitors].


*see Preface (partial translation)

Lithographic reproduction (a foldout), an offset press printing. Records of the Valiant and Loyal Retainers, Act III, 忠雄義臣録 三, 1847-1848 by Utagawa Kunisada (Toyokuni III) (1786-1865)

sheet: approx. 10 1/4 x 14 5/8 in. (26 x 37.1 cm)

image: approx. 9 x 13 3/4 in. (22.9 x 34.9 cm)


(11 3/8 x 17 in.)

藝り當 與話情浮名橫櫛玄冶店

Featured performance: Yowa nasake ukina no yokogushi at Genyadana [Kirare Yosa]


right: Onoe Baikō [VI] as Yokogushi Otomi 


left: Ichimura Uzaemon [XV] as Mukōkizu Yosaburō


Meiji-za February performance: Hototogisu kojō no rakugetsu (A sinking moon over the lonely castle where the cuckoo cries)



right: Nakamura Utaemon [V] as Yodo-no-kata

left: Nakamura Fukusuke's Princess Sen

義經千本櫻 大物浦の塲 ― 中座二月狂言

Naka-za February performance: Yoshitsune and the thousand cherry trees - The scene at Daimotsu Bay


Ichikawa Chūsha [VII] as Taira no Tomomori

麻布南座二月狂言 米國東部或町醫者の應接室

クレプトメ一ニア [クレプトマニア]

Azabu Minami-za February performance: Kleptomania - A doctor's reception room in a certain town in the eastern United States


right: Morita Kanya [XIII] as Doctor Barclay


center: Mori Ritsuko as Madame Grace Law


left: Sasaki Tsumoru as Wealthy Merchant Frank Law

Right margin commentary: Kleptomania

In this American comedy, there was a doctor named Barclay in a certain town. One day, a self-proclaimed wealthy merchant brought his wife to the doctor for treatment. The doctor, feeling confident, took on the case. The gentleman explained to the doctor that his wife had a habit of stealing things. To test this, the gentleman took out a wallet containing $500, and Barclay did the same, placing both wallets on the mantelpiece as they pretended not to notice. While the two men were talking, the wife quickly and skillfully slipped both wallets into her purse. Barclay was shocked, but the gentleman reassured him, saying they would return to the hotel and have tea, at which point the wallets would be returned. Later, when Barclay called the hotel to follow up, he received a reply that they were not staying there.

 御靈文樂座の人形淨瑠璃 『八陣守護城』

Goryō Bunraku-za's Puppet jōruri performance of Hachijin shugo no Honjō (Eight battle arrays to protect Honjō Castle)


Yoshida Tamazō manipulating the puppet of Katō Kiyomasa

Prize contest (懸賞) to identify the actors in the photos. 

懸賞 誰れこ誰れでせう?

Who might this be?

Colophon and announcement of prize winners

(see Colophon Details for publishing information in left margin)

Right side within border: announcement of prize winners for free subscriptions.

Left side within border: Listing of branch offices of Engei shashin

Colophon Details

Engei shashin (Performing arts photographic), issue 3 of the third year, published once a month on the 1st day

Approved as a third-class mail item on July 5, Taishō 11 (1922)

Printed and submitted on February 28, Taishō 13 (1924)

Published on March 1, Taishō 13 (1924) 


all rights reserved


Price per copy: 50 sen

New Territory (shin ryōdo*): 70 sen

Postage: 1 sen 5 rin

* the Japanese colonies of Korea, Taiwan, Southern Sakhalin Island, Kuril Islands, South Pacific Mandate


Editor and publisher: Takashima Komanosuke

Printing house: Ando Photography and Printing Works

Printer: Ando Kanenori

Publishing house: Kansai bungeisha managed by Engei shashinsha

Colophon Transcription








定價壹部 金五拾錢

新領土 金七拾錢



編輯兼發行人 高島駒之助

印刷所 安藤寫製版所

印刷人 安藤兼則

發行所 合資會社

關西文藝社經營 演藝寫

Back cover

Advertisement for the 寫真新聞 Shashin Shinbun launched in December 1923

"A culturally rich and fascinating read, full of life!"

Selected Pages from Engei shashin Volume 3, Number 4, April 1924

IHL Cat. #2743

click on image to enlarge

Engei shashin Volume 3, Number 4

演藝冩眞 第三年 第

cover art (lithograph):

Nakamura Utaemon [V] as Yoshitsune 

[五代目] 中村歌右衛門 源義經

artist: Koshō Nobukata 古荘信方 (active 1896-1926)

signed: no signature; sealed: 信方 Nobukata within red outlined oval cartouche

published: April 1, Taishō 13 (1924) 

publisher: Kansai bungeisha, managed by Engei shashinsha

大正十月一日 發行

發賣所 關西文藝社經營 演藝寫眞社

overall size: approx. 8 9/16 x 11 7/8 in. (21.8 x 30.1 cm)


Company Announcements: "Authors and Actors" section

Announcement of a new section of the magazine soliciting readers input on their questions about favorite actors and authors

An apology for the several day delay in getting out this issue is also given.

Lithographic reproduction (a foldout), an offset press printing. Records of the Valiant and Loyal Retainers, Act IV, 忠雄義臣録 四, 1847-1848 by Utagawa Kunisada (Toyokuni III) (1786-1865)

sheet: approx. 10 1/4 x 14 5/8 in. (26 x 37.1 cm)

image: approx. 9 x 13 3/4 in. (22.9 x 34.9 cm)


Mitsukaze Shinroku Hazama, performed by the Shinkoku-geki company

right to left: Kanai Kinnosuke (金井謹之助), Sawada Shōjirō (澤田正二郎) [founder and leader of Shin-kokugeki] and Hisamatsu Kiyoko (久松喜世子 )

浪花座三月狂言 人形師 

Naniwa-za March performance: (Ningyoshi - Puppeteer)

right: 澤村宗之助の娘お小夜

Sawamura Sōnosuke [I] as daughter Osayo 

left: 片岡我童の弟子八之丞

Kataoka Gadō [IV] as disciple, Hachinojō

哀れ山長 狂人となつて松澤病院に.....

