Picture Card Show

(紙芝居 kamishibai):

The Precious One Sen,

March 1942

IHL Cat. #2766

The Precious One Sen

(A National Policy Kamishibai)

Summary of the Story

The Neighborhood Association* under its chairman has instituted a savings plan, asking each household to contribute one sen per day to support the Imperial Army. Shōsaku-san, a member of the association, has taken it upon himself to visit each household to arrange for the weekly collection of each household's savings which are kept is a special savings box. 

Kamesuke, who is a single parent with an eleven year old son named Saburō, is a hard drinker, driven to drink by his loneliness after the loss of his wife three years earlier. He neglects his son, often leaving Saburō to prepare his own meals. Saburō knows about the savings program from his teacher and is determined that his family contribute. Hid dad, however, doesn't see the point of saving and would rather spend the money drowning his sorrows. Through Saburō's determination to do the right thing and the dedication of Shōsaku to have every neighborhood family contribute, Kame-san eventually sees the error of his ways, states he will stop drinking and not only agrees to save one sen a day, but pledges to save 20 sen per day, an amount requiring significant sacrifice of non-essentials during wartime rationing and economic conditions. 

The picture card show closes with an early morning visit by the association to the neighborhood Shinto shrine where they all "pledge to save and serve the nation," contributing 20 sen per day, and end their "once wasteful habits ... with order and discipline."

*Neighborhood Association (tonarigumi) was a community-based mutual aid organization established by the Ministry of Home Affairs under the Imperial Assistance Rule Association (taisei yokusankai) in 1940. 

The Context

In March 1942, Japan was riding a wave of early military successes, capturing Singapore in February and advancing through the Philippines and Dutch East Indies and dominating much of the Pacific and Southeast Asia. However, as their empire grew, supply lines became stretched and availability of natural resources were a growing concern. 

On the home front, the economy was fully oriented toward war production and government bonds and savings campaigns were heavily promoted. Price controls and rationing of food, fuel and consumer goods were in effect to prioritize supplies for the military.  Freedom of speech was suppressed, and censorship was widespread. Media outlets were controlled by the government and turned into propaganda machines to maintain morale and encourage sacrifice, thrift, and patriotism. 

Neighborhood Associations (隣組) were used to distribute rations, organize civil defense, monitor civilian compliance with government directives, promote savings to support the war effort and build morale. 

click on an image to enlarge

Envelope containing the 24 cards

尊き一 錢 



The Precious One Sen

Nippon kyōiku kamishibai kyōkai sakuhin

A work of the Japanese Educational Kamishibiai Association

Price: Two yen and forty sen (¥2.40)

Card facing audience

尊き一銭  Tōtoki issen

The Precious One Sen


Nippon kyōiku kamishibai kyōkai  

Japanese Educational Kamishibai Association


[Instructions for narrator]


Explanation of the cover


To be chanted aloud


本居宣長の歌。 朗詠が出來ない場 合には、その儘朗讀してもよし。

A poem by Motoori Norinaga.* If you cannot chant it, simply reading it aloud is also acceptable.


敷島の  大和心を  人間にゞ

朝日に匂ふ  山櫻花 

Shikishima no / Yamatokokoro wo / Hito towaba / Asahi ni niou / Yamasakurabana

Should anyone ask me / about the Japanese spirit / it is the wild cherry blossoms / blooming in the morning sun.**


「秋の空氣」の餘韻は(心の引きしまるのを感じる。) といふ叙情の言葉を省略した意味。 

The lingering feeling of "autumn air" implies the meaning of the lyrical phrase "feeling one's heart tighten" without explicitly stating it. 







At the entrance of Motoori Shrine in Matsusaka City, Mie Prefecture, where the scholar Motoori Norinaga is enshrined, a man stands making a solemn vow.

The dawn sky has yet to fully brighten, and the crisp, chilly air of autumn lingers.



(wait a brief moment)

(pull the card)

*Motoori Norinaga (1730-1801) was a prominent 18th-century Japanese scholar and poet.

