Engei shashin

Volume 2, 1923

Selected Pages from Engei shashin Volume 2, Number 11, November 1923

IHL Cat. #2738

click on image to enlarge

Engei shashin Volume 2, Number 11

演藝冩眞 第二年第十一号

cover art (lithograph): Shibaraku

artist: Koshō Nobukata 古荘信方 (active 1896-1926)

signed: no signature; sealed: 信方 Nobukata within black outlined rectangular cartouche

published: November 1, Taishō 12 (1923)

publisher: Engei shashinsha

大正十貳年十一月壹日 發行

發賣所 演藝寫真社

overall size: approx. 8 9/16 x 11 7/8 in. (21.8 x 30.1 cm)

From the Preface - A Response to the September 1923 Great Kantō Earthquake

Looking at the formations of geese in the clear blue sky and seeing the mountains and fields adorned with a crimson brocade, we are in a wonderful season. We sincerely congratulate our esteemed readers for their continued support and wish them the utmost prosperity. Last July, our company launched "Performing Arts Photographic" to introduce emerging arts [e.g. shingeki 新劇, New Theater], which have become the darlings of modern culture, to society by gathering the finest talents from the theater world, both East and West. This publication received overwhelming praise and achieved remarkable growth, rare in the publishing world, soon after its launch, leading to the prosperity we enjoy today. This success is entirely due to the tremendous support from our readers and the extraordinary talents of the actors, for which we express our deepest respect and gratitude.

On September 1st, a historically unprecedented earthquake struck the Kantō region [Great Kantō Earthquake, September 1, 1923] centered around Tokyo, causing near-total destruction to the proud cultural cities of Tokyo and Yokohama. In response, our company dispatched staff to the disaster areas to document the situation and bring attention to the plight of the victims suffering from hunger, urging our fellow countrymen to provide aid as quickly as possible. Braving numerous challenges, our team worked tirelessly to capture the scene, and as a result, we were able to publish "Earthquake Disaster Report" leading the nationwide photo magazines. We received overwhelming requests, with tens of thousands of copies sought. This experience has made us keenly aware of the significant contribution that photo magazines can make to cultural advancement and social service. Consequently, we have launched a photo newspaper*, unprecedented in the East. Unlike traditional photo journals, this photo newspaper will capture daily events occurring in society, providing detailed explanations and publishing them monthly, serving as invaluable historical and educational material, unmatched by any other. Going forward, our company is committed to our photo newspaper and "Performing Arts Photographic," dedicating all our efforts to producing superior content with each issue to meet and exceed the expectations of our readers. We earnestly request your continued support and patronage.

*The Shashin shinbun 寫眞新聞 was launched in December 1923

November 1, 1923 

Kansai Bungeisha Ltd. Partnership

Eigei Shashinsha Management

Shashin Shinbunsha

Preface thanking readers and announcing launching of the Shashin Shinbun a photo newspaper. The publisher's response to the September 1, 1923 Great Kanto Earthquake is discussed, see above. (See "From the Preface" above.)

Frontispiece (color lithograph)

Ichikawa Ennosuke [II] as Musashibō Benkei designed by Koshō Nobukata 古荘信方 (active 1896-1926), signing his name 信方 Nobukata and using the seal のぶかた Nobukata.

Cartouches in upper right reading 武藏坊辦慶 川猿之助 (Ichikawa Ennosuke as Musashibō Benkei)

京都明治座十月狂言 『大森彥七』

Kyōtō Meij-za* October performance

Omori Hikoshichi


Nakamura Senjaku [I (1902-1983)] as Chihaya Hime


Ichikawa Kodayu [II (1902-1976)] as Omori Hikoshichi

*later known as the Shōchiku-za


Musashino no tanuki

Due to the earthquake, the performance of Tanuki of Musashino by the Soganoya comedy troupe* will be held at Osaka Naka-za in October

牝狸 (大磯): Female tanuki ([Soganoya] Ōiso)

古狸 (五郎): Old tanuki ([Soganoya] Gorō)

牡狸 (蝶六): Male tanuki ([Soganoya] Chōroku)

*see "Soganoya Comedy Troupe"

*Soganoya Comedy Troupe

Source: Soganoya, Gorō (1877–1948) by Fukushima Yoshiko, Routledge Encyclopedia of Modernism, Taylor and Francis, https://www.rem.routledge.com/articles/soganoya-goro-1877-1948

Soganoya, Gorō (1877-1948) was a Japanese actor, director and playwright who created a new genre of modern comedy called kigeki (also shinkigeki.) He wrote around 1,000 short comedies under the pen name Ikkai Gyojin. His comedy style was inspired by humor as well as the satirical and ironical laughter of Western comedy such as that of Moliére. Many of his works are still performed by the comedy troupe, Shōchiku Shinkigeki. His signature pieces include The Flower of the Luffa (1917) and Cherry Trees in Leaf (1933).