Alas, “Yamachō” [Yamazaki Chōnosuke] became insane and was admitted to Matsuzawa Hospital....."

Performance at Matsuzawa Hospital

In the center, seated and holding a cane, is Yamazaki Chōnosuke ["Yamacho"] (1877-August 23, 1924), a once famous actor of the Shinpa [Shimpa] theater.

"Both the actors on stage and the audience are all lunatics."

Right margin commentary: Yamazaki Chōnosuke

From around the years of Taishō 2 or 3, Yamazaki Chōnosuke gained widespread popularity through a series of successful performances and became a nationally recognized figure. However, as the times changed, he inevitably lost touch with the theater world and eventually disappeared from the public eye. Rumors spread that he had retired to the countryside due to illness. In reality, after being cast aside by the once-glamorous theater world, Yamasaki began to lose his sanity. Last summer, he was admitted to Matsuzawa Hospital, outside Tokyo, where he now spends his days among many other mentally ill patients. It is heartbreaking, and there are few who know Yamazaki who do not shed a tear upon hearing of his plight. On March 4th, during an entertainment event at the hospital, the patients performed a play. Despite having lost his mind, Yamazaki, with skills honed in his earlier years, joined the troupe and participated in the performance.

松竹キネマの大映畵 市川荒太郎 東愛子主演『黑法師』

Shōchiku Kinema and Daiei film starring Ichikawa Aratarō [II] and Azuma Aiko in Kurōhoshi* (The black priest), directed by Henry Kotani.

Right margin commentary: Kurōhoshi

The newcomer to the Kansai traditional theater scene, Ichikawa Aratarō, along with his beloved wife Azuma Aiko, has broken through many years of entrenched practices in the theater world and joined Shōchiku Kinema. To commemorate the couple's entry, the company's Kamogawa studio is currently producing the grand film "Kurōhoshi," with an unprecedented budget of 800,000 yen, a scale never before seen in Japan's cinema industry. Ichikawa Aratarō will play the lead role of Kurōhoshi, and the film, directed by Henry Kotani (小谷ヘンリー), features an extraordinary cast of around 500 actors [including "extras"]. The film is expected to premiere soon in Tokyo, Osaka, and Kyoto, and it is anticipated to electrify movie fans. (The photo shows the filming of "Kurōhoshi" at the ruins of Yodo Castle, where many local spectators gathered to watch the shoot, creating quite a commotion.)

羽左衛門 梅幸の當り祝園遊會。

A celebratory garden party for Uzaemon's and Baikō's success.


Onoe Baikō - second person from the right


President Shiro of Shōchiku - fifth person from the right


Uzaemon -  ninth person from the right

Left margin commentary

Onoe Baikō and Ichimura Uzaemon, two renowned kabuki actors, temporarily left their troupe to travel to Osaka and perform in the February program at the Naka-za Theater, captivating the discerning theatergoers of the Kansai region with their masterful performances. . . The theater was packed to capacity every day from opening night to the final performance.

To celebrate this success and show appreciation to the troupe, a garden party was hosted by the two actors on March 4th at the Yamato villa of Mr.  Sakai Itarō. Even Shirai [Matsujiro Shirai (1877-1951)], the usually stern-faced president of Shōchiku Co., was all smiles that day, sharing kantō-ni (a regional dish of simmered vegetables) with geishas, a scene not typically seen in Osaka.

Prize contest (懸賞) to identify the actors in the photos.

懸賞 誰れこ誰れでせう?

Who might this be?

Colophon and announcement of prize winners

(see Colophon Details for publishing information in left margin)

Right side within border: announcement of prize winners for free subscriptions.

Left side within border: Listing of branch offices of Engei shashin

Colophon Details

Engei shashin (Performing arts photographic), issue 4 of the third year, published once a month on the 1st day

Approved as a third-class mail item on July 5, Taishō 11 (1922)

Printed and submitted on March 28, Taishō 13 (1924)

Published on April 1, Taishō 13 (1924) 


all rights reserved


Price per copy: 50 sen

New Territory (shin ryōdo*): 70 sen

Postage: 1 sen 5 rin

* the Japanese colonies of Korea, Taiwan, Southern Sakhalin Island, Kuril Islands, South Pacific Mandate


Editor and publisher: Takashima Komanosuke

Printing house: Ando Photography and Printing Works

Printer: Ando Kanenori

Publishing house: Kansai bungeisha managed by Engei shashinsha

Colophon Transcription








定價壹部 金五拾錢

新領土 金七拾錢



編輯兼發行人 高島駒之助

印刷所 安藤寫製版所

印刷人 安藤兼則

發行所 合資會社

關西文藝社經營 演藝寫

Back cover

Advertisement for the 寫真新聞 Shashin shinbun launched in December 1923

"A culturally rich and fascinating read, full of life!"

Selected Pages from Engei shashin Volume 3, Number 5, May 1924

IHL Cat. #2744

click on image to enlarge

Engei shashin Volume 3, Number 5

演藝冩眞 第三年 第

cover art (lithograph):

Ichimuara Uzaemon [XV] as Kanpei

[十六代目] 市村羽左衛門 勘平

artist: Koshō Nobukata 古荘信方 (active 1896-1926)

signed: 信方 Nobukata; sealed: 伊毛古 within red outlined oval cartouche

published: May 1, Taishō 13 (1924)

publisher: Kansai bungeisha, managed by Engei shashinsha

大正十月一日 發行

發賣所 關西文藝社經營 演藝寫眞社

overall size: approx. 8 9/16 x 11 7/8 in. (21.8 x 30.1 cm)


Lithographic reproduction (a foldout), an offset press printing. Records of the Valiant and Loyal Retainers,  Act V, 忠雄義臣録 五, 1847-1848 by Utagawa Kunisada (Toyokuni III) (1786-1865)

sheet: approx. 10 1/4 x 14 5/8 in. (26 x 37.1 cm)

image: approx. 9 x 13 3/4 in. (22.9 x 34.9 cm)

Frontispiece (color lithograph)