**as romanized and translated on the website of Consulate-General of Japan in San Francisco https://www.sf.us.emb-japan.go.jp/itpr_en/cg_osumi_240428.html [accessed 1-15-25]

Narrator script and instructions

Colophon and instructions for narrator



Provided by the Central Union of Co-operative Societies

(Sangyō kumiai chūōkai)

The Precious One sen

繪畫 小谷野半二

脚本 製作 日本教育紙芝居協會

Illustration: Koyano Hanji
Script: Produced by the Japanese Educational Kamishibai Association

(Nippon kyōiku kamishibai kyōkai)



The Precious One Sen

24 sheets/cards

尊き一錢 (版權所有)

Precious One Sen

(All Rights Reserved)



Printed on March 20, 1942 (Shōwa 17)

Published on March 25, 1942 (Shōwa 17)


編輯者 佐木秋夫

Address: 8 Tsukudo Hachiman-cho, Ushigome Ward, Tokyo City

Editor: Saki Akio [1906-1988]


發行者 相馬正男

Address: 1 Ginza West 4-chome, Kyobashi Ward, Tokyo City

Publisher: Sōma Masao


印刷者 小倉吉之助

Address: 5 Higashi-Ryogoku 3-chome, Honjo Ward, Tokyo City

Printer: Ogura Kichinosuke


印刷所 合名會社 小倉印刷所

Printing house address: 5 Higashi-Ryogoku 3-chome, Honjo Ward, Tokyo City

Printing house: Ogura Printing Company, Limited Partnership


發行所 日本教育畫劇株式會社

Publisher address: 1 Ginza West 4-chome, Kyobashi Ward, Tokyo City

Publisher: Japanese Educational Kamishibai Company, Ltd. (Nippon kyōiku gageki kabushiki kaisha )


會員番號 一二二、五一七

Japanese Publishing Culture Association

(Nippon shuppan bunka kyōkai) Membership Number: 122,517


A work of the Japanese Educational Kamishibai Association

(Nippon kyōiku kamishibai kyōkai sakuhin)

[作品番號] 247

[Work number] 247

Card facing audience

(Nakagawa Shōsaku): "Ah, good morning, Chairman."

(Credit Union Chairman, Suzutani): "Oh, Shōsaku. You're making your early morning shrine visit as usual, I see." 

(Shōsaku): "Yes, I'm here to pray for the continued military fortune of our Imperial Army and to make a vow about fulfilling my service to our country..."

(Chairman): "That’s wonderful. Such devotion embodies the spirit of the cooperative. So, Shōsaku, how is the daily installment savings effort going?"

"Well, since meeting with you at the credit union office, I've been encouraging everyone to join, but... (pause) As they say, 'Sincerity moves heaven.' I will put my whole heart into this and definitely accomplish it for you to see." 


[Annotations for narrator]

This is where a man (Shōsaku), having finished his shrine visit, meets the union chairman in front of the shrine. 

Nakagawa Shōsaku (supporting role): Dressed in traditional Japanese attire. He has a daily habit of visiting the shrine in the morning before going to work. He serves as the leader of his neighborhood association.

Credit Union Chairman Suzutani. Also visiting the shrine. A person who holds a leadership position in the town. Only appears in this scene.

[Shōsaku] expresses his resolve.

Narrator script and instructions




























中川庄作。(ワキ ) 和服姿。 朝、出勤前に神社 參拜を日課として ゐる。隣組長をし てゐる。

鈴谷信用組合長。 同じく參詣。町の 指導的地位にある 人。こだけしか 出てこない。


Card facing audience

(Tomokichi): "Hey, Kame, you're looking pretty lively first thing in the morning. Aren't you going to work? What are you up to?"

(Kamesuke): "What's that? What do you mean 'what am I up to,' Tomo? It's not like I'm enjoying myself. Listen here, I'm not rushing around frantically like you folks."

(Tomokichi): "Heh, you're acting pretty high and mighty."

(Kamesuke): "Don't you know? It's called military-demand inflation. Remember that!"

(Tomokichi): "Military-demand inflation? I don't know if it's inflation or influenza, but anyway, it's great that there’s a trend for prosperity these days."

(pull the card)


[Annotations for narrator]

Same morning as before. Later than the previous scene. Kamesuke. He is a day laborer. Usually called 'Kame.' His wife passed away three years ago, and he lives alone with his eleven-year-old son Saburō. He's a good person but loves to drink. (Main character)

Since he's drunk, speak in a loud voice.