Soganoya became a student of the kabuki actor Nakamura Sangorō in 1892 and made his stage debut as the utility actor Nakamura Sannosuke at Osaka’s Naniwaza in 1893. In 1902 he met Nakamura Tokizo’s student, Nakamura Jidai (1869–1925) at the traveling kabuki troupe Osaka’s Fukuiza. In 1903, using their new names, Sannosuke as Gorō and Jidai as Jūrō, they formed Soganoya Brothers Troupe in order to create new comedy to replace the old style of comedy called niwaka which had been established by Tsuruya Danjurō in Osaka. Their debut in 1904 at Yūokaza in Itami near Osaka was a failure, but their first success came with Funny Kanjinchō acted for the traveling kabuki troupe, Nakamura Fukuen Ichiza in Wakayama, in which Gorō acted the role of Benkei and Jūrō Togashi.


Tokyo's theaters a complete mess

top right: Shintomi-za in Shintomi-chō

top left: Meiji-za in Hisamatsu-chō

bottom: Yūraku-za in Marunouchi

京都明治座 青年歌舞伎 十月狂言



Kyoto Meiji-za, October Young Men Kabuki (Seinen Kabuki) performance: Benten musume meo no shiranami, gonin otoko

Ichikawa Kodayū II [市川小太夫 (1902-1976)] as Benten Kozō Kikunosuke

Ichikawa Enzō [市川莚蔵 (?-?)] as Nango Rikimaru

Nakamura Senjaku I [中村扇雀 (1902-1983)] as Tadanobu Rihei

Kataoka Shūrō [片岡秀郎 (1888-1958)] as Nippon Daemon

Arashi Kakuzō V [嵐玨藏 (嵐珏蔵) (1900-1980)] as Akaboshi Jūzo 


Please compare the stage faces with their real face 

back row — Fukuoka Kimiko 福岡君子, Fujino Tsutae 富士野蔦枝, Izumo Hisae? 出雲久榮

front row - Miyoshi Eiko 三好栄子, Tamamura Utaji 玉村歌路, Fumiko Katsuragi 葛城文子 

Colophon and announcement of prize winners

(see Colophon Details for publishing information in left margin)

Right side within border: announcement of prize winners for free subscriptions.

Left side within border: Listing of branch offices of Engei shashin

Colophon Details

Engei shashin (Performing arts photographic), issue 11 of the second year, published once a month on the 1st day

Approved as a third-class mail item on July 5, Taishō 11 (1922)

Printed and submitted on October 28, Taishō 12 (1923)

Published on November 1, Taishō 12 (1923)


All rights reserved


Price per copy: 50 sen

New Territory (shin ryōdo*): 70 sen

Postage: 1 sen 5 rin

* the Japanese colonies of Korea, Taiwan, Southern Sakhalin Island, Kuril Islands, South Pacific Mandate


Editor and publisher: Takashima Komanosuke

57 Ōkawa-chō, Higashi-ku, Osaka City 

Printing house: Ando Photography and Printing Works

2-chōme-9 Kyōmachibori-dōri, Nishi-ku, Osaka City

Printer: Ando Kanenori

2-chōme-9 Kyōmachibori-dōri, Nishi-ku, Osaka City

Publishing house: Kansai bungeisha managed by Engei shashinsha

57 Ōkawa-chō, Higashi-ku, Osaka City

Colophon Transcription








定價壹部 金五拾錢

新領土 金七拾錢



編輯兼發行人 高島駒之助


印刷所 安藤寫製版所


印刷人 安藤兼則


發行所 合資會社

關西文藝社經營 演藝寫


Back cover

Back Cover Advertisement

Victor Aux-e-to-phone

One of the only two in Japan, the world's best loud phonograph. This machine perfectly reproduces the human voice as it is. It can produce sound ten times louder than ordinary phonographs!