Nakamura Fukusuke [V] as Kyō-ningyō 

京人形 中村福助

artist: Tanaka Shikō 田中紫光 signing as 紫光 Shikō

岐阜松竹座 静岡歌舞伎座 四月狂言

April performance at the Gifu Shōchiku-za and Shizuoka Kabuki-za


Ashiya Dōman ōuchi kagami - Mirror of the Imperial Court during the time of Ashiya Dōman


right: Nakamura Fukusuke [V] as Kuzunoha, wife of Yasunari, who is actually the fox spirit Kuzunoha


left: Nakamura Kaisha as Abe no Yasuna



Yotsuya Daikoku-za April performance:



right: Sawamura Sōnosuke [I] as Osato


left: Morita Kan'ya [XIII] as Sawai

[On April 8, 1924 Sōnosuke suddenly collapsed on stage at the Yotsuya Daikoku-za while playing the role of Osato. He would pass away the same day.]


Toyotake Roshō* [1874-1930] retires from the Jōruri world.


right: The current Toyotake Roshō 


center: Toyotake Roshō in stage appearance


left: Toyotake Roshō from fifteen years ago

*Toyotake was the top female gidayu player (jōruri chanter) from the Meiji period to the Taishō period.


『海 彦山 彦』


Yotsuya Daikoku-za April production: Umi hiko yama hiko - The sea boy and the mountain boy

Written by Yūzō Yamamoto

[novelist and playwright, 1887-1974]


Morita Kan’ya [XIII] as Umihiko


Sawamura Sōnosuke [I] as Yamahiko




April performance at the Shingeki-za and Naniwa-za theaters

Jinkyō - This dusty world)

Written by Kaoru Osanai [1881-1928]


right: Fujimura Hideo as the woodcutter Rokuzō


center: Takahashi Yoshinobu as the landlord Senkichi Nomura


left: Hanayagi Shōtarō as Omatsu, Senkichi's mistress

Prize contest (懸賞) to identify the actors in the photos.

懸賞 誰れこ誰れでせう?

Who might this be?

Colophon and announcement of prize winners

(see Colophon Details for publishing information in left margin)

Right side within border: announcement of prize winners for free subscriptions.

Left side within border: Listing of branch offices of Engei shashin

Colophon Details

Engei shashin (Performing arts photographic), issue 5 of the third year, published once a month on the 1st day

Approved as a third-class mail item on July 5, Taishō 11 (1922)

Printed and submitted on April 28, Taishō 13 (1924)

Published on May 1, Taishō 13 (1924) 


all rights reserved


Price per copy: 50 sen

New Territory (shin ryōdo*): 70 sen

Postage: 1 sen 5 rin

* the Japanese colonies of Korea, Taiwan, Southern Sakhalin Island, Kuril Islands, South Pacific Mandate


Editor and publisher: Takashima Komanosuke

Printing house: Ando Photography and Printing Works

Printer: Ando Kanenori

Publishing house: Kansai bungeisha (Limited Partnership Company) managed by Engei shashinsha

Colophon Transcription








定價壹部 金五拾錢

新領土 金七拾錢



編輯兼發行人 高島駒之助

印刷所 安藤寫製版所

印刷人 安藤兼則

發行所 合資會社

關西文藝社經營 演藝寫

Back cover

Advertisement, featuring the cartoon characters Mutt and Jeff for the 寫真新聞 Shashin shinbun launched in December 1923

オイ! 君モスグ 申込メヨ 賛成!!

Mutt: Hey! You should sign up soon. Jeff: I agree!!

Selected Pages from Engei shashin Volume 3, Number 6, June 1924

IHL Cat. #2745

click on image to enlarge

Engei shashin Volume 3, Number 6

演藝冩眞 第三年 第

cover art (lithograph):

[Onoe] Baikō [VI] as Okaru

[六代目] [尾上] 梅幸のおかる

artist: Koshō Nobukata 古荘信方 (active 1896-1926)

signed: no signature; sealed: 信方 Nobukata within black outlined oval cartouche

published: June 1, Taishō 13 (1924)

publisher: Kansai bungeisha, managed by Engei shashinsha

大正十月一日 發行

發賣所 關西文藝社經營 演藝寫眞社

overall size: approx. 8 9/16 x 11 7/8 in. (21.8 x 30.1 cm)

Preface - Partial Translation

Recently, an issue has arisen where certain unscrupulous individuals, taking advantage of our name and similar branding, have been deceitfully circulating counterfeit goods under the pretext of our company’s work. Such actions are not only morally wrong but also an infringement on others' rights, which we consider to be a serious issue. We ask all readers to be vigilant in discerning the authenticity of such publications and to report any suspicious activity.


See Preface - Partial Translation above

Lithographic reproduction (a foldout), an offset press printing. Records of the Valiant and Loyal Retainers,  Act VI, 忠雄義臣録 六, 1847-1848 by Utagawa Kunisada (Toyokuni III) (1786-1865)

sheet: approx. 10 1/4 x 14 5/8 in. (26 x 37.1 cm)

image: approx. 9 x 13 3/4 in. (22.9 x 34.9 cm)

Frontispiece (color lithograph)

Ichikawa Sadanji [II] as Sadakurō 

定九郎 市川左団次

artist: Tanaka Shikō 田中紫光 signing as 紫光 Shikō

近江源氏先陣舘 中座五月狂言

May performance at the Naka-za

Ōmi-Genji senjin yakata (The Genji vanguard at the Omi mansion)

(中村鴈治郎) 佐々木三郎兵衛盛綱

Nakamura Ganjirō [I] as Sasaki Saburō bei Moritsuna




May performance at the [Osaka] Shōchiku-za 

Hana no gosho (Muromachi gosho) - The scene outside the gate of the Muromachi mansion


Written by Kidō Okamoto [author and playwright (1872-1939)]


Ichikawa Sadanji [II] as military commander Ikeda Tango





岡山 岡山劇塲

神戸 松竹劇塲 五月興行

An original work by Maeda Shozan [1872-1941]

Adaptation by Kurashima Sagoromo [1876-1945]