This conversation has the familiarity of drinking buddies. Though the words are rough, the mood is friendly.

Express the feeling of laughing through the nose with a 'hmph.'

Narrator script and instructions


「おい 、龜公、朝つぱちから、いゝ顔色だな、仕事に行かねえのか?、どうするんだい。」 








「 軍需インフレだって?





同じ日の朝。前景よりのち。 龜助。人夫である。 普通「龜公」と呼ばれてゐる。妻は三年前に残し、息子三郎(十一位)と二人暮し。人は好いが酒好きである。(主人公)



「フフン」と鼻のさ きで笑ふ氣持。

Card facing audience


(Shōsaku) (quietly)
"Good morning, Kame-san. You're in an awfully good mood today. I stopped by last night to talk, but you weren’t home…"

(Kamesuke) (indifferently)
"Oh, is this about that savings thing?"

"It's just daily installment savings, and if we organize it through the neighborhood association, the credit union will properly come to collect every day - there's no hassle."

"Shō-san, daily deposit or daily nonsense, I don’t care. If I could manage to save, the sun would rise in the west! What a joke."

"But come on, Kame-san. Just try it—you might be surprised. It’s just one sen a day. How about it?"

"Listen, Shō-san. If I were going to save, I’d want to put away about a hundred yen a month. That’d be something worthwhile. But just one sen a day? Even after three years, I wouldn’t even have ten yen. There’s nothing to think about—I’m turning it down."

(pull the card)


[Annotations for narrator]

Same morning as before. After the previous scene. Shōsaku, aware that his conversation partner is drunk, speaks seriously.

 Kamesuke, although good-natured, has an inherent tendency for wastefulness and finds savings bothersome. Fueled by his drunken state, he expresses his refusal.

 Shōsaku remains completely unfazed by Kamesuke's gruff words and continues to speak with enthusiasm.

Kamesuke has a feeling of irritation, akin to thinking, "What a nuisance."

Narrator script and instructions


(庄作) (しづかに)


(龜助) (冷淡に)







「だがなア、亀さん。だまされたと思つて、やつて見な。それも、一日一銭だ。 どうだえ?」










Card facing audience

(Housewife A):
"Hey, didn’t Shōsaku come by to talk about savings? What happened?"

(Housewife B):
"He said it’s just one sen a day, so I joined in as a social obligation."

(Housewife A):
"Is that so? Why do you think Shōsaku suddenly started arranging these savings programs?"

(A brief pause)

(Housewife B):
"By the way, I heard you went to the movies yesterday. Was it good?"

(Housewife A):
"It was wonderful. I really enjoy contemporary stories. On the way back, I stopped by Matsushimaya and bought a kimono."

(Housewife B):
"Oh my! Did you find a nice pattern?"

(Housewife A):
"Nothing special, but…"

(Housewife B):
"That's nice. I’ll go take a look once I’m done here."

(Housewife A):
"Sure, and the oshiruko [sweet red bean soup] at Miyoshiya was so delicious!"

(pull the card)


[Annotations for narrator]

This scene takes place around noon, the same time as the previous events. It represents a so-called "well-side conversation" (a casual chat among housewives).

Even if it’s not entirely clear which of the three women is speaking at any given moment, it's enough to understand that one of the three is speaking.

Housewife A speaks in a slightly brash and higher tone.

Housewife B responds in a softer, slightly lower tone.

This scene illustrates behaviors such as watching movies, making unnecessary purchases, and indulging in treats like sweets, highlighting the wastefulness of such actions.

Narrator script and instructions







「さうね工。) 庄作さん、急に貯金の世話なんか始めて、どうしたつていふんでせう?」



「そりやそうと、昨日、映畫、観に行つたんですつてね。 よかつた?」















書頃。同じ日と考へてよし。 所謂井端會議である。三人の内誰と誰とが、しやべつてゐるか、はいきりとわからなくても、三人の内、誰かゞしゃべつてゐる事がわかればよい。但し、甲は蓮つ葉に、やゝ高い調子。乙は、それを受けて、少し調子を下げて。

 この場景で、映畫 無駄な買物、買喰ひなどが、行なはれてゐる事を呈示してゐる。

Card facing audience

(Neighbor Lady):
"Sabu-chan, is your father still not back?"