Made by the American Victor Talking Machine Company Oak Setphon Imported by Sakai Kōseidō, Osaka

Back Cover Transcription

オークセトホン [ōkusetohon] 

日本に二つしかない 世界一の大聲蓄音機




輸入元 大阪酒井公聲堂

Cover - Engei shashin Volume 2, Number 11

"Borrowing" of an Earlier Design

On the right, Shibaraku from the album Kabuki jūhachiban gajō 歌舞伎十八番画帖, Vol. 1, 1917

by Kaneko Saburō 金子三郎.

click on image to enlarge

Preface Transcription - Engei shashin Volume 2, Number 11

碧空に雁行を眺め山野に紅の錦織なす好季ごなりました。讀者諸賢 には益々御清常に渉らせられ慶賀至極に存じます、弊社は昨年七月現 代文化の寵見ご生れたる新興藝術を社會に紹介すべく、東西劇壇の優 秀を蒐めたる演藝寫真を發行致しました處多大の御好評を博し、創刊 日ならずして出版界稀に見るの發展を遂げ、今日の隆盛を見るに至りましたは、偏に江湖諸彥の御愛顧ご俳優諸君の偉大なる術の力に依るこごろであります、茲に滿腔の敬意を表し衷心より感謝致します。 去る九月一日東都を中心に關東地方に史上未だ見ざる大地震起り、 文化を誇りし東京、横濱兩市も殆んご全滅に近い大被害を受けました、此際弊社は、災害地の情況を普く社会に報導し、飢饑に泣く罹 災民の窮状を同胞に訴へ其の救濟の一日も速かならしめんご、厥然ご震災地に社員を派遣し、萬難を排して現場を撮影し不眠不休奮闘の結果、全國寫眞雜誌に魁し「震災情報」を發行致しました處、忽ち十敷萬部の御愛求の策を蒙りましたは曩日の事であります、弊社は今回寫眞雜誌が如何に文化進展、社會奉仕の上に功献大なるかを 痛感し、東洋に於て未だ類例なき寫真新聞を創刊致しました、寫真新聞は従来の寫眞畵報ごは其の趣を異にし、年間三百六十五日每日 社會に突發する事變を寫真に撮影し、これに詳細なる説明を加へ月刊ごして發行するものにして絶好の歴史、教育の資料であつて他に何物の追従を許さぬものご信じます、爾後寫真新聞、演藝寫真兩誌を弊社の生命ごし精勵奮闘、號を重ねる毎に優越なるものを掲載し 読者諸彦の御期待に添ふべく盡碎致す覺悟で御座います、何卒倍舊 の御後授御愛顧の程偏に御願ひ申上げます。


合資會社  關西文藝社經營



Selected Pages from Engei shashin Volume 2, Number 12, December 1923

IHL Cat. #2739

click on image to enlarge

Engei shashin Volume 2, Number 12

演藝冩眞 第二年 第十

cover art (lithograph):

[Onoe] Kikugorō VI as Naozamurai

六代目 [尾上] 菊五郎  直侍 

artist: Koshō Nobukata 古荘信方 (active 1896-1926)

signed: no signature; sealed: 信方 Nobukata within red outlined rectangular caroutched

published: December 1, Taishō 12 (1923)

publisher: Engei shashinsha

大正十年十月一日 發行

發賣所 演藝寫真社

overall size: approx. 8 9/16 x 11 7/8 in. (21.8 x 30.1 cm)

Frontispiece (color lithograph)

Sawamura Sōjūrō [VII] as Nagoya Sanza

沢村宗十郎  名古屋山三 

 Designed by Koshō Nobukata 古荘信方, active 1896-1926, signed 信方 Nobukata and sealed 平象 Heizō


November performance at the Osaka Naniwa-za: Kunisada Chūji


Jitsukawa Enjaku [II] as Kunisada Chūji


Nakamura Jakuemon [III] as Kunisada's mistress Oman


Outdoor theater at Tokyo Hibiya Park:

Suō otoshi


In the front row, starting from the right:

彦三郎 Hikosaburō

[Bandō Hikosaburō VI 坂東彦三郎]

菊五郎 Kikugorō

[Onoe Kikugorō VI 尾上菊五郎]