Moyuru uzumaki (Burning spiral)

May performance playing in Okayama at the Okayama Theater and in Kobe at the Shōchiku Gekijo


right: Jitsukawa Enjaku [II] as the servant Yokichi, actually Katsura Kogorō


left: Bandō Jusaburō [III] as Hayashi Kiyonosuke

神田劇塲五月狂言『月魄』久松少佐宅の場 (成美團一派) [成美団一派]

May performance at the Kanda Theater: Tsukishiro (Moon spirit) - The scene at Major Hisamatsu's residence (Seibidan Troupe)


right: Saori Keiichirō [1870-1943] as Army Lieutenant General Kawakami Masurao

都築文男の陸軍少佐久松喬 center: Tsuzuki Fumio [1883-1946] as Army Major Hisamatsu Takashi


left: Kita Jirō 喜多治郎 [?-?] as Count Umekōji




May performance at the Kado-za:

Kagerō (Heat haze) - The scene at Tanizaki farm

Written by Ojima Hamatarō


right: Hanayagi Shōtarō [1894-1965] as Tatsu, the younger sister [of Tanaizaki Ryōma]


left: Fujimura Hideo [1889-1968] as Tanizaki Ryōma, [a family friend and farm owner]


Historical film: Sorekara no Mongaku

Modern film: Minoya no musume (The daughter of Minoya)

市川荒太郎の遠藤武者盛遠right (top image): Ichikawa Aratarō as End Musha Morit [later becoming the monk Mongaku]


center (top image): Azuma Aiko as Kesa Gozen


left (bottom image): Yanagi Sakuko [柳さく子 (1902-1963)] and Umemura Yōko [1903-1944]

Note: There seems to be no record of the  Mongaku film pictured in the top image in the Shōchiku or other Japanese film databases. There is a passing reference to it in a 1924 issue of  Kinema junpō キネマ旬報 (the movie times).

Prize contest (懸賞) to identify the actors in the photos.

Four people are lined up. Who are they? 

Please identify them from 1 to 4

Submit your answers by postcard as usual to the contest department of our company by June 20th.


Colophon and announcement of prize winners

(see Colophon Details for publishing information in left margin)

Right side within border: announcement of prize winners for free subscriptions.

Left side within border: Listing of branch offices of Engei shashin

Colophon Details

Engei shashin (Performing arts photographic), issue 6 of the third year, published once a month on the 1st day

Approved as a third-class mail item on July 5, Taishō 11 (1922)

Printed and submitted on May 28, Taishō 13 (1924)

Published on June 1, Taishō 13 (1924) 


all rights reserved


Price per copy: 50 sen

New Territory (shin ryōdo*): 70 sen

Postage: 1 sen 5 rin

* the Japanese colonies of Korea, Taiwan, Southern Sakhalin Island, Kuril Islands, South Pacific Mandate


Editor and publisher: Takashima Komanosuke

Printing house: Ando Photography and Printing Works

Printer: Ando Kanenori

Publishing house: Kansai bungeisha managed by Engei shashinsha

Colophon Transcription








定價壹部 金五拾錢

新領土 金七拾錢



編輯兼發行人 高島駒之助

印刷所 安藤寫製版所

印刷人 安藤兼則

發行所 合資會社

關西文藝社經營 演藝寫

Back cover

Advertisement, featuring the cartoon characters Mutt and Jeff for the 寫真新聞 Shashin shinbun launched in December 1923

"Hey! You should sign up soon. I agree!!"

オイ! 君モスグ 申込メヨ 賛成!!

Selected Pages from Engei shashin Volume 3, Number 7, July 1924

IHL Cat. #2746

click on image to enlarge

Engei shashin Volume 3, Number 7

演藝冩眞 第三年 第

cover art (lithograph):

Nakamura Kichiemon [I] as Kajiwara Heizo

[初代目] 中村吉右衛門  梶原平三

artist: Koshō Nobukata 古荘信方 (active 1896-1926)

signed: no signature; sealed: unread within red outlined square cartouche

published: July 1, Taishō 13 (1924)

publisher: Kansai bungeisha, managed by Engei shashinsha

大正十月一日 發行

發賣所 關西文藝社經營 演藝寫眞社

overall size: approx. 8 9/16 x 11 7/8 in. (21.8 x 30.1 cm)


Notification to Members

(rough partial translation)

We must inform you of a regrettable situation. Some unscrupulous individuals have been taking advantage of our company’s success to deceive readers, using similar names or formats to create fake publications.

Should any reader encounter such counterfeit publications posing as ours, we kindly ask you to inform us immediately.

We ask you to remain vigilant and not be misled by any imposters.


Notification to Members

See above for an abbreviated rough translation of the notification

Lithographic reproduction (a foldout), an offset press printing. Records of the Valiant and Loyal Retainers,  Act VII, 忠雄義臣録 七, 1847-1848 by Utagawa Kunisada (Toyokuni III) (1786-1865)

sheet: approx. 10 1/4 x 14 5/8 in. (26 x 37.1 cm)

image: approx. 9 x 13 3/4 in. (22.9 x 34.9 cm)

尾上菊五郞  [6代目]  め組辰五郞

Frontispiece (color lithograph)

Onoe Kikugorō [VI] as Megumi no Tatsugorō [in the play Kami-no Megumi Wagō-no Torikumi (The Fire Brigade Fight)]

artist: Tanaka Shikō 田中紫光 signing as 紫光 Shikō

坪內博士作 お七と吉三


Hongō-za [Tokyo]

Oshichi Kichisa - The lovers Oshichi and Kichiza

Written by Dr. Tsubouchi

[Tsubouchi Shōyō 坪内逍遥 (1859-1935)]


Nakamura Fukusuke [V] as Oshichi

Nakamura Tokizō [III] as Kichisa

(中座六月狂言) 愛宕山連歌の場『天下知桔梗籏揚』

(Naka-za, June performance)

Atagoyama renga scene from Amegashita shiru kikyō no hataage


Jitsukawa Enjaku [II] as Takechi Hinata kami Mitsuhide


Arashi Kichisaburō [VI] as Yasuda Sakubei


Bandō Shūchō [III] as [Mitsuhide's] wife Satsuki


Nakamura Shikō [I] as [Mitsuhide's] younger sister Kikyō

名古屋歌舞伎座 『天 恩』後凋學舍會議室の塲

Nagoya Kabuki-za, Ten'on* - The scene in the school conference room


Kita Jiro as Sakai Akira


Tsuzuki Fumio as Sagawa Keiji


Saori Keiichirō as Kawashima Genkichi

*See play summary below.