"Oh, it’s the lady from next door. My dad’s probably out drinking again."

(Neighbor Lady):
"Have you eaten dinner?"

"Yeah, I ate all of the leftover rice from yesterday."

(Neighboring Woman):
"Poor thing. Leaving Sabu-chan all alone without a mom, and wandering around drinking like that... I really don’t know what to think of Kame-san. Ever since Sabu-chan’s mother passed away three years ago, Kame-san has really changed."

(pull the card)


[Annotations for narrator]

Kamenosuke’s house. Night time.

Sabu-chan (Saburō), (eleven years old) a third-year student in the lower division of the National Elementary School, is Kamenosuke’s only son. The neighbor lady feels sorry for the boy who has no mother and stops by to check on him in this scene.

While the father is responsible for cooking rice, there are times when he finds it bothersome and skips cooking, opting to eat outside instead. As a result, there are occasions when Saburō ends with nothing to eat.

Narrator script and instructions















さぶちやん。三郎國民學校初等科三年生。(十一位)龜助の一人息子。 隣の小母さんが、母のない子を、可哀想に思つて、一す、見に來た課で ある。


Card facing audience

Saburō’s thoughts (slowly and clearly)
Today at school, the teacher said, 'Right now, everyone in Japan must save as much as they can. Saving money is a form of service to the nation that anyone can do.'

I want to save money too, but my father rarely gives me even one or two sen.

 (changing tone)
If only he would save the money he spends on drinking. That’s it! When he comes home tonight, I’ll tell him about the daily installment savings plan that Uncle Shōsaku mentioned and ask him to start saving one sen a day at home.

Saburō, speaking to himself
He’s so late. It’s almost nine o’clock already.

(slowly pull the card)


[Annotations for narrator]

The night grows late, but father hasn’t returned. Saburō has already finished studying and could go to bed, but he wants to talk to his father about the savings program...

[Speaking tone should be] as if to say 'That father of mine...'

A slight pause should convey a sense of reflection, as if Saburō is silently contemplating.

Narrator script and instructions

(三郎の思ひ) (ゆつくり、はつきり)










夜が更けてゆくが 父は歸らない。勉 強もしてしまったし、ねても好いのだが、貯金の事を父に話したいと思 ふし……

 (さらだ。お父さんなんか)といふ意 味で。


Card facing audience


 (Kamesuke in a low voice)
"Hey, Saburō. Your father’s home now. You’ve fallen asleep—"

(short pause)

 (A bit more forcefully)
"Saburō! You’ll catch a cold!"


 (pull the card)


[Annotations for narrator]

Though he has returned home completely drunk, upon seeing Saburō sleeping, he becomes somewhat sentimental. He speaks in a low voice.

He genuinely feels a sense of compassion.

Narrator script and instructions


(龜助) (低く)

「おい、三公。お父ちゃん、今歸つたぞ。 うたゝねして



 ! 感冒ひくぞ。」





醉拂つて歸つて來 たのだが、三郎の 寝姿を見て、少し 感傷的な気持になり。低い聲で。


Card facing audience

(Saburō) (Lecturing his father, in a slightly precocious tone)
"Listen, Father. They say we must save money, even if it's just one sen. The teacher told us yesterday. Ryo-chan's family also joined the daily installment savings that Uncle Shosaku started."

(Playfully appealing to his father)
Why don't we join, too?"

"Kids these days aren't acting like kids. Children shouldn't be the ones eager to save money."

 (as you pull the card)

"Kame-san. Here you go, the box is ready."


[Annotations for narrator]

The next morning, Saburō speaks to his father with a cheerful attitude, using childlike tactics—pleading, sweet-talking, to sway his father’s feelings.

Though Kamesuke feels the urge to snap, thinking, "What’s with this kid and saving money?" he cannot bring himself to scold Saburō outright, still affected by the events of the previous night, leaving him emotionally uncertain.

Shōsaku calls out from outside and leaves a savings box as he speaks.