[Onoe Eizaburō VII 尾上榮三郎]


[Ichikawa Omezō IV 市川男女]

Back row (from the right):


[Onoe Izaburō 尾上伊三郎]

 鯉三郎 Koisaburō

[Onoe Koisaburō III 尾上鯉三郎]


[Lower left inset]: stage scene for Suō otoshi


November performance at the Osaka Naniwa-za: Ataka no seki - The Ataka barrier

right: 源判官義經 (市川猿之助)

Ichikawa Ennosuke [II] as Minamoto no Yoshitsune

center: 富樫之助家直 (市川右團次)

Ichikawa Udanji [II] as Togashinosuke Ienao

left: 武藏坊辨慶 (實川延若) 

Jitsukawa Enjaku [II] as Musashibō Benkei


In the Rakutenchi [amusement park in Osaka] actors' lounge, eating sweet potatoes.

深澤恒造君, 河原市松君, 木下吉之助君

right to left: Mr. Fukazawa Kōzō, Mr. Kawara Ichimatsu, Mr. Kinoshita Kichinosuke

ユナイテツドアーテイスト 祉提供映畵 史劇


United Artists presents the historical drama Robin Hood.

*see below for a translation of the story summary appearing in the left margin


"Richard the Lionheart's favored one, Huntington, was betrayed by Sir Guy of Gisbourne, a vassal of Prince John, and while advancing to France, he was captured and thrown into prison. However, he was rescued by his loyal followers and returned to England, where he became the legendary outlaw Robin Hood.

"Together with his comrades, he rebelled against the tyranny of Prince John. He reunited with his beloved, Lady Marian, whom he had thought dead, but she was kidnapped by one of Prince John's henchmen. Enraged, he led his followers to the royal palace, where he managed to rescue Lady Marian from Gisbourne’s grasp, but along the way, he was captured and was about to be executed. At that moment, he was saved by a mysterious knight, who turned out to be none other than King Richard himself. . ."



Outdoor theater at Hibiya Park:

Uesugi Kenshin


Onoe Matsunosuke as Uesugi Kenshin

Prize contest (懸賞) to identify the actors in the photos. "Who might this be?”

Submit your answers to the Sweepstakes Department by December 20. Winners announced in New Year's Issue.

Colophon and announcement of prize winners

(see Colophon Details for publishing information in left margin)

Right side within border: announcement of prize winners for free subscriptions.

Left side within border: Listing of branch offices of Engei shashin

Colophon Details

Engei shashin (Performing arts photographic), issue 12 of the second year, published once a month on the 1st day

Approved as a third-class mail item on July 5, Taishō 11 (1922)

Printedand submitted on November 28, Taishō 12 (1923)

Published on December 1, Taishō 12 (1923)


all rights reserved


Price per copy: 50 sen

New Territory (shin ryōdo*): 70 sen

Postage: 1 sen 5 rin

* the Japanese colonies of Korea, Taiwan, Southern Sakhalin Island, Kuril Islands, South Pacific Mandate


Editor and publisher: Takashima Komanosuke

57 Ōkawa-chō, Higashi-ku, Osaka City 

Printing house: Ando Photography and Printing Works

2-chōme-9 Kyōmachibori-dōri, Nishi-ku, Osaka City

 Kyōmachibori-dōri, Nishi-ku, Osaka City

Printer: Ando Kanenori

2-chōme-9 Kyōmachibori-dōri, Nishi-ku, Osaka City

Publishing house: Kansai bungeisha managed by Engei shashinsha

57 Ōkawa-chō, Higashi-ku, Osaka City

Colophon Transcription








定價壹部 金五拾錢

新領土 金七拾錢



編輯兼發行人 高島駒之助


印刷所 安藤寫製版所


印刷人 安藤兼則


發行所 合資會社

關西文藝社經營 演藝寫


Back cover

Back Cover Advertisement

Victor Aux-e-to-phone

One of the only two in Japan, the world's best loud phonograph. This machine perfectly reproduces the human voice as it is. It can produce sound ten times the volume ordinary phonographs!

Made by the American Victor Talking Machine Company Oak Setphon Imported by Sakai Kōseidō, Osaka

Back Cover Transcription

オークセトホン [ōkusetohon] 

日本に二つしかない 世界一の大聲蓄音機




輸入元 大阪酒井公聲堂