*Right margin commentary: Ten'on

The iron factory owner Kawashima Genkichi has been caring for Okyo since she was a child and now intends to marry her off to Sagawa, who has grown into a fine man. Both Okyo and Sagawa are excited about the prospect. However, due to Kawashima’s past connection with the heiress of the ruined Kojogakusha , he rejects Okyo’s marriage. After making significant contributions to the school [the Kojogakusha], Sakai Akira tries to win over the heiress Masumi with all his might, but she refuses. Masumi's father, Tadayuki, then shifts his focus to other matters, trying to prevent the influence of Kawashima’s anger over Sakai's actions. Genkichi decides to take back control of Kojogakusha from Masumi's hands and, while running around to secure funds, finds out that it was all part of Sakai's scheme. Realizing the truth, Sakai is filled with regret and gives up on his plans.


The Little People Island Opera Troupe has arrived

The performers are said to be little people born in Russia. The troupe consists of five members, each with a height of around two to two feet three inches, though they have the appearance of fully-grown adults.

After a successful performance at the Jurakukan Theatre in Kobe, they are now staging the hit "Madame Servin" at the Osaka Shochikuza Theatre starting in late May, which has drawn considerable attention. The photo shows the troupe arriving at Shochikuza, and two members in the back are still sitting in their car. Though they are physically small, they carry themselves like full-grown adults, and none of their actions seem out of the ordinary. 



Kamata Films "Sunday"

First National Films Under the


right: Hiroshi Masakuni (正邦宏) as company employee Kawamura and Nobuko Satsuki (五月信子) as the typist Michiko in the Kamata Films 1924 movie Sunday (日曜日).

left: Boris Karloff (ポリス・カーロフ) as the Nabob of Menang and Katherine MacDonald (キセリン・マクドナルド) as Lola Daintry in the 1922 movie The Infidel which was released in Japan with the title Sekidō Chokka 赤道直下 (Under the Equator). 

Monthly prize contest (懸賞) to identify the actors in the photos.

Four people are lined up. Who are they? 

Please identify them from 1 to 4... 

Submit your answers by postcard as usual to the contest department of our company by July 20th.

Colophon and announcement of prize winners

(see Colophon Details for publishing information in left margin)

Right side within border: announcement of prize winners for free subscriptions.

Left side within border: Listing of branch offices of Engei shashin

Colophon Details

Engei shashin (Performing arts photographic), issue 7 of the third year, published once a month on the 1st day

Approved as a third-class mail item on July 5, Taishō 11 (1922)

Printed and submitted on June 28, Taishō 13 (1924)

Published on July 1, Taishō 13 (1924) 


all rights reserved


Price per copy: 50 sen

New Territory (shin ryōdo*): 70 sen

Postage: 1 sen 5 rin

* the Japanese colonies of Korea, Taiwan, Southern Sakhalin Island, Kuril Islands, South Pacific Mandate


Editor and publisher: Takashima Komanosuke

Printing house: Ando Photography and Printing Works

Printer: Ando Kanenori

Publishing house: Kansai bungeisha managed by Engei shashinsha

Colophon Transcription








定價壹部 金五拾錢

新領土 金七拾錢



編輯兼發行人 高島駒之助

印刷所 安藤寫製版所

印刷人 安藤兼則

發行所 合資會社

關西文藝社經營 演藝寫

Back cover

Advertisement for the "Shashin shinbun" 寫眞新聞, launched in December 1923. The three panel cartoon features the character Shō-chan (正チャン) and his sidekick squirrel Risu telling everyone what a good thing the "Shashin shinbun" is.

The dialogue in the cartoon panels read:


シラ シマセウ



キット! ミンナ 申込ムヨ!!! 

Selected Pages from Engei shashin Volume 3, Number 8, August 1924

IHL Cat. #2747

click on image to enlarge

Engei shashin Volume 3, Number 8

演藝冩眞 第三年 第

cover art (lithograph):

Jitsukawa Enjaku [II] as Igami no Gonta

[二代目] 実川延若 いがみの権太

artist: Koshō Nobukata 古荘信方 (active 1896-1926)

signed: no signature; sealed: 信方 Nobukata within red outlined rectangular cartouche

published: August 1, Taishō 13 (1924)

publisher: Kansai bungeisha, managed by Engei shashinsha

大正十月一日 發行

發賣所 關西文藝社經營 演藝寫眞社

overall size: approx. 8 9/16 x 11 7/8 in. (21.8 x 30.1 cm)

The Spring Lineup

Lithographic reproduction (a foldout), an offset press printing. Records of the Valiant and Loyal Retainers,  Act VIII, 忠雄義臣録 八, 1847-1848 by Utagawa Kunisada (Toyokuni III) (1786-1865)

sheet: approx. 10 1/4 x 14 5/8 in. (26 x 37.1 cm)

image: approx. 9 x 13 3/4 in. (22.9 x 34.9 cm)

Frontispiece (color lithograph)

Ichimura Uzaemon [XV] as [Scarface] Yosaburō

 与三郎 市村羽左衛門

artist: unknown artist - signed and sealed

柳紅 (Ryūkō?)

公園劇場 『姐妃のお百深川木場の場

en Theater: Dakki no ohyaku (Ohyaku the demon women) - Scene at Fukagawa Kiba


Uchida Yoshimi? as musume Otsuyu


Kawai Takeo as the geisha Kosan (later the courtesan Ohyaku)

京都座。角座 『紅涙日記 蔦榮の家形  

Kyoto-za, Kado-za: Kōrui nikki


Hanayagi Shōtarō as Tamatoya Tsutae?