Narrator script and instructions

(三郎) (父に説ききかせる。少し生意氣な調子)











翌朝、 明るい氣持で、父 に話しかけてゐるせがんだり、甘えたり、子供らしい 技巧で、父の氣持を動かさらとしてゐる。

「こいつめ、何でい 貯金なんか。」と頭 から叱りたいが、 昨夜の今朝でそれ も出來ずに少し生 にえの氣持。

庄作が外から、言 葉をかけて、貯金 箱を置いてゆく。

Card facing audience

(Shōsaku) (continuing from before)
“Put your money in and pass it along to the next house.”

“What’s this? You brought it yourself? So now we’re officially part of the group, huh?”

(Saburō) (excited but slightly suspicious)
“Father, isn’t this a savings box?”

(A short pause)

“So that’s it! Our house was part of the savings plan all along. Father, you kept quiet about it—how sneaky!”

(pull the card)


[Annotations for narrator]

Kamesuke’s thinking, 'This has turned into something annoying.'

Saburō is excited and pleased, but he keeps it to himself.

Narrator script and instructions

(庄作) (前よりつゞく)




(三郎) (嬉しがつて、然し半ば不審で)









こいつは、うるさ い事になったぞ、 といふ氣持。 


Card facing audience

(In a slightly low and slow tone)
The sound of a single one-sen aluminum coin dropping—soft, almost pleasant. It's a much different sound from the money usually left on the tavern's table.

(A short pause)

(Kamesuke) (quietly)
"So, this is what saving money is, huh? Ha, you're kidding me"

(A short pause)

(With a slightly raised voice)
"Saburō! Take it over to the neighbors."

(pull the card)


[Annotations for narrator]

Because Saburō was so happy, [Kamesuke] reluctantly put in one sen.

Narrator script and instructions












三郎が餘り喜ぶので、仕方なしに一 錢入れた。

Card facing audience

(Yatsu-chan, a little girl)
"Oh, it's you, Saburō-chan. Good morning."

(Saburō -chan)
"Good morning, Yatsu-chan. Here’s, the savings box."

"A savings box? What do I do with it?"

"What? Yatsu-chan, don’t you know? The teacher told us yesterday? The teacher told us yesterday. Battleships, cannons, tanks, airplanes, bombs - none of these can be made unless we save money. That's why we save one sen every day."

"Oh, I see. Got it. So after putting money in, I pass it to the neighbor, right?"

(Saburō -chan)
"Exactly! Do it quickly. If we’re late, it won’t make it in time for the war!"

(Pull the card)


[Annotations for narrator]

Yatsu-chan: A little girl from the neighboring house, around the same age as Saburō-chan. She could be considered the child of the previously appearing neighbor lady, or the child of the family living on the opposite side.

Deliver these lines clearly. [Referring to Saburō’s final line.]

Narrator script and instructions










( やつちやん)









Card facing audience

This morning, Nakagawa Shōsaku is once again making his rounds with the savings box in hand, visiting the neighborhood association. It’s been a month since the effort began, and things seem to be progressing smoothly. However, within this neighborhood association lies a significant obstacle: Kame-san's household.

At first, Kame-san went along with it begrudgingly, partly out of amusement and partly because his son, Saburō, persistently pleaded with him. But lately, he’s been coming up with one excuse or another and refuses to contribute even a single sen. The one most troubled by this isn’t Shōsaku but Saburō.

(pull the card)

Narrator script and instructions

今朝も、中川庄作が、貯金箱を下げて、隣組を廻つてゐます。始めて一月、どうやら順調、進んでゐますが、この隣組の内に、一つの難關があります。 それは、龜さんの家です。始めは、面白半分と、子供の三郎にせがまれるので、澁々ながらも、続いたのですが、此頃は、何んの、かのと言つて、一錢のお金を出して呉れません。これを気に揉んでゐるのは、庄作さんよりは、三郎です。


Card facing audience

“Dad, it’s time for savings. Give me one sen.”

“Savings? How much has it added up to by now?”

“Well, let’s see... it’s been three months, so it’s about 90 sen.”

“Three months to save 90 sen? Not even enough for a single drink—what a waste.
(Slightly more forcefully)
Saburō, just quit this saving nonsense!”

(Saburō, with a sniffly voice)
“No, Dad, I can’t quit. Please—”

(Kamesuke, shouting)
“Hey, shut up already! I said quit, so quit it! I’d much rather enjoy the taste of sake than the taste of saving!”