Yamada Kōryō as the adoptive mother of Ohisa

Prize contest (懸賞) to identify the actors in the photos. "Who might this be?”

Colophon and announcement of prize winners

(see Colophon Details for publishing information in left margin)

Right side within border: announcement of prize winners for free subscriptions.

Left side within border: Listing of branch offices of Engei shashin

Colophon Details

Engei shashin (Performing arts photographic), issue 8 of the third year, published once a month on the 1st day

Approved as a third-class mail item on July 5, Taishō 11 (1922)

Printed and submitted on July 28, Taishō 13 (1924)

Published on August 1, Taishō 13 (1924) 


all rights reserved


Price per copy: 50 sen

New Territory (shin ryōdo*): 70 sen

Postage: 1 sen 5 rin

* the Japanese colonies of Korea, Taiwan, Southern Sakhalin Island, Kuril Islands, South Pacific Mandate


Editor and publisher: Takashima Komanosuke

Printing house: Ando Photography and Printing Works

Printer: Ando Kanenori

Publishing house: Kansai bungeisha managed by Engei shashinsha

Colophon Transcription








定價壹部 金五拾錢

新領土 金七拾錢



編輯兼發行人 高島駒之助

印刷所 安藤寫製版所

印刷人 安藤兼則

發行所 合資會社

關西文藝社經營 演藝寫

Back cover

Advertisement for the "Shashin shinbun" 寫眞新聞, launched in December 1923. The three panel cartoon features the character Shō-chan (正チャン) and his sidekick squirrel Risu telling everyone what a good thing the "Shashin shinbun" is.

The dialogue in the cartoon panels read:


シラ シマセウ



キット! ミンナ 申込ムヨ!!! 

Selected Pages from Engei shashin Volume 3, Number 9, September 1924

IHL Cat. #2748

click on image to enlarge

Engei shashin Volume 3, Number 9

演藝冩眞 第三年 第

cover art (lithograph):

Ichikawa Shōchō [II] as Chigusaya Oman

[二代目] 市川松蔦 千草屋おまん

artist: Koshō Nobukata 古荘信方 (active 1896-1926)

signed: no signature; sealed: 信方 Nobukata within red outlined rectangular cartouche

published: September 1, Taishō 13 (1924)

publisher: Kansai bungeisha, managed by Engei shashinsha

大正十月一日 發行

發賣所 關西文藝社經營 演藝寫眞社

overall size: approx. 8 9/16 x 11 7/8 in. (21.8 x 30.1 cm)

Preface (rough translation, in part)

Dear Esteemed Reader: Recently, an entity claiming to operate in the same way as our organization has emerged. We strongly urge caution regarding this impostor, which has been engaging in fraudulent activities under the guise of our brand. Rest assured, we will continue to stand firm against such deceitful behavior, and we ask for your continued support in safeguarding the reputation and integrity of our company. 


Notice to members

Lithographic reproduction (a foldout), an offset press printing. Records of the Valiant and Loyal Retainers,  Act IX, 忠雄義臣録 九, 1847-1848 by Utagawa Kunisada (Toyokuni III) (1786-1865)

sheet: approx. 10 1/4 x 14 5/8 in. (26 x 37.1 cm)

image: approx. 9 x 13 3/4 in. (22.9 x 34.9 cm)

Frontispiece (color lithograph)

淀君 [中村]歌右衛門

Nakamura Utaemon [V] in the role of Yodogimi

artist: unknown, signed Reison hitsu 嶺邨筆, sealed Reison 嶺邨

怪談 「牡丹燈籠」 萩原新三郎宅の塲


Ghost story - Kaidan botan dōrō (The peony lantern) scene at the residence of Hagiwara Shinzaburō

(Naniwa-za August performance)

萩原新三郎 (中村扇雀)

Hagiwara Shinzaburō (played by Nakamura Senjaku [I])

召使お米の靈 (實川芦紅)

Spirit of the Servant O-Kome (played by Jitsukawa Rohō? [1892-?])

娘お露の蝶 (中村福太郎)

Maiden Otsuyu (played by Nakamura Fukutarō [1898-1970])

『噫伊藤巡査』 松島常盤橋上 (角座八月狂言)

[Osaka] Kado-za August performance

"Ah, Officer Itō" [ā itō junsa] - Matsushima Tokiwa bridge scene


Fujii Rokusuke [1874-1931] as Kamakubi no Matsu


Kobori Makoto [1885-1957] as Officer Itō


The Ichikawa Sadanji Troupe embarks on a tour and inspection of Mainland China

*Left margin commentary (rough translation) 

To inspect and tour the Chinese mainland, a group of 80 people, including Ichikawa Sadanji, Ichikawa Sumizō, Ichikawa Arajirō, and Nakamura Shikaku, departed on August 6 aboard the merchant ship Taichū Maru from Kobe. The departure of this significant group, including members of the prestigious Takashima family, who are pillars of the contemporary theater world, made this mainland tour a meaningful event for Shochiku. The send-off was a lively scene, unlike anything seen in Kobe in recent times. The photograph shows the group enjoying themselves on the deck of the Taichū Maru, with Sadanji and Sumizō featured on the lower right.


 Passionately devoted period movie actors*

from right to left: Matsumoto Saburō 松本田三郎, Ichikawa Aratarō 市川荒太郎, Asao Komejirō 尾工女次郎

*see Passionately Devoted Movie Actors for a partial and rough translation of the text in the right margin

* Right margin commentary: Passionately Devoted Movie Actors

The explanatory text in the right margin extols the actor Ichikawa Aratarō, stating in part that he is a young actor at the Shochiku Kamo studio, [who] has only recently joined the world of cinema, but he has been diligently studying directing methods and costumes for period films. In his latest film, he made a striking innovation by tying his hair in a chignon directly onto his scalp, without using a habutae silk pad. He was the first to try this style, adorning his moon-shaped shaved patch with great care. Following his lead, many young actors . . . have adopted this new hairstyle, but some older actors have turned their noses up at it. Given that actors of all ages tend to be vain, the fact that these young actors have taken such a bold step suggests that they are truly dedicated to their craft and the pursuit of beauty.    