 (pull the card)


[Annotations for narrator]

He was growing tired of the whole thing. It wasn’t entirely that he begrudged giving even one sen, but the idea of saving money itself irritated him.

The phrase "to have a drink" refers to enjoying sake. The word "kattarui" means "tiresome " or "irritating."

Perhaps Kamesuke was simply in a bad mood, but he ended up yelling harshly at Saburō.

Narrator script and instructions










三。貯金なんか やめちまヘツ。」



 (龜助) (怒鳴る)

「えゝうるせいツ! やめろつたらやめちまへつ。俺あ貯金の味より酒の味の方がよつぽど好きだ。」




面倒くさくなってゐるのである。あ ながち、一錢の金を惜しいといふのではないが、貯金する事が、気に食はないといふ氣持


蟲の居處でも悪かつたのか、龜さんはとら〱三郎に 怒鳴ってしまふ。

Card facing audience

(A short pause)

 (Tomokichi, teasing)
"Hey, Kame-san, I’m impressed. You’re really sticking with the one-sen savings, huh?"

"Cut it out. I didn’t come all the way here to hear about savings. I quit that savings nonsense ages ago."

"You quit? Ha! Nice try. I bet you’re secretly saving a bunch. Maybe tonight we’ll have you treat everyone!"

(Kamesuke, getting defensive)
"Don’t joke around! I really gave up that annoying savings business ages ago. If you don’t believe me, go ask Shōsaku!"

"Hmm, suspicious. Chairman Suzutani was saying 'It's admirable that not a single person has quit.'"

(pull the card)


[Annotations for narrator]

At night, in the izakaya.

The "short pause" reflects both the sense of drinking and the continuation of a previous conversation.

Tomokichi: A previously mentioned friend "Tomo" of Kamesuke.

Tomokichi doesn’t believe Kamesuke.

Narrator script and instructions


 (友吉) (からかつて)

「龜さん。お前感心だぜ。よく 一銭貯金が續くね。」


「チヨツ。こゝへ来て迄 貯金の話を聞きや世話はねエ。 貯金なんてとつくに止めちまつたよ。」


「やめた? うまくいふぜ。  さては案外ためてるな。 今夜はみんな亀さんに奢つてもらをうか。」

(龜助) (むきになつて)



『「 フウン。可怪しいねえ。組合長の鈴谷さんが「感心に止める者が一人も居ない」って 言ってたぜ。』





「短かい間」は、酒 をのんでゐる感じと、話が前から續いてゐる意味を含 めて。



Card facing audience

Though it's Sunday, it's been snowing since morning.

"They say you don't need a blade to kill a laborer—just let it rain for ten days. Well, damn it, this snow just keeps coming down, doesn’t it?"

Saburō (cheerfully)
"Dad, get up and have breakfast. There’s still some left."

"Ah, you go ahead and eat your fill. I’ll cook something warm for you later. It’s so awfully cold this morning. Let me sleep just a little longer…(yawns) Ahhh."

(A short pause)

(As the scene shifts)

Shōsaku’s voice

 "Good morning!"


[Annotations for narrator]

A winter morning with snow.

Narrator script and instructions



「人夫殺すに刃物は要らぬ。 雨の十日も降ればよい、か。 ちき生め、よく降る雪だなア。」

(三郎) (朗らかに)



「アヽ、お前、いゝだけ食べろ。お書には暖かいのを炊いてやるからな。 今朝は又、馬鹿に冷えるぜ。 もう、ちつと、ねかしといてくれナ…… (あくび) アーア」








Card facing audience

(Shōsaku) (casually)
"The snow's really coming down, isn't it? Is your father in?"

(Saburō) (in a low voice)
"Uncle Shōsaku, it’s about the daily savings, right? Just a moment, please. I’ll bring it right out."

(pull the card)

Narrator script and instructions

(庄作 (氣安く)


(三郎) (低い聲)



Card facing audience

Saburō takes hold of the savings box, then retrieves a small bamboo tube from the desk drawer. From inside, he takes out a one sen coin and—

 (quietly pull the card)

Narrator script and instructions



Card facing audience

(Slowly, in a quiet tone)

 The father, who had been lying in bed under the futon, looked on without meaning to and felt something warm welling up deep in his chest. The lonely feelings he had carried since his wife passed away three years ago came rushing back—

(Slowly, fading out)

 The unusually forlorn figure of Saburō, seen from behind, stirred something within him. And then the realization hit: he had hardly been there for his son.


[Annotations for narrator]

The lingering sentiment in "the lonely feelings" conveys the poignant realization and surprise of unexpectedly witnessing the actions of one's child, who has grown up in their care.

Narrator script and instructions




何時にない、寂しさうな、三郎の後姿。 てんで、かまつてやらない自分。



「佗しい氣持と」の 餘韻は「思ひ合せ て、育った我が子の振舞をゆくりなく見た、おどろき」といふ叙情を意味する。

Card facing audience

Rarely giving him more than one or two sen as pocket money, he hadn't spent a single coin and had been saving it every day like that!

Thinking of this, he began to feel ashamed of himself, always drowning in drink.

 (slowly pull the card)

Narrator script and instructions

稀に一錢二錢位しか渡してやらない小遣ひを、少しも使はずに、あゝして毎日貯金して居たのか! と思ふと、酒びたりの自分が、情なくなってくるのでした。


Card facing audience

(Kamesuke's thoughts) (Quietly)
"He's the spitting image of his late mother."

(A brief pause)

(Still Kamesuke's thoughts) (Low, muttering to himself)
"Saburō... Your father will quit drinking and start working hard starting tomorrow. I won't let you worry about trivial things anymore, alright?"

(quietly pull the card)


[Annotations for narrator]

This scene portrays Kamesuke awakening to his sense of responsibility as Saburō's father.

The "alright?" at the end carries the nuance of "Alright, forgive me, will you?"

Narrator script and instructions

(龜助の思ひ) (靜かに)

「死んだお母ア そつくりてやがる。」


 (同じく龜助の思ひ) (低くひとり言。つぶやくやうに) 「三。お父ちゃん、お酒やめて、明日つから一生懸命働くぜ。お前にも、これからは、つまらねえ心配なんかさせねえから。な。」





「な」・・・「な、勘忍しろよ」といふ言葉 を含む。 

Card facing audience

(Shortly after that, on the evening of the neighborhood meeting)

"Nakagawa-san... I’ve got something I’d like to discuss with everyone…"

(Shōsaku) (Without any hint of teasing)
"Well, this is rare, Kame-san. Whatever it is, please don’t hesitate to say it."

"Well, um... it’s about the daily savings… I’ve been thinking about it since the other night. Savings are something anyone can do to serve the country, right? So, in addition to the one-sen daily savings, I was thinking of starting a twenty-sen daily savings as well..."

(as you pull the card)

"Hmm, well, Kame-san, that’s impressive!"


[Annotations for narrator]

 Throughout this scene, Kamesuke’s words should be slightly hesitant and timid, as if he’s speaking cautiously and nervously.

Narrator script and instructions




(庄作) (少しも、からかふやうな様子もなく)










Card facing audience

"By cutting out drinking, eating indulgently, playing around, or making unnecessary purchases—by avoiding all those invisible wastes—can’t we all easily save 20 sen a day? At this rate, who’s going to send bullets to the soldiers on the battlefield? Who’s going to support the front lines?

It’s us. It’s all of us. Let’s commit to a daily savings of 20 sen for three years, to be set aside without fail.

(Lifting his tone with enthusiasm)
And who suggested this? It’s none other than Kame-san! I couldn’t be happier—it fills me with joy beyond words!"

(pull the card)


[Annotations for narrator]

 This dialogue from Shōsaku reflects back on Scene 5, creating a thematic connection. Shōsaku’s words should convey a sense of conviction and earnestness, progressively building toward an impassioned tone to inspire and motivate others.

Narrator script and instructions










Card facing audience

The next morning, bright and early, the entire neighborhood association, led by Nakagawa Shōsaku, visited Motoori Shrine to renew their pledge to save and serve the nation. With the decision to commit to a daily savings of 20 sen firmly in place, it was clear that the once wasteful habits in each household would gradually be replaced with order and discipline.

On that early spring morning, the joyful applause of thirty people resounded crisply through the shrine grounds, brimming with renewed hope and determination.

(The end)

Narrator script and instructions