Nagoya Misono-za and Kyoto Minami-za August performance: Chizome no bakufu - Blood-stained waterfall by the Shinsei Theater Group [Shinsei geki]


Nakata Shōzō [1893-1945 - leader of the Shinsei Theater Group] as Jūzō of Iwataki


Nagoshi Senzaemon as the fisherman Sakubei


Yamaguchi Toshio [1897-1945] as Kimbiki no Kichisaburō



松居松翁[松井松翁]氏譯 (アルト・ハイデベルヒ)


Tsukiji Small Theater summer performance

Old Heidelberg written by Wilhelm Meyer-Förster, translated by Matsui Shōō

"Memories" at Lyuda's house


Tomoda Kyōsuke [1899-1937] as [Prince] Heinrich

Tamura Akiko [1905-1983] as Käthie

*Old Heidelberg Brief Summary

Source: Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Old_Heidelberg_(play)

A German romantic play by Wilhelm Meyer-Förster first performed in 1901. While studying at the Heidelberg University, Prince Karl [Heinrich] from Saxony falls in love with Käthie, an innkeeper's daughter, but has to give her up when his father dies and he is called to return to his homeland and rule as king.

唉き揃 ふた 下加茂の花

The gathered flowers of Shimogamo


Introducing the actresses from the Shōchiku Kinema Kamo Studio.  



School of mermaids
Teikine Studio's seaside bathing

On August 2nd, the Nankai coast was bustling with actresses from Teikoku Kinema enjoying a day of swimming . . . All of them were actresses from the Shinpa [Shimpa] troupe.

Prize contest (懸賞) to identify the actors in the photos. 


There are four faces, but only two people. Who do you think they are?

Colophon and announcement of prize winners

(see Colophon Details for publishing information in left margin)

Right side within border: announcement of prize winners for free subscriptions.

Left side within border: Listing of branch offices of Engei shashin

Colophon Details

Engei shashin (Performing arts photographic), issue 9 of the third year, published once a month on the 1st day

Approved as a third-class mail item on July 5, Taishō 11 (1922)

Printed and submitted on August 28, Taishō 13 (1924)

Published on September 1, Taishō 13 (1924) 


all rights reserved


Price per copy: 50 sen

New Territory (shin ryōdo*): 70 sen

Postage: 1 sen 5 rin

* the Japanese colonies of Korea, Taiwan, Southern Sakhalin Island, Kuril Islands, South Pacific Mandate


Editor and publisher: Takashima Komanosuke

Printing house: Ando Photography and Printing Works

Printer: Ando Kanenori

Publishing house: Kansai bungeisha managed by Engei shashinsha

Colophon Transcription








定價壹部 金五拾錢

新領土 金七拾錢



編輯兼發行人 高島駒之助

印刷所 安藤寫製版所

印刷人 安藤兼則

發行所 合資會社

關西文藝社經營 演藝寫

Back cover

Advertisement for the "Shashin shinbun" 寫眞新聞, launched in December 1923. The three panel cartoon features the character Shō-chan (正チャン) and his sidekick squirrel Risu telling everyone what a good thing the "Shashin shinbun" is.

The dialogue in the cartoon panels read:


シラ シマセウ



キット! ミンナ 申込ムヨ!!! 

Selected Pages from Engei shashin Volume 3, Number 10, October 1924

IHL Cat. #2749

click on image to enlarge

Engei shashin Volume 3, Number 10

演藝冩眞 第三年 第

cover art (lithograph):

Ichikawa Chūsha [VII] as Higuchi Jirō Kanemitsu

[in the play Hirakana Seisuiki]

[七代目] 市川中車 樋口冶郎兼光


artist: Koshō Nobukata 古荘信方 (active 1896-1926)

signed: no signature; sealed: 信方 Nobukata within black outlined rectangular cartouche

published: October 1, Taishō 13 (1924)

publisher: Kansai bungeisha, managed by Engei shashinsha

大正十月一日 發行

發賣所 關西文藝社經營 演藝寫眞社

overall size: approx. 8 9/16 x 11 7/8 in. (21.8 x 30.1 cm)


This year marks three years since the beginning, and we are deeply grateful for the enthusiastic support of all the members, which has greatly contributed to our prosperity. On behalf of all the staff, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude. 

Lithographic reproduction (a foldout), an offset press printing. Records of the Valiant and Loyal Retainers,  Act X, 忠雄義臣録 十, 1847-1848 by Utagawa Kunisada (Toyokuni III) (1786-1865)

sheet: approx. 10 1/4 x 14 5/8 in. (26 x 37.1 cm)

image: approx. 9 x 13 3/4 in. (22.9 x 34.9 cm)

Frontispiece (color lithograph)

[Nakamura] Fukusuke [IV] as Matsuyama Tayu

 福助 松山太夫

artist: unknown, signed Reison hitsu 嶺邨筆, sealed Reison れいそん

本鄉座九月狂言 梅の由兵衛


"Hongō-za September performance:

Ume no Yoshibei - Kobashino no kusaido


Jitsukawa Enjaku's [II] dye shop owner, Yohei


Asao Daikichi [IV] as Tamahori Niemon?

中座九月狂言 「美代吉殺し」


Naka-za September performance: Miyokichi goroshi - Miyokichi's murder

The scene on the boat under Eitai Bridge 


Kitamura Rokurō as Obanaya Miyokichi


Kataoka Gadō [IV] as Yoshidaya Shinsuke 

Prize contest (懸賞)

Who is on the right, and who is on the left? Please clearly indicate... Submit your answers in a postcard by October 20th to the Prize Section of our company.

For the first prize, one winner will receive a one-year subscription to the photography newspaper. For the second prize, two winners will receive a six-month subscription each. For the third prize, ten winners will receive the November issue.

The results will be announced in the November issue.


壹等當籤者一名へ寫真新聞壹ヶ年講讀券一枚・貳等二名へ同半ヶ年一枚宛 ・参等十名へ同十一月號壹部宛. ・發表は十一月號誌上にて ・・・

Colophon and announcement of prize winners

(see Colophon Details for publishing information in left margin)

Right side within border: announcement of prize winners for free subscriptions.

Left side within border: Listing of branch offices of Engei shashin

Colophon Details

Engei shashin (Performing arts photographic), issue 10 of the third year, published once a month on the 1st day

Approved as a third-class mail item on July 5, Taishō 11 (1922)

Printed and submitted on September 28, Taishō 13 (1924)

Published on October 1, Taishō 13 (1924) 


all rights reserved


Price per copy: 50 sen

New Territory (shin ryōdo*): 70 sen

Postage: 1 sen 5 rin

* the Japanese colonies of Korea, Taiwan, Southern Sakhalin Island, Kuril Islands, South Pacific Mandate


Editor and publisher: Takashima Komanosuke

Printing house: Ando Photography and Printing Works

Printer: Ando Kanenori

Publishing house: Kansai bungeisha managed by Engei shashinsha

Colophon Transcription








定價壹部 金五拾錢

新領土 金七拾錢



編輯兼發行人 高島駒之助

印刷所 安藤寫製版所

印刷人 安藤兼則

發行所 合資會社

關西文藝社經營 演藝寫

Back cover

Advertisement for the "Shashin shinbun" 寫眞新聞, launched in December 1923. The three panel cartoon features the character Shō-chan (正チャン) and his sidekick squirrel Risu telling everyone what a good thing the "Shashin shinbun" is.

The dialogue in the cartoon panels read:


シラ シマセウ



キット! ミンナ 申込ムヨ!!! 

Selected Pages from Engei shashin Volume 3, Number 11, November 1924

IHL Cat. #2750

click on image to enlarge

Engei shashin Volume 3, Number 11

演藝冩眞 第三年 第十一

cover art (lithograph):

Nakamura Kaisha [VII] as Ohaya

[七代目] 中村魁車 おはや

artist: Koshō Nobukata 古荘信方 (active 1896-1926)

signed: no signature; sealed 信方 Nobukata within red outlined rectangular cartouche

published: November 1, Taishō 13 (1924)

publisher: Kansai bungeisha, managed by Engei shashinsha

大正十十一月一日 發行

發賣所 關西文藝社經營 演藝寫眞社

overall size: approx. 8 9/16 x 11 7/8 in. (21.8 x 30.1 cm)


(rumor denial)

We are deeply grateful for the enthusiastic support from everyone, which has greatly contributed to our prosperity. On behalf of all the staff, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude.

However, recently, there have been surprising rumors that our company may suspend or discontinue operations, which have caused concern among various people. It is with deep regret that I must inform you that due to unforeseen circumstances, the publication of our newspaper has been delayed for two months. I want to assure you that there is no cause for concern regarding the continuation of our services. The delay was primarily due to our efforts to improve the quality of our printing department, which took more time than expected during the busy summer season. We also faced challenges in reorganizing our sales operations, which affected our capabilities. As a result, we ask for your understanding and patience during this time.



"In the fields, myriad flowers bloom in profusion, and the mountains are adorned like woven brocade. The autumn scenery is truly splendid..."

*See above for translation of rumor denial by editor

Lithographic reproduction (a foldout), an offset press printing. Records of the Valiant and Loyal Retainers,  Act XI, 忠雄義臣録 十一, 1847-1848 by Utagawa Kunisada (Toyokuni III) (1786-1865)

sheet: approx. 10 1/4 x 14 5/8 in. (26 x 37.1 cm)

image: approx. 9 x 13 3/4 in. (22.9 x 34.9 cm)

Frontispiece (color lithograph)

Nakamura Kichiemon [I] as Kajiwara

梶原 中村吉右衛門 

artist: Tanaka Shikō 田中紫光 signing as 紫光 Shikō




October performance at Benten-za: Akegarasu yuki no akebono (Tragedy on a snowy night) - The scene at Yamanaya


Ichikawa Aratarō as Kasugaya Tokijirō


Jitsukawa Enshō III as Midori [Urasato's daughter]


Nakamura Shikō as the courtesan Urasato

中座十月狂言 [三國一戀港〕

Naka-za October performance

 Sangoku ichi Koi no Minato (The first love harbor in the Three Kingdoms)


Ichikawa Ichizō [IV] as the jewelry shop proprietor Gihei


Nakamura Ganjirō [I] as Tamaya Shinbei


Nakamura Fukusuke [IV] as Fukuroya Kojurō


Prize competition


A family of three is happily playing mahjong together. Who could they be?

Colophon and announcement of prize winners

(see Colophon Details for publishing information in left margin)

right side within border: announcement of prize winners for free subscriptions.

left side within border: Listing of branch offices of Engei shashin

Colophon Details

Engei shashin (Performing arts photographic), issue 11 of the third year, published once a month on the 1st day

Approved as a third-class mail item on July 5, Taishō 11 (1922)

Printed and submitted on October 28, Taishō 13 (1924)

Published on November 1, Taishō 13 (1924) 


all rights reserved


Price per copy: 50 sen

New Territory (shin ryōdo*): 70 sen

Postage: 1 sen 5 rin

* the Japanese colonies of Korea, Taiwan, Southern Sakhalin Island, Kuril Islands, South Pacific Mandate


Editor and publisher: Takashima Komanosuke

Printing house: Ando Photography and Printing Works

Printer: Ando Kanenori

Publishing house: Kansai bungeisha managed by Engei shashinsha

Colophon Transcription








定價壹部 金五拾錢

新領土 金七拾錢



編輯兼發行人 高島駒之助

印刷所 安藤寫製版所

印刷人 安藤兼則

發行所 合資會社

關西文藝社經營 演藝寫

Back cover

Advertisement for the "Shashin shinbun" 寫眞新聞, launched in December 1923. The three panel cartoon features the character Shō-chan (正チャン) and his sidekick squirrel Risu telling everyone what a good thing the "Shashin shinbun" is.

The dialogue in the cartoon panels read:


シラ シマセウ



キット! ミンナ 申込ムヨ!!